23. Isolation

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Just a warning
This is going to be a short chapter from what you're used to but I promise there's a solid reason. Hope you enjoy

Unknown POV

"So tell me Nollan, hows my boy doing?"

They were currently in a soundproofed room with no cameras or anything like that. They couldn't risk being heard and as a man with the power he held, nothing was impossible. He owned the goddamn prison.

"To be  honest, he's doing great. He lives quite a normal life. Goes to school and goes straight home if he's not a passing by the library. He also has one friend and he's a good kid" answered the lawyer.

"I want eyes on him 24/7 Nollan."

"And eyes he has, I have men watching him every time except when he's inside the house. Tan has a whole fortress and the place has high security even my men couldn't break in" he let out a

"Good , that's how I want it to be. God I miss my boy." The man voiced  "The world can't know who he is no matter what. Do you understand?"

"I do Sir but how am I supposed to prevent that when they already know him and your wife's brother are related and they know who the brother is."

The man laughed

"Learn to keep up lawyer." He stood up and slowly started to pace around the already too small room. A simple but very effective claim of who's holding the power.

"That small information was leaked by me. I gave the world a useless clue to focus on so that their focus is not on the big picture. I know Tanaka is not an idiot, if anything he's the most intelligent person I know. He won't let anyone put the puzzle together. Because my boy is related to Tan, the world is busy looking for a top class boy/girl, while my boy is out there living like a normal boy no one could ever suspect.

See, while others are big on actions and words, I use my brain hence why I'm in this lovely place they call a prison" the man's evil smirk was terrifying, the devil himself would run away.

He was very intelligent, Nollan could not argue with that fact but he had one thing he needed to understand.

"You know I could get you out if this place with no difficulties right? But you won't let me and also how can this place be lovely like you claim. It's a goddamn maximum prison for crying out loud. All the top most wanted people are brought here"

The man laughed and he was now standing by the window, dominance oozing from every pore on his body.

"See what I mean when I say learn to keep up Nollan. I'm very much aware that you can get me out of this place hence why you're my lawyer but I need to be in this place."

He walked from the window and leaned on the table facing a very flushed Nollan. The man was sex on legs, he couldn't deny that. He was attractive very much so and the cocky bustard new it.

"See, I'm in here for one purpose and one purpose only" he whispered " while my partner is out there dealing with everything outside, I'm busy recruiting an army of the most wanted men in here. I'm getting all of them on our side. We are the most powerful and most feared people me and my partner of course but then we want to increase our empire hence why I'm in here doing the job myself."

"Oh" that's all Nollan could say

"Now for the reason why I called you here, I want you to prevent any visitors from visiting my wife and that includes my boy. That bitch is a fucking traitor, I'll deal with her myself but as of now I want her in complete isolation. Can you do that for me?"

"You already know I can. I'm good at what I do" he smirked with a wink.

"Oh I personally know just how good you are" the man leaned in and kissed Nollan right on the lips.

"But that's for another time. Now you do what I asked."

He said already leaving the room without as much as a glance behind.


A short chapter I know but I'm starting to bring in the real plot in the story. Tell me what you think so far.

Until next time ✌🏽

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