10. The Kid

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Mano POV
I woke up to a dark room and a very silent house. Where the hell is everyone? And I'm hungry I need to eat.

Opening the door I make my way down to the kitchen only to find it empty. Well, I guess I'm the one who has to cook since there's no one around.

Gathering everything I thought I required to make a simple pasta meal, I hummed a song. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Billie Eilish she's good, a little dark but still dope.

I had a lot on my mind, it's been two weeks now and ever since that day with Mr ...... Sir he never came to class and i know it's because of me. the crazy part is i knew he had enjoyed what we did in his office that day. It was written all over his face. I was almost certain that he had wanted to do more and i knew that i wouldn't have refused him if he had asked.

I can't stop thinking of how he had handled me that day. I could still feel his teeth on my neck and the bruise was still there.

''who did that?'' I jumped my hand going straight to my heart

''You scared the shit out of me'' I turn to face Tan

''I asked you a question'' I gave him a confused look.

realizing my confusion he elaborated '' I'm talking about the bruise on your neck''
I was absently stroking it with my finger.


'' um my new friend was messing with me and he bit me over a stupid joke I made about him'' not convincing? I know, I suck at lying.

good thing he didn't push it but I could tell he wasn't happy about it either.

''I'm calling Terry, i miss him'' sometimes i wonder if Jas is a real grown man because he be acting like a kid sometimes. ''it's been two weeks now since we haven't seen him and its been two days since last we spoke''

''Jes just call him and put it to rest'' Tan sounded exasperated, i would too if I was stuck with someone like Jas.

By the time i was done cooking Jasper was done talking to this Terry fella whoever he was. They were sitting in the entertainment room watching some documentary and i sat next to him. He immediately pulled me closer to him and i really didn't mind, i already knew that he was a very touchy person. Well, i can't really say i knew but i could just tell by the way he acted around Tan.

''So we are having a visitor and I'm sure you remember what i told you about the visitors I have here?'' Tan broke the silence. He looked to be twitchy and definitely on the edge, whoever this Terry was he made my uncle like this.

''Yes i remember. I'm supposed to be respectful and well behaved'' i said and he looked pleased by my answer.

''Jas are you sure we should really let them meet?'' ouch that really hurt. Did they think i couldn't be able to just behave my ass around their visitor or what.

As they started talking i let my mind drift off to exactly what I've been avoiding ever since i got here. I started thinking of the three men i was quickly falling for and i was almost scared to meet this Terry person , only god knows how hot the men in my life suddenly just became and to add a fourth person...

Why do I have to be the one to want something that I know for shit I cant have? I've only loved one person in my entire life and the moment i move in with my uncle I start having all these feelings and if they were only directed to ine person it would have been better at least that way I could manage and handle the damn feelings, but know for whatever bad thing I did Mother Nature decided that falling for three, not boys but men, men that are twice my age, men that are gods just by looking at them, men that can make any girl and in my case any boy fall head over hills.

I can't look at one and think straight. It's like they radiate sex wherever they are. I have entertained the fantasy of them ripping me to shreds. All of them taking me in one way or another. And Sir god only knows the kind of thoughts I've had of him ever since that day. He's my perfect match, we're like a jigsaw we just match, a sadist to a masochist.  Perfectly compatible, it was like a match made in heaven. Not forgetting just how intense he was, not more than Tan but still very intense.   

Then comes Jasper, when it comes to my uncle it's like he's almost a kid even smaller than me. The way he looks at him it's like he's the most amazing thing he's ever set his eyes on and if he could eat him, my uncle would be no more on this day, I know it sounds cheesy but it's the truth. I want him to look at me like that too I'm almost jealous of my uncle. The thing is though, when he's with me it's like a switch just switches on and he's all this manly he's very stern but a sexy stern though. It's like he could make me do anything and I wouldn't object in fact I'd love it. He's dominant almost possessive just what i like.

I almost don't wanna think of Tanaka. The only person I can think of who I can compare him to is God himself. He's power. he's like a wolf dangerous when he's hungry and that's what scares and arouses me because every time he looks at me, i see this hunger in his eyes and i don't know what is. He has a stone for a heart, almost everything about him is cruel, I've tried to crack jokes around him the man never laughs. he's beautiful though, very attractive and very tall and strong I want him to just lift me and throw me to the wall and bang me until i forget everything even my own name.i want hi-

''Hes here!'' Jas screams as he gets up and my phone starts ringing.

i get up and go upstairs to my room to answer my call and also to change into something presentable not my sweats that i was wearing.

''Ashley'' i anser my phone as i enter my room

''did you ask your uncle if you could come to my house?

''i haven't but i will I promise''

''i could come to your place now if you want, i just wanna hang with you outside school'' he whined

''You can't coz we have a visitor and I'm supposed to behave but i will ask for tomorrow how bout that'' i  was balancing my phone between my shoulder and ear as i changed from my sweats to a pair of skinny jeans and a button-up shirt. i made my way down to the entertainment room. I entered the room still concentrating on my phone.

''Ashley I'll talk to you later I gotta go'' i hung up before he could say anything more.

looking up from my phone I came face to face with those hypnotizing green eyes staring directly at me. my heart was racing, this couldn't be happening.



so I'm sorry i left it here but i just couldn't go on. and sorry for being gone forever but that's because i had to rewrite this chapter a couple times. it was just not doing it for me.

hope you are enjoying the read 

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