36. Please

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So its been over a month now that Ash and Mano have been locked down in the house and Ash has been on top of the world ever since. Being in a house with all these men was all he could ever wish for not forgetting the constant attention he got, though he enjoyed the one from his daddy more. He could live like this forever.

Tan was busy with running all his businesses and he had to also keep a constant appearance with the media or else unwanted rumors would stir up and that would just add more shit to his plate, so why not please the crowd and get shit done at the same time. He had a sexy reputation to keep up with. Then there was the project that they've been working on with Mano which they had to keep up with. He had grown a new respect for the kid, he was handling this whole thing better than they expected. 

Now Jasper, on the other hand, was constantly worrying. The fact that they had to leave the house every time and go take care of business while leaving Mano and Ash behind was fucking him up. At this rate, he was sure the two were now getting really annoyed by his constant attention that was between being possessive or straight-up obsession but he couldn't give a shit, they were his and he would do whatever it took to make sure they were fine. All he wanted was their safety and happiness. It was like his submissive side had literally left the room and was hiding behind a rock showing no sign of ever showing up, he was all dominant and that was scaring both Tan and Terry. He was like the calm before a storm, he was fragile, not fragile like he was weak, but fragile like a bomb he'd go off if tampered with. They had never seen him this raw.

Of them all, Terry was probably the level headed one even though deep down he wasn't. He was the only thing holding everyone together. Tan, let's not even go there, let's just say his demons were playing really close and they were waiting for the right opportunity to strike, he was being scary reserved. But Terry was more focused on making sure all this bullshit was out of the way. Though his mood matched that of Tan, he never let it show though he knew Jas and Tan could read him so well. His mood was very dark and very unapproachable. Being together had always made them loosen up and be better people but right now, it was like a switch had been flipped, a coin had been turned and instead of the sunlight, it was like a dark shadow had settled in. Terry couldn't rest until everything was back to normal. He knew that their enemy was one not to mess with but so was he. 

The pressure was on, there was no denying it especially the media that was starting to get really relentless on trying to figure out who Mano was. So far the only evidence they had was the one that was leaked by Nail but now with the situation of Mano's dad's wife who slept with the enemy there was no telling if she didn't tell them everything, which just made this whole situation a whole mess.

Nail has been in prison ever since trying to speed up his gathering of the team process. It wasn't the convincing part that was difficult, no but it was how they were going to pull off getting 8 of the most wanted, most dangerous and most vicious people in the country out of prison, he'll these were one of the most dangerous people on the planet and that meant getting them out was going to be hard if they don't want to raise any suspicion. Nollan was already working on all the paperwork and gathering all the dirty evidence they would need t use as blackmail against the judges and prosecutors. Getting them out and clean was the plan.

Mano's POV

 My arms were around Ash who was currently sitting on my lap in his dinosaur pajamas while coloring what I think is supposed to be a lion but lord knows it was far from it, the thing was blue and green.

He was the cutest when he was like this and I loved it. We all tried to protect him from all this mess that was too big for him though we had told him bits and pieces of it, we just wanted to protect his innocent soul.

''Look, Daddy, I made a lion'' Oh and did I mention how comfortable hed got with calling me, Daddy?

''that's a cute lion baby, do you want me to go and put it on the fridge for you'' I said as I placed a kiss on his head. Ever since this whole shit blew up, no one in this house has been intimate, it just didn't feel right. Yes, small kisses were placed here and there but nothing too serious.

''Tan will be mad'' he whispered ''He's really scary these days and I don't want to make him angry with me'' he pouted and I just wanted to bite that lip, so I did.

''you know he would never hurt you, he's just dealing with a lot'' I kissed his soft lips and he blessed my ears with a moan. 

''But what if-''

''shhh baby, let daddy kiss you'' I murmured against lips as I turned him so he was straddling me and i pulled him closer to me. ''I missed this''

Deepening the kiss one hand in his hair while the other cupping his butt, I let him grind on me the friction making or cocks grind on each other. he was har I could feel it and I was too. Things were getting heated real fast, his hands were all over me and he wanted more.

''Please may I taste you daddy'' he begged without breaking the kiss

''What was that baby?'' I asked with a smirk on my lips.

''I want you in my mouth, please, I need it'' He was desperate and I loved it. i was going to make a mess of him.

''Go for it baby'' I said as I broke the kiss.

sliding off my lap he lowered my boxers and my cock sprang out ready to be devoured and Ash licked his lips. How he could go from being Cute and all to being dangerously hot was beyond me but right now, right now he looked fuckable.

For a second I thought he was going to tease me but boy was I wrong, wrapping his lips around me, he took me right to the back of his throat in one go and I almost lost it. 

''eager weren't we?'' I pant as I try to get my breathing under control but he was not having it, the boy was hungry. 

working me up and down, Ash didn't slow down or stop. He was a little on a mission and he wasn't stopping until he accomplished it but I wasn't about to make it easy for him.

pushing him off me, I stand up from the chair and when he's about to protest I wrap my hand in his hair and make him look at me. and seeing his face like that, all flashed and red with a bit of saliva coating his lips drove me completely wild. 

''Please daddy let me have it'' 

''How bad do you want it'' 

''really bad, I could die. I want it'' he leaked his lips and the way he was eyeing my cock like a starved man seeing food was what did it.

I pulled him back on me and he didn't disappoint. he took what he wanted up to the last drop making sure that he didn't miss any. When he was done, I pulled him up and kissed him. I tasted myself which was something that I was kinda used t now so I didn't mind. I kissed him until I was sure he was seeing stars and i was the only thing in his head. I made him lie down on the mat and removed his pants.

''Daddy's turn''


I can literally feel all of you bitting my ears off. And you all have the right to. I feel like I neglected all of you again and I'm sorry. 

This chapter was to get in the heads of everyone just a little bit to know what's going on. So what do you think about this chapter? I hope it was okay.

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