31. The Dragons

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"You didn't think you'd discuss my son without me now did you?" Mano's dad said.

At this point everyone else was on their feet shocked except Tanaka of course. Nothing ever shocked that man. He was simply situated on his sit while toying with the glass of fine bourbon he was holding. In his world, everything was just perfect or at least that's what you'd think upon looking at him. He was as calm as one could be and his eyes were fixed on his glass.

"We could discuss your dick without you and there's nothing you could do about it" Tan said as he lifted his eyes to meet them with Niall's, daring the man.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind as long as the discussion is about it getting into you Tan" Niall replied with a hard face, if you didn't know him you wouldn't know that was his attempt to a joke.

Tan let out a chuckle before saying "We both know that I'd rather have my dick cut off before I let that happen"

"One day Tanaka, just one day" Niall said as he started making his way towards his boy who was staring at him with wide eyes like he had just seen a ghost, his rosy plump lips were slightly parted and he wanted to do nothing more than just grab him by his hair and kiss him, kiss him real hard  and that's exactly what he did.

The moment Mano felt the harsh pull on his hair he melted, but as lips clashed on his, he lost it. Every logic cell in his brain was screaming at him at how very wrong this whole situation was but then there was the other side of him, the other side that told him fuck the rules, fuck logic and fuck all the eyes that were on him.

Pushing him  away, Mano sucked in some air as he licked his lips, there was blood and they were swollen just the way he liked them.

"I see I created a monster" yet another failed attempt to a joke.

"What the fuck, dad" Mano couldn't believe what he just did, his brain couldn't even comprehend what had just occurred between the two of them.

"Damn, I still want to fuck that boy" Alex said as he sat down sipping on his whiskey. "With your permission of course" he said looking at Mano who just stared at him with a visible blush on his cheeks.

"As much as I enjoy this reunion, we need  to get to why we are here. I have mass to attend to and confessions I need to listen to" Richard said as he sipped on his wine.

"I assume you haven't found the one person good enough to let you break the celibacy thing you priests have going on" Tristan joked. He wasn't planning on staying for a long time but the direction things were taking had him rethinking his decision. Things were getting interesting.

"I'll be the one to crack you, trust me" Jasper chirped as he made his way to Niall. "Oh baby, you never told me you were coming, I'd have made tea for you" he said  and received a glare. "Just joking loosen up, you're making me uncomfortable, you know I'd never call you baby" he laughed and so did Niall

"You never seize to amaze me Jasper, now show me some love"
Niall said as he opened his arms to Jas who gladly went into them "I see Terry is doing you good, I'd have said Tan but we all know how he is" he said as he planted a soft much different kiss than the one he had just given Mano, this one was much gentler.

"Can we get on with this meeting I don't have all day. You can get back to your kissing once we are done, and some of us can get on with our lives" Tan said

"I don't take orders" Niall simply stated

That was the difference between these two very dominant human beings, As much as Tan commanded power and dominance, he had an easy way about him that just commanded you to submit and obey. But Niall was a whole other story, the Man's aura simply forced you to submit whether you wanted to or not. He was a man that was capable of making you wet your pants without a single word. He screamed power and his tattoos just gave him the tough-guy look.

But both of them were similar in so many ways in terms of how they carried themselves around. They where the perfect example of perfect, sometimes you'd question if they were even human. They were the perfect description of dark and dangerous, both of them never backed out, never submitted, never took shit from anyone, always always made sure they held the last card in every situation, and lastly they always made sure they were in control of everything happening around them. As much as they say similar sides of a magnet don't attract, these very same sides attracted and worked together very well.

"Give me one reason I should stop what I'm doing" Niall challenged Tan. 

"I'm in a room full of my lovers one who happens to be your son and one who's a priest, I have a huge fortune which half of I obtained illegally and need to make sure our enemy doesn't blow away because someone snitched on us. Oh let's not forget the number of people in this world who dream of killing me every day. So How's that for a reason?"

"That's a good reason" Niall answered as he made his way to pour a glass of bourbon and sitting down. The rest of them were already sited.

"So let's start with my boy, what's been happening?" He asked and for a second the room froze before easing.

"Well, some information got out. The people now know he's related to me and they also know his college." Tan said with an irritation to his voice. He just wanted this shit over and done with.

"I know about that. What's new?" He asked again

"What do you mean you know about that?" Terry entered the room. Sometimes people just never understood how Terry was able to make himself invisible in situations. He just never bothered in making himself known unless he's really needed and that's one of the things that made him attractive, the fact that he was an introvert and a sadist, but mostly he was just chilled half of the time until you fucked him up then he would make your life a living hell.

"And here I thought you didn't want to see me"

"Just because I don't fangirl when I see you doesn't mean I don't want to see you" Terry simply stated

"My feelings" Niall faked hurt with a smile more like a smirk.

"Okay, what he means is that he's the one who leaked that information to the public" Nollan stated.

"Dad" Mano couldn't believe this, "I thought I told you I never want to be in the public eye"

" you two can sort that later, moving on we have a real problem, The Dragons are back at our necks again and we have someone who's leaking crucial information to them. Somehow they found out about why you're in prison and who our supplier is" Tan spoke and the room went dead silent. This was bad, really bad.

"What do you mean by that?" Mano was the most confused as one can be. "What are the dragons? Why are they after you? And what do you mean by the reason why he's in prison? I thought everyone knew you're why you were in there"

"You need to tell him. Everything" Tan pointed at Niall who just stared into space his jaw ticking. He was losing it and everyone knew how bad things could get.

It was going to be a long-ass night


So another update guys, Tell me what you think about everything. Like what are your thoughts?

I know everything may seem all over the place but bare with me, we're getting somewhere I promise.

Oh and I'm going to paste pictures of these people except for Tanaka and Mano. I really haven't found any pics suitable for them but if you wanna help please do.

Until next time✌🏽

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