4. College

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Mano P.O.V

After they came down they called me to the kitchen for dinner. It was awkward.

The silence was not the comfortable 'were eating' kinda silence. Nop, it was the 'there's something we need to talk about but we are not going to' kind of silence. And the tension? don't get me started on the tension that was in the air between the three of us. How did I manage to screw up my very first day in my uncle s house?

God knows the men are straight when I'm here trying to contain the nasty thoughts that are trying to escape my mind. And the worst part is I'm not the 'normal' or at least my normal is different from everyone else's.

''So your mom said you are supposed to be starting college tomorrow Monday. Can you drive?'' My uncle finally broke the silence.

I nodded not trusting my voice at all.

''you will use one of my cars but make sure that whatever car you use, you take good care of it. I love my baby girls.

There you have it, Mano, they are straight even his cars are girls.

I hate my life.

''So I know you're 19 but as long as you are under my roof you will be under rules because this is a home, not some trash house'' I just stared at him ''your curfew is 10 pm, you better be in the house before that time or else.....'' 

Or else what? I thought 

''no throwing parties, I love my privacy. no doing drugs, smoking or anything that will cause you any harm and that includes getting into fights''

well..... about that

''most of all respect, you'll respect me and any other elder that will enter this house. every person that I allow in this house is respectable and you will respect them.''

I nodded my head. what was this? why is he treating me like I'm some kind of a 2-year-old? I'm an adult for fuck's sake, yeah I may not be that big but I'm also not that small. I have no problem with this whole respect issue at all my mom taught me better, my only problem is with the no fighting thing. I need the pain in fact I crave it to the point that if I don't get it I will completely lose it or I'll literally shut down. 

And I can't just go to a person and just be like ' hey can you please beat the living hell out of me?' people will think I'm insane, well maybe I am but it is what is. The only way I can get my fill is if I start a fight and get myself beat, but now I have no fucking idea how I'm gonna let that happen.

''hey Mano are you even listening to what I'm saying''


''yes Umm, no fighting and always be respectful. Got it'' okay I should quit the daydreaming.

''and never forget that never enter my bedroom unless I say so''

why would I even do that

''yes sir'' I said absent-mindedly and as soon as the words left my mouth, Jasper started chocking on the water that he was drinking.

and I swear I might have heard an ' I prefer Daddy' but that could be my stupid mind playing games on me. 

I'm a hot mess for my uncle and his ...... well whatever the hell Jasper is to him, probably a close friend.


After the awkward conversation consisting of me embarrassing myself and drooling over two men I know I could never have, I went to my room and took a shower. 

yes, a cold one. 

after drying up I jumped into bed in only my boxers and went straight to dreamland. 

The following morning consisted of me practically waking up late and was prolly gonna be late for my first class. Great.

''Morning Mano, you're late'' I heard a raspy voice say as I entered the kitchen to grab something to eat before I left.

''Morning, I know'' I snapped and was met with a daring glare and I melted ''I mean I know I'm late and I'm sorry won't happen again'' I corrected myself 

Grabbing the car keys he offered me I made my way out to the garage 

''Oh. My. God.'' was all I could get out of my mouth as I looked at the fleet of cars in front of me. 

I got to class pretty late and getting my timetable at the office even took much of my time, all thanks to the lazy sloppy secretary with her long nails. how does she even get anything done with those things?

opening the door of my first lecture, I made my way up to an empty seat praying I don't draw the lecture's attention

''I was told there will be a new kid joining in on the middle of the semester, what they didn't tell me was it was a disrespectful kid'' 

so much for avoiding any attention.

forcing myself  to smile, I turned around to face him ''I'm sorry sir I just didn't want to disturb you'' 

See this is the thing I love about college, no one cares what the fuck anyone's doing so I barely attracted any attention from the students. 

''introduce yourself to the class'' he gave me a weird look like he was challenging me to refuse.

what the hell? this is not some high school where I gotta introduce myself. 

'' umm were waiting for you, Mister'' 

Oh this fucker doesn't know me, smiling again this time much brighter  ''sorry sir I'm Jai, Jairos Mathew''

''well Jairos welcome, you can take your seat''

well, probably you are all thinking that I lied my name because no one is supposed to know my identity but that's not really the reason why, even if I had given him my real name no one would have suspected because I pretty look like your average boy not a son to some billionaires. but since he wanted to be all smart and humiliate me in front of all these students, well two can play the game.

As the lecture progressed  I started paying more attention to my teacher's features and goddamn is god putting me on some kind of test with all these good looking delicious older men that are suddenly in my life. This one was rough looking, not the bad rough but the good hot rough, I'm talking about the 'throw me against the wall and destroy me' kinda rough. The 'spank me until I turn blue-black and fuck me hard until I see stars' kinda rough. The l-

''you know staring is rude'' I looked up only to notice the class was almost empty and 'the man' was in front of me looking directly into my eyes.

kill me now


another update I hope you enjoy and please leave comments I'd like to know what you think.

what are your thoughts so far?

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