39. Xavia

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I hope everyone is okay and safe in these hard times and I hope you are all staying as safe as you can possibly be.

I went for a long time again I know but I was really lacking any kind of motivation. I think y'all need to kick my butt or something


So the babies were sleeping in the playroom while the other three men were locked in an office on a group meeting with the rest of the crew. They had to discuss how to get Niall and the rest of the prisoners that they had recruited out. Nollan had it all under control, he was just having issues with one member of the jury who seemed to be clean with no dirt lying around but he was certain the woman just had good cover-up for whatever shit she was hiding and he was going to find out what it was one way or another.

''So tell us about the men that we are getting out and what they are good at'' Tan asked while looking at the huge screen that was on the wall showing everyone that they were on the skype call with. 

''Well, I thought you'd never ask. We have the best of the best'' Niall answered as he moved around the room he had been provided in order to have this call. Damn it was good to be powerful sometimes, he thought to himself.... and also he was in major need of some dick action but that would be saved for another time though.

''Let's hear about these bad guys'' Jasper said as he sipped on his bourbon, he hated the shit. He noticed how everyone looked at him like they were really worried something was going on with him which was true. He hadn't been the chirpy free-spirited Jas they all knew and adored but with all the shit going on he just couldn't bring himself to be that. 

'' Okay so the deal was to get ten out but then I figured that's just too many and too risky so I reduced it to four only because they are the best at what they do and even the damn government is scared of them. So we have Snipper and like his name, he is the best snipper and shooter the best hitman you'll ever find, he never misses and he is very accurate with his toys.'' Niall said as he showed the group a picture of a guy you would never in a million years think he was capable of doing the shit he had done. He looked to be in his early thirties and was just a regular guy.

''Then we have Tiny, he is good with the tech, computer gadgets and that type of shit, you remember last year the guy they finally caught who had been sending viruses to the satellites, the one they couldn't catch until he handed himself in? yes, that's him . he is capable of building a bomb that can destroy an entire building and I'm not talking about these small ass buildings.'' he showed them a picture of a chocolate skinned boy that's what they thought just from how tiny he was but the guy was actually twenty-four.

 '' We have Speedy, he's a locksmith, that's just to say what he does in a fancy way but he's simply the best thief you'll get out there. He can pick any lock, crack any safe, and knows he's way around any security. He's sneaky, never gets caught, and never leaves any evidence behind. He's like a ghost, there but invisible and you certainly never know when he strikes.''

''you say he's never caught then how did he end up in that place?'' Terry asked, there was absolutely no way he was leaving anything to chance, they had to be extra careful, The Dragons were no play, they were as deadly as they could be. 

'' Well just like any men, he had a weakness and his bitch sold him out in favor of money so we know its not his skills that got him-

Someone was standing at the gate and was carrying a big box. The person looked around the age of Ash and Mano, He was in simple sweats from top and bottom and he looked frantic from where they could see from the TV that was showing the security video. The moment Terry noticed who it was he pressed open and the gate opened welcoming the boy in.

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