28. Window

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Double update!!
So this is a long ass chapter, just me apologizing for ghosting.
I think you might want uto get comfortable for this chapter coz we have so slight smexy time between out two boys.
Mano's POV

I couldn't help the smile that was on my lips as I entered the lecture room with Ash's hand secured by mine. It made me at peace knowing I was there to keep him safe and most importantly he was mine.

I pressed his hand to my lips for a quick kiss before I slid in beside him. Thank god we had at least three classes together and the two separate, I'll have to work on letting him go on his own, Lord knows I was already possessive of this cute boy over here.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'm gonna slip Mano" Ash said as he tried to hide the blush that was already staining his cheeks pink.

"I can't help it, you're too cute" I said as I kiss his hand again not caring about who sees and what they thought, fuck them, I'm having a blast with Ash sitting this close to me.

"Okay, I'm just gonna go and sit right over there, I can't risk it Mano and you're making it way too difficult!" He exclaimed.

"No! I'm sorry, I promise I'll stop"
Ain't no way am I letting him sit over there without me.

Before he could argue Miss Ava entered the classroom (the petit lecturer he thought was gorgeous back there)

"Okay, so today we are talking about power exchange, learning human psychology includes learning about who holds the power in certain interactions or situations and who doesn't. It's everywhere, like for instance right now in this room I hold the damn power and you all don't. If I tell you to stand, you do so without asking why and that ladies and gentlemen is what power exchange is. One holds the power the other gives."

I felt attacked and I felt Ash tense beside me before looking at Miss Ava at the same time as she winked at me.

What the hell?

"So class your assignment is going to be around the topic of power exchange, I want you all to explore the world of power exchange, give me all the details you can find and it must be realistic, the best assignment will earn extra credit for the writer." She said as she dismissed the class

"Mano, Ash a word"
I literally froze and I felt Ash's hand tremble in mine. "My office please"

As we entered her office, a boy was already inside and he looked really nervous and anxious as hell, he looked scared.

"Hey munchkin, I thought I told you there's nothing to worry about they won't bite.
Now come give mommy some love" she said as she opened her arms to the much small boy who was probably the same age as me and Ash. My mouth dropped.

We watched as she hugged the boy like he was a fragile egg and kissed him very delicately. When she pulled away and the boy whined like a kid being denied candy.

"Ow baby, we have company" she said as she brought him towards us
"Dav meet Mano and Ashley and guys this is Davin, my little" she said with a huge grin and that's when the puzzle started making sense.

"Yes, I'm the one who's to train you and yes I know those three idiots from way back and we've been friends for a long time" she said "so when do you think will be okay or is now a good time coz I'm done with my day"

"Right now is fine but what about Ash, I'm supposed to drive him home"

"It's okay he can play with Dav in here and we can go somewhere and have a little chat" she said

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