12. Chess

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Mano's P.O.V


Why does he always do this? Why does my dad always pick the wrong time to call me?

I'm in the middle of my video game and just when I'm about to win that's when he decides to call me.

Sighing, I pause my game and make my way to his office. Sometimes he annoys the living hell out of me and that's a lot coming from a 12-year-old boy.

''yes dad'' I answer as I close the door behind me.

''Son I think its time we have the talk, sit down'' he points to the couch that's in his office.

''Dad we've been having 'the talk' ever since I was 7, what talk are we having this time?''  honestly, I'm really getting tired of his talks.

It's like every year he has something for me I have to learn and I just hope this year is not about sex cause I won't be able to take it.

''I heard from your mother that you are having your first crush on a girl from your school''

''Dad I'm not having this talk with you'' I say as I try to stand and get out.

''sit''  his voice is calm but his body language says otherwise and I know that sign very well

Sitting my ass down I look at him and wait for whatever that he's about to say.

Lord help me.

he sits beside me and looks straight into my eyes, this is serious.

''What I'm about to tell you is very serious and I want you to listen very carefully '' I nod 

''You cannot get attached to anyone, son, and I'm talking about having feelings for anyone. Don't let anyone be your weakness because there are people out there that will use your weakness against you.

I know I may sound like a bad father or act like one but always know that everything that I do, I do it to protect you and your mother. you know when they say keep your loved ones close, well I want you to do the exact opposite. if you feel like you are getting too close to someone, I want you to push them away and by doing this you will be able to keep them safe.

''You know that I and your mother are in positions where we have a lot of enemies and that means you also son, have many enemies. Now this girl whoever she is, you are never to see her again and you must stay as far away from her as possible.''


''son this is for her own safety!! '' He closes his eyes for a second just to calm himself down  ''you need to understand that we can't afford to have a weakness and God forbid someone finding out your true identity.''

''So  dad-''

''you will listen to me, son!!!''  ''no questions asked, I know what's best for you and you will never find yourself with anyone as long as I'm alive. We can't be vulnerable!  do you understand?''

''Yes Sir '' 


My father's words kept on playing in my head as I just stared at my teacher, this whole day feels like everything is just blurry. I can't concentrate on anything. I keep playing everything that went on yesterday. Finally, I had all the men I wanted and I had them exactly where I wanted them to be. I was there soaking in deep pleasure, the kind of pleasure I had ever known.

I didn't want it to stop, 

I stopped it, I stopped everything.

It was all perfect, Jas was there giving me all the pleasure I wanted, God his kiss was probably one of the best kisses I've ever had. And his hands, he knew exactly where to touch and how. I was floating in ecstasy and Terry, he wasn't as gentle as Jas and as I expected, he knew how to deliver the pain. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Jas delivering pleasure while Terry delivered the pain. I loved it.

Then there was Tan.

you know they say when you play chess the King and the Queen are your strongest pieces, in this case, that's Jas and Terry. But there's one person whose stronger than the King and the Queen, the person who moves the pieces and that's Tan.

He was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed. He looked like he was staring and analyzing his most precious treasure and just the intensity of his eyes was capable of making me pee my pants that's how scary and intimidating he looked but also at the same time, they were capable of making me cum on the spot. 

''remove his shirt Jas'' I could barely make out what he was saying

all I know is my shirt was gone the moment the words left his mouth and Jasper's mouth was all over me. Terry was kissing my neck while Jas was on my nipples, all of this happened while Tan was just sitting and watching. These were the men I was falling for, these were the men I want to give myself to, I wanted them to possess every part of me. I needed them like I need air if not more.

Then it hit me.

''''' you can't get attached to anyone son. We have enemies everywhere and we can't afford to be vulnerable''''' 

My father's words came rushing in my head and I panicked. 

''Stop'' I said as I pushed Jas away and moved to a safe distance from all of them. they look at me and for a second, their eyes were filled with lust and hunger but then it all disappeared the moment they registered what I had done.

''I can't I'm sorry'' I said as I ran out of the room and made my way to my room where I locked myself for the rest of the night while I cried my eyes off.


I was brought back from my daydreaming by people moving and I knew the class was over and this was my last which means now I have to go and face my three musketeers, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. They are probably angry with me for stopping everything but in my defense, I had my reasons.

I have to listen to my dad and not get attached to anyone even if it's the men that I'm living under the same roof with.

I park my car in the garage and make my way into the house. At least this time no one is waiting for me by the door which means maybe they are not around.

I let out a sigh of relief as I make my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. As I'm drinking my water facing the refrigerator, two hands are placed on either side of my body and I'm trapped.

''Hallo doll, how was school today?'' Jas whispers as he nuzzles my neck tracing small kisses.

I won't survive this house, that's a fact.

''Jas move and stop'' I whine as I turn around to face him. 

Big mistake because the moment I face him, his lips smack on mine and god knows I can't resist this man's kiss. I kiss him back but after a second I push him off.

''If you think we are just gonna let you off just like that, well you better do your homework and think again because you Mano'' he points at me '' Will be ours'' he says as he leaves the kitchen.

Lord give me strength.


So sorry guys for the long wait, I was going through a worst-case of writer's block and I just couldn't decide which direction I wanted to take the story.

but I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I actually enjoyed writing it even though it took me a century to finish

and thank you all for reading.

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