32. Brutal

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So we are number 1 in sadism guys!!! Yeeeey. So because of this your girl thought it would be good if I give you some some you know😉

So this chapter is pure sadism so be warned, shit is about to go down with our boy.

I felt hot lips press against my wet neck as a hand made a trail up my spine. The water hitting  me was scorching hot but not something I couldn't handle, it relaxed me. The lips bit down not so hard but more in a sensual way as the hand that was trailing my spine made its way my  neck, the hand forced my head to turn to the right where my lips where met with another pair of lips. The kiss was like we had all the time in the world, his tongue sensualy danced with mine as he held me in place like he was afraid I'd disappear.

Turning me to face him, he slowly pushed my back to the shower wall and I willingly let him. Our moans and groans filled the quietness of the bathroom and I let out a moan when a hand hungryly grabbed by butt cheek. When my hands started trailing up his biceps that's when all he'll broke loose.

Grabbing both my hands in one of his, he pinned them up above my head as his teeth grabbed my bottom lip in a vicious way, it took everything in me to hold back the scream that was just at the tip of my tongue
"I'm going to brutally beat you then messilessly fuck you Mano. By the time I'll be done with you, you will know just how much I dont appreciate being walked out on" Tan's raspy voice filled the bathroom.

Well technically speaking, I hadn't walked out on just him but now was not the time to argue. Anyone in my place would have walked out. After being told all that information, I needed to process. But I guess I should have done that in a more civilised way than how I handled the whole situation. To be honest, if I was Tan I'd be angry at me too.

Leading me out of the shower, he dried me up before doing the same for himself. How I hadn't head him enter the bathroom, take off his clothes then enter the shower was beyond me.

He led me to the bed, I dont know if I should be glad that it's a four poster or maybe I should be mortified because right now I was standing at the feet of the bed with my hands tied up to the wood poster, there was no getting out of this even if I tried.

When he walked out of the cave that's when it hit me just how much damage I had done. One thing about Tan was that no matter how much he loved and enjoyed inflicting pain, I had never once saw him holding a can and when I had asked him he had simply said, and I qoute 'only the deserving gets caned by me' words that Jasper had later on told me what they meant. Apparently the only time Tan had used  a cane on someone was when he thought he had lost both Tarry and Jasper and had to let out some steam, and just to make things clear the guy was left a mess, that's why Tan never let himself loose. He was like a wild animal on a leash.

And now seeing him walk out that door holding a cane along with other things, gave me chills. Both in dread and anticipation, I've waited all day for this fucking moment.

Stopping in front of me he made eye contact and looking in his eyes, I knew I was were I was supposed to be. Tied on the bed naked, waiting to be mercilessly beaten before being brutally fucked... well I might have misplaced the words but that's not the point. The point is, this was home for me.

"This is a rattan cane you'll hear it before you feel it, the sound will scare you just like the pain you will get from it but that's the whole point. You see, this cane will hurt like a bitch but you, you are going to be a good boy for me and take everything I give and trust me, I'm going to give a lot.

A shiver runs down my spine as he gently caresses my hip. While his lips do unholy things to my ear.

"I want you completely exposed to me, scream, moan, groan all of it, do it all but one will save you." He let's out a dry laugh "no one is willing to save such a pathetic little boy like you, hell I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with you."

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