35. Senses

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This is a very unique chapter, just giving yall a heads up.

Mano sat there as the men in the room strategised and planned on everything that they were going to do. He sat there as the men argued and agreed, bumped heads and came to an understanding, he watched as the men unfolded exactly how intelligent they were and how they never backed down. How they faced every challenge head on ruther than cower away.
He watched them.

He was watching them from afar, he was in that place that he always felt safe In, the place where no one and nothing could get to him. With his legs comfortably tucked under him and his head resting on the arm rest of the couch he was on, he watched all the men he loved go back and forth. With the pillow comforting him in his hands, he let nothing bother him. His mind was drifting in that place and not even the end of the world would take the good feeling way from him.

"Mano you'll stay here with Ash all the time and there will be guards around the mansion" Nothing was registering in his head, yes he could hear them but he just didn't care.

"Mano are you even listening"
Yes he was but he just didn't want anything to do with this conversation, processing everything all at once was just too much for his brain hence why he ran to that safe place that he knew nothing could get to him not even these intimidating men even if they tried.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck he's in sub-space"

"Shit, how did we not even see it"

Hands were on him, words were being passed and he was being rocked back and forth.

"It's okay baby I got you"

"We were so focused on the attack that we didn't even notice how much weight it was on him, having to deal and accept all this baggage at once was really just too much for him. I don't even blame my sweet boy for choosing sub-space than dealing with all this mess."

"Mano baby, we are all here and we're really sorry for all of this."

Lips were placed on his, a soft but possessive kiss, all he could do was submit to the kiss and let whoever it was take control. He was more than willing if it meant not dwelling on the present issues.

A hand firmly gripped his waist on that ticklish spot and he couldn't hold back the giggle that left his mouth but was soon followed by a moan.

"He doesn't know what he's doing, he's all over the place, we need to let him sleep and rest "

"No, we need to let him let out all the steam he's holding in, he needs to feel in control again"

"But it's dangerous playing with a sub in sub-space"

"Dangerous but not impossible, I've done that with you and you liked it. All we need to do is pay very much attention to him and make sure everything is okay and he's in a good place. He'll be okay."

"Okay I think you all can go tend to him, I'm going to check on Ashley, he's been out for long time now and he needs to eat"

Mano was naked on a bed with his arms tied to the bed as was his legs. Something was covering his eyes and headphones playing some sensual hard rock was plugged in his ears.

Someone was running something really soft up his chest, something that felt like the softest feather ever while someone was sucking his left nipple and there was someone on the other. Then there was the one who was at his hole prepping him while teasing him as well. The feather was striking him sweetly but the lips on both his nipples were not forgiving.

It was intense, feeling all these things at the same time and the music making everything worse. Mano didn't know what to feel, how to feel or what to feel. On one hand he was floating and on the other his feelings and senses were being deliciously abused.

Lips were placed on Mano's dry ones and they had to be from the feather person because the other two lips were still doing wonders on his nipples while the other person was still down and was now inserting something that vibrated inside him while stroking his length.

Whether these men were telling each other what to do, or whether one person was passing commands, it did matter all that Mano knew was that they were so much in sync, you'd think they were one person. Everything was precise and very accurate. The feelings they were drawing from his body if he tried to explain everything to someone, he wouldn't have the words or the person would literally think he had gone crazy.

All of a sudden he was like a ticking bomb. Hands, all their hands where all over him and lips were wrapped around his throbbing cock while the speed of the vibrator increased. It felt like the world was about to explode, like if he let go, everything would just explode but he couldn't hold it. They wouldn't let him hold it, they knew he was there and they were going to take him all the way through the explosion. It was a raging beast down the base of his stomach, something so strong he'd never felt anything like it. He was going to explode.

Blank, silence, heavy breathing, pain and most of all pure bliss.

"Holy shit"

"I think I just came from watching him orgasm like that"

"Anyone up for a fuck? My dick is about to explode"

"He's still vibrating"

,"I think we almost killed him"

"He's fine, he can take worse"

Mano was slowly returning to the world, he was not even gonna try and explain what had just happened, what he had just felt and where it had taken him.

"Am I dead" Mano asked

"Far from it"

"You're not allowed to die unless I say so"

"Jeez, way to welcome someone back"

"Ignore them, how you feeling"

"Like I've been hit by a Tsunami after having a really good time" that doesn't even make sense in his head but whatever.

"Okay let's clean you up and get some food in you"

After a long nice shower and a change of clothes, Mano enter the kitchen and is soon attacked by a very bubbly Ash.

"Good to see you too baby, what have you been up to'" he asks as he maneuvers both of them to the counter.

"There you are, sit down you need to eat, Ash babe you need to let him eat then both of you can go to his room and play okay?"

Ashley nods his head as he sits down next to Mano so that he could be close to him.

He couldn't wait to spend some time with his Daddy.


Sooooo what do you think about the whole not knowing who said what when? And who does what.

I wanted ya'll to use you imaginations and play around with the characters and decide for yourself who says what and who does what hope you enjoyed

So until next time✌

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