7.Almost mistake

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Tanakas' POV

Angry doesn't even cover what I'm feeling right now. His face, his beautiful face is all blooded and swollen. All I want right now is to punch whoever the jerk is that did that to him.

''You need to calm the fuck down''

''Did you see his face Jas?''

''Of course, I did but you pacing around with a murderous face and with your fists clenched like that is only going to make the situation worse Tan'' 

of course, he was right but even if I willed my brain to calm down, my heart wasn't taking it. All I see is red. God, I've only known the boy for only two days and I'm already losing it. He's already bringing out the worst in me, I haven't been this out of control in a very long time and the last time wasn't out of something this petty.

I watch him as he makes his way down the stairs his hair still wet but he was now wearing something casual just a t-shirt and some sweats, he looked delicious. I want him, Lord knows I want him so bad. 

''Okay let's go to the sitting room and see the damage'' Jasper began ''ill go and get the first aid kit''

we walked into the sitting room in silence I have to first compose myself before I speak

Remove your shirt let me see your back. I expected him to refuse but to my surprise he complied.

I can't breathe, I can't even move my brain has completely lost all senses. It's bad the Lord is officially testing me and I'm failing. this is too much temptation and I'm tempted. I'm a hit mess in the most graceful way. the bruises damn those bruises look good on his skin.

All I can think of I'm me tying him up to my bedpost and whipping that pale skin of his until it is filled with my welts, I want to mark him si bad with my bruises and I can already picture all the perverted and  nasty ways I would do that especially with the help of my two best friends Jas and Terry. We would corrupt this innocent boy until all he can think of will be us. I want to own him, own his body, his soul, his breath. I want to own everything that says Manovich. I want to fuck him so hard that when I'm done with him he will be filled with my scratches and my bite marks. I want t-

'' beautiful isn't he?'' Jasper whispered in my ear pulling back to reality only to notice that my hands had found their way to his back and were caressing him. 

jerking away from him I stood at the door '' just take care of him I need to make a call''

I didn't wait for Jas to reply I had to get away from that boy before I did something that I would regret. I already wanted to jump him and my self-control was hanging by a loose thread. 

looking down at my pants I was met by a raging boner that was very evident through my pants. I need a cold shower now.


Mano's POV

Lying in my bed I couldn't get uncle Tan out of my mind. the way he had touched my back as if I was a delicate little baby. his hands felt so good and I prayed for him not to stop. I was only lucky that he was behind me or he would have seen my bother that was begging for release. Especially the time when he pressed down on a tender bruise and some excruciating pain had erupted and made its way to my groin, I could barely suppress a moan that temped to escape my mouth.

and then Jasper had rubbed something to my bruises and I almost came from the feeling of his hands running on my back. 

there are better ways of doing things. 

I drifted off to sleep thinking of my beautiful hunks and how badly I wanted them to damage me not forgetting a certain hunk at my college.


Jasper's POV

if it wasn't for Tan I would have already had my ungodly way with the boy. 

I made my way to Tanaka's room I know that's where he ran too after his little show. I almost felt bad for the guy but he was the only one in the way. 

I barely closed the door before I was attacked, firm but soft lips were on mine, hands running inside my shirt while my back was pressed against the door.

within seconds we were in a heated kiss, Tanaka's tongue was exploring every corner of my mouth and I couldn't hold back the moans. When he was like this, no one could stop him and I loved him when he was like this. 

''please'' I don't know what I'm begging for but I just know I want It and only Tan can give it we both need the release.

''tell me what you want doll'' and there he was, my very dominant sadistic Sir. 

A hard slap to my face bought me back from my thoughts and I remembered I hadn't answered him.

''don't make me repeat myself'' he groaned as he left a trail of hot kisses along my neck. How he expected me to think straight like this was beyond me.

''pain, I want pain'' I breathed and managed to let out and as soon as the words left my mouth he bit down on my neck hard and I moaned.

''I want you to strip and go wait for me facing the bed, hands behind your neck and legs spread'' he whispered into my ear and I shuddered. 

 As soon as he left the room I stripped out of my clothes and went and stood by the bed as he had instructed and waited for him. my mind was racing, what did he have planned? what was he going to use? it felt like years of waiting while the anticipation built.

Finally, the door opened.


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