2. My Uncle

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I dragged my bags into Mr Nollan's car and got in read to go.

''Are you sure you want to go to your uncle's place?'' he asked as i buckled up my seat belt

''i wouldn't be getting into this car with my bags if i wasn't so sure'' i replied

the road was really quiet, neither me nor mr Nollan spoke. i was busy thinking and planning on how i was going to cope without any pain and god i hope they won't send me to therapy, i would die if they do. last time my parents sent me to therapy it was a disaster, the lady was really rude every time and she just never understood me.

oh and to think of how the craving started, he was so--

nop we are totally not going there buddy thinking about that day will just end up in one way and today is just not the day.

''so from what you parents have told me , you seem to have some weird behavior'' Mr Nollan finally spoke and right now id kill for him to get off that topic.

''define your weird'' I'm sure he could sense the frustration in my voice but he could eat shit for all I care.

''You seem to always get yourself in trouble and you always lose your fights. I'd say that's a complete waste of time and good skin. there is no point if you always lose'' he adds

I flash him a smile ''I wouldn't be so sure if I were you''

''Okay buddy we're almost there, are you ready?'' he asks

''I'm not but that doesn't mean I won't go''


Okay, this place is sick. Wow just wow, it's a huge mansion, unfortunately, I can't compare it to my place because I don't really know how big it really is but hot damn this place is beautiful. I wonder what this uncle of mine looks like, probably a rich huge man with a hanging belly and a bald head and most certainly full of himself just like my dad.

'' oh before I forget, here are the papers to your house and care also the bank card with your money and if youd want to keep me as your lawyer as well if be very delighted to stand by you as i am with you parents''

putting the papers in my backpack '' I'll keep in touch, now if you don't mind can we get this over with i want to sleep I'm tired'' i say in my very bored tone

''now don't forget, no one should ever know who you are or its gonna be very dangerous for you'' he warns

'' I'm not stupid, of course, I know that'' he is really starting to get on my nerves, or maybe it is just me craving p-

not going there either, oh Lord just give me a couple more days till I figure this mess. but I know sooner or later I'm gonna need to take care of a certain situation.

he knocks on the door and a middle-aged woman opens the door, well I guess this is the wife. but come to think of it, I don't remember Mr. Nollan mentioning a wife.

"Hi I'm Nollan and  this is Manovich w-"
"Just Mano please" I interrupted
"Well Mano is supposed to start living here with his uncle Mr Tanaka, I don't know if you were informed " he continued

The lady stared at me as if she was memorizing every corner and every line on my face.

"You are the young guest that he told me he was expecting? Except why didn't he tell me that it was a gorgeous looking young man!!" She exclaimed "you really are a beautiful young man, come on in let me make you something to eat while we wait for Mr Tan"

As I took a step in I noticed Mr Nolla standing still and not even bothering to enter. 

"My work is done here" he began "you have my number, call me if you need anything and remember no one must know except for your uncle" he finished

"No one must know what?" I heard the lady whispering beside me and all I could do was stare at her.

Was she really serious? I don't care whether she's my Uncle's wife but she's nosy and I hate nosy people.

After a few minutes I was sitting in a very luxurious sitting room drinking some soda while watching reality documentary on a very large screen.

This isn't bad actually, if it's gonna be like this with my uncle at work every day and with this lady who I think is the wife if she just leave me alone, I think I'll survive.

"Look at him" i heard a faint whisper
"I am looking at him Jasper" another rushed whisper
"How can you move in two people the same day" the first voice whispered but this time a little annoyed.

"Because its my damn house and I can do whatever the hell I want!" The second voice whispered a little louder and that woke me up.

Opening my eyes slowly but surely I sit up and noticed I had fallen asleep on the couch. It was comfortable so don't judge.

"Hi I'm Jasper and this is Tan"
I lifted my eyes to meet the voice that was speaking and if I say gorgeous doesn't even cover the half of what I was looking at , you better believe me. A chocolate  man with eyes that were a lite brown that would capture and lock you in them. He had long very long dreadlocks that reached his mid-back.

If I didn't know I was gay, this would be that moment I'd realize that. Because man was he hot, even though he was in a suit I cod tell how masculine he was under all of that.

"See i told you I was hot"
And that's when I realized I was gawking at Jesper for probably a long time. Way to make a first impression, good job.

As I moved my eyes anywhere but Jesper, they land in an ocean of blue eyes. Remember I said Jesper's eyes were very captive? Well cancel that because I've found ones that are way intense. I'm not even gonna attempt and process how the person they belong too looks like because my brains will malfunction.

"Welcome to my home Manovich " the man said. I believe he's the Tan, My uncle.


Hi readers so this is my first story so if you see any mistakes or anything please let me know.

I just can't wait to take this story where I want it to go !

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