37. And So it begins.

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Remember when I said this story is gonna get real deep? yeah, this is one of those chapters. if you are not into some torture gruesome kinda reading, just don't go ahead with this one coz it's getting real and I'm not holding back.

Unknown POV.

''I told you I wanted that Bitch at my place by noon, where the fuck is Timothy!!'' I'm literally surrounded by idiots who can't get even one thing right.

''Boss he said they got her and they are on their way here'' If it wasn't for the fact that I promised his dad to keep him safe I'd have broken his neck a long time ago. I hated this kid, he was a waste of my time.

''If they are not here in ten minutes someone is going to pay'' I say as a make my way to my office. 

I'm so close to getting the right information I need in order to destroy the so-called untouchables. Its time for some payback and I'm going to hit where it hurts the most. They are going to suffer and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it. No one messes with me and gets away with it.

My family,

My wife,

My empire,

and most importantly, my life.

They took all that away from me and now, now they are going to pay, each and every one of them. One by one I'm going to hunt them down and there's nothing they will do to stop me. blood, blood is gonna be spilled and tears shed but not my blood or tears.


''Boss they are here but the lady is still unconscious from the drug''

''Put her in the room and chain her and wake her up, then set up my table.'' Oh, the fun I'm about to have.

Entering the room, she was chained in the middle of the room, hands spread wide above her head, she was naked and blindfolded. Standing at the door, I took my time to appreciate her body, you can't blame me, the lady had it all going. Her chocolate smooth skin that just made me want to run my tongue on it but let's not get carried away, that's not why we are here. 

''I'd completely forgotten how beautiful and gorgeous you were Ava'' I said as I made my way to her and running my finger around her nipple, she flinched and I grinned. 

I liked a little resistance, made all of this a whole fun.

''Fuck you.'' Oh shes a fierce one

''I wish, but you see hun, that's not why you're here, I just need a little information from you about your friends that's all. And the easier you comply the better things are going to be for you''

''You must be out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm going to snitch on them'' Yes, confident on the outside but I can feel the fear dripping from every pore of her skin.

Running my hand on all the capable tools that were laid down for me on the table, I contemplated on where to start. As beautiful as her flawless skin was, I was going to make it a whole lot better after I was done with her. Removing the blindfold from her eyes I gave her time to adjust to the lighting and surroundings and when her eyes made contact with all the tools I had on the table she stiffened and that was my cue.

''Now like I said, we could do this the easier way and just tell me what I want to know, or we could do this the hard way'' I say as I pick up a pair of tweezers.

''Go to hell!''

''wrong answer'' 

Stepping on he right barefoot with my booted foot, I grab her big tore before forcing the tweezers between her nail and finger then with one swift movement, pluck the nail off. Her scream was like music to my ears and seeing the crimson blood slowly drip down just made me wanna do it again and so I did. I could hear her shuttering, haltering breaths as she attempted to control her pain and shock.

''Now, are you going to tell me where I can find them or not'' I changed the tweezer for a small knife that I ran across her face. ''we wouldn't want to destroy this beautiful beautiful face now would we?''

''You can do whatever you want, I'm not telling you anything'' I could see the fear in her eyes, she knew that this was only going to end in only way but she was so determined to see it to the end and boy was I going to take her all the way.

Putting a little pressure on the knife, I watch as it trails down leaving a trail of blood to follow as I cut from just under her right eye going all the way down to her lip before I stopped. I watched as blood trickled down hir cheek as if it were her tears. I liked what I saw and so that's how I ended up with where there had been smooth skin was just torn muscle that was covered in blood. And to think that at one point in my life this scene in front of me would have made me vomit, just the sight of blood but here I was redesigning someone's face and you know what, I liked it.

''Tell me and this will be over soon'' I say as I trade my knife for a small fire-breather that I had. ''And before you open that smart mouth of yours let me just tell you what I'm about to do. I'm about to roast you alive Ava, it's way better you just tell me where they are and I'll let you go.

She smirked and that's all it took. All I can remember are the screams of agony that she let out. The way her body tried and failed to run away from the heat, the way she cursed me and my whole family and the way she prayed to every god that she could think of. I remember so vividly how she begged me to just kill her and get it over with and finally after what took forever, I had what I wanted, what I needed, and every detail. I broke her to the bone and she finally let in. There was only so much pain that a person could take and she had reached her limit. the burns that covered her entire abdomen to prove that.

I could see the life leave her, see as she hung on the chain loosely with no life left in her, I felt pity for her students who were about to lose their professor. 

Picking up my gun, ''let me put you out of your misery sweetheart and if you see my parents on the other side, please tell them I'm doing all this for them'' and with that I pulled the trigger.

what a waste of a beautiful lady.

After calling out my team to come and do some cleanup and telling them to make a small delivery, I went to my room and had a peaceful shower knowing that my plan was starting to play out so smoothly. Very soon Tanaka, Terence, and Jasper will be at my knees begging for forgiveness.  I'm going to kill everyone they love one by one and they are going to watch me do it. 

It's time for some payback.


I've never struggled to write a scene like I did this one. As you already know, I'm a show than tell kind of a writer so I wanted to show just how much of an evil person our guys are dealing with but I had no idea it was going to come out like this.

I hope as much pain as this was, I hope I did the chapter some justice.

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