34. The unfolding

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Hi loves,
I hope you're all safe with all this corona thing going on.

Anyway I just wanted to ask for a tiny little winy bitty favour. I really would appreciate it if umyou shared your opinions about this story especially on this chapter because this chapter determines the direction I would take this story. So pliz just leave a little something even if it's a critique.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy


"Now let's talk about that bitch I call my wife"

Everyone's head turned to the door where a very enraged Tan and a very furious Niall were standing. This was not good, its either someone was going it die or someone's already dead.

These two men furious at the same time to the same thing meant nothing good was ever going to came out of it. They were a very dangerous combination.Hell, the men where already scary on their own now imagine put together, you could literally feel the room vibrating with rage.  They were pure evil dressed in such beautiful masks.

"Mind you your wife is my mom so show some respect please dad, and we all should move to another room, my baby is sleeping." Mano said as he got out of the room and everyone just stared at the door not so sure what was riling him up as well.

"Well you guys deal with your family issues, I'm going, I have confessions to listen to" the priest said as he stood up. Yes he was going for confessions but deep down he new he just wanted to go and see her that's all. So he says his goodbyes and gets in the car and takes off.

"I better be going too, I don't think I want to be under the same roof with these two like this. Hope you sort out your issues as a family" Tristan said as he made his way to the door, he was already late for a very important meeting

"I'll head out with you, I need to be back in Russia this afternoon and I really dont want to be in the same house as these two monsters while they are like this" Alex said as he followed Tristan "good luck to you Nollan"

"This man was supposed to be back in prison last  night, I had to call in a few favours to extend his time out and now he's like this? Lord help us all" Nollan said as he followed to were Mano had gone.

So after everyone was gone and it was only Tan, Niall, Mano, Jas, Nollan and Terry left, they all made their way to the sitting room to hear what had these two men so pissed and Mano was just so irritated by the way his dad had spoken about his mom.

"Why would you even disrespect mom like that?" Mano asked as he settled on a sofa as did the other men.

"I said a bitch I call my wife not your mother Mano" Naill said. The were supposed to have already had this conversation a long time ago but apparently his son wasn't strong enough to sit through it.

"Well news flash, your wife is my mom dad."

At this Naill let out a chuckle.

"Dad you're really not being fair and respectful right now"

" you wanna know what's not fair right now? You wanna know what's really disrespectful? Don't answer that, I'm telling you anyway. What's really disrespectful is after telling you your whole goddamn life to not get attached to anyone, you literally go and do exactly that when all I was doing was protecting you and all of us!" Now all the anger that Niall had been holding was was oozing out of his every pore.

"How dad? How am I putting all of you in danger?" Mano asked

"Oh I'll lay it all down for you son" Naill said as he settled down. "That slut went and slept with the snake, and guess what she gave that fucker? A name. You wanna know whose name she gave?" Naill sounded really murderous and he knew it but just didn't give a damn, he had bigger issues to deal with.

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