50. Harley Quinn

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Emmie's POV

"I'm going alone and that's it," I say for the millionth time. No one was listening to me but I wasn't backing down on this either.

"You know he's not going to welcome you with open arms Emmie, go with Alex, he'll be your backup," Nial says.

"You may as well just send us to our fucking deaths, of course I know I won't be welcomed with a fucking cake but I have a vagina and I know how to use it!"

Silence, total silence no one dares to say a single word and I can literally feel the temperature in the room drop as Nial narrows his eyes towards me. I could see the anger brewing in those eyes and it was evident he was hanging by a thread before he exploded.

"There's no way I'm letting my pussy near that poor excuse of a man. The more reason I need to be coming with you!" Nial all but yells, there was no way he was going to let his baby girl give out to Xavier.

"Fucking hell Nial, let me do this and besides I can take care of myself pretty well. " there was no way I was backing down on this. They wanted to micro-manage me like I was made out of glass.
" Whether you like it or not I'm going and I'm going in alone, none of you fuckers have the skill to get in and actually make Xavier listen to you so it's either you back me up or I'm doing this solo but either way I'm getting this shit done today."

I say leaving the room before any of them could argue any further. I go into our room and start putting on my biker leathers, yes baby, I'm going on my motherfucking bike, and whoever tries to stop me so losing their hands.

I finish putting on my leather pants, top, and jacket, then slide into my chilled biker boots and I was done. After applying makeup and straightening my hair, I grab my helmet and leave my room.

Time to go and put this beast of a body to use.

"Fuck no" were the first words that greeted me as soon as I entered the room the men were in. "You are not going on a fucking bike Emmie, that thing is not safe at all"

"Fuck you Nial. You and everyone else can go fuck yourselves for all I care." I say as I pass him.

"The plan is I get inside and make it to Xavier's room unnoticed but if I do get noticed dont worry about me, I can handle them." I finish as I get my keys and ready to leave.

I think they finally realize that I was not backing up on this and all they could do was see me out of the door and wish me luck.

"Wait," I say as the men surround me and I just realize I forgot something. " I forgot something, I'll be right back.

I feel their eyes on me as I rush back upstairs and within seconds I was back down and ready to go.

"Now, I'm ready," I say with a with grin as I spin my baseball bat in my hands. It was a present from non-other than Nial himself but that was only because of my love for Harley Quinn, I dont think he actually thought I'd ever use it but bitch please, chances like these don't come every day and now I can finally live my Harley moment. With my bat that was the exact same replica of hers, only that mine was way more gothic.

"Fucking hell. We're all gonna die at this rate"

"Have some fucking faith in your girl Daddy. I can do this, I promise" I say as I bring down his head and kiss him senseless and loud.

Before any of them choose to make this harder, I pull away and climb on my Ducati, my true love, one who never argues with me. I turn her on and just the sound she makes as I rave her, and her purr is enough to get me wet but I'll come deal with that situation when I'm back.

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