38. Why not

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Meanwhile at the mansion.......

Mano's mouth was full, Ash was lying on his back on the couch while Mano worked his cock with his gd given mouth. All Ash could do was try and grab onto anything and everything as he was in ecstasy, Mano worked his cock with one hand wrapped around the base and his lips at the tip licking and sucking. With his other hand, Mano puts two fingers into Ash's mouth.

''Make them nice and wet baby boy'' he said and went back to sucking.

Concentrating on making the fingers wet was a challenge, all Ash wanted was to bite down hard as the sensations running through him were really intense. He licked and made sure they were slick enough and when Mano felt that his fingers were nice and wet, he pulled them out of Ash's mouth and placed them at his tight little hole earning a groan from Ash. God the things he'd do to hear the sounds his boy made. He entered him with his finger and fucked him with it with the same rhythm with his mouth. Mano tightened his fist on Ash's cock and continued to fuck him.

''Oh God, Yes!'' Ash couldn't control himself even if he tried, he wanted more so he pushed down to get more action, more friction and that's when Mano hit his prostate and he let out a loud moan. Mano unwrapped his lips from Ash's cock and the boy let out a whimper that was soon replaced with a shiver and a groan. Mano's tongue had replaced his finger, the boy saw stars and shuddered, he was going to cum any minute now at this rate.

Man was enjoying all the sounds his boy was making and he really liked the fact that they were caused by him. The moment his boy started shaking, he knew he was close and so he increased his pace.

''Cum for me boy, let me see you get lost in the pleasure I give you'' Ash loved how hoarse Mano's voice was. The orgasm crushed though him, for a moment he blacked out. Mano had placed his lips on his dick to prevent any mess.

''Fuck!'' Ash let the pleasure go through his entire body and Mano kissed him as the last of his orgasm passed.

''God, I want to fuck them so bad.''

Both Ash and Mano turned their heads to the door where three men were standing. They hadn't noticed when they got there but the evidence of how aroused they were was written all over their faces.

''Ashley is off-limits, don't forget that Mano said we shouldn't touch his boy'' Tan said as he took in the scene in front of them. As much as he wanted to taste Ash he knew he had to respect Mano's wish. He wouldn't want anyone he didn't want, to touch Mano. But then again, with the hunger inside him after going a whole month without any action, he knew he wasn't going to be gentle so it was rather better for the boy to stay as far away from him as possible.

''But I want to be with you'' A soft voice was heard and all eyes turned to Ash who just blushed under all the scrutiny. He wanted to be with them even though he knew they were brutal and never played gentle, that didn't stop him from craving them. Every time he'd steal looks just to stare at their lips, it was Terry who fascinated him the most. You just never knew what was going on with him. The man hardly said anything but he seemed to be the reasonable one not saying Tan wasn't reasonable but everyone knew not to cross Tan, the man was straight up scary he'd eat you up alive and even though he was all over the media, he just gave off that 'don't fuck with me vibe'. But Terry was like this puzzle, you just never knew where his head was at.

''Are you sure of what you're saying, baby boy?'' Mano asked. He knew just how aggressive his men could get and just how soft Ash was that he was really not sure about the whole thing but unless-

''I'll play with him'' Jasper voiced ''you know I'm the only one here capable of being gentle and giving him exactly what he wants. Tan and Terry can play with you because lord knows what those two have in their minds and only you can take it.'' Jas made a lot of sense that they all agreed to his suggestion.

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