51. Reassurance

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I give you all the right to spank me for abandoning you like this, but here's a chapter.


As Emmie rushes upstairs to their room, Nial makes his way to the living room where everyone else was gathered just to let them know that Emmie was here and she was perfectly fine.

Meanwhile, the moment Emmie opens the door to their room, she is met by a bareback and an ass in skin-tight boxers, the body in which she knew so well. Muscled up but not in a heavy lifting kinda muscles, no these were from a lean runner body, just enough to be attractive. Then there were the legs, god she loved those long lean legs that didn't spot a single strand of hair, just smooth, she wanted to run her tongue up them.

''come here'' came the voice and damn if she didn't already feel like orgasming just from that command alone.

Emmie's POV

I make my way towards him and all I'm thinking is how much I want my hands all over that sexy body, but before my hands even reach his shoulder, they are trapped, and my back soon hits the nightstand, Lips clash onto mine, not in a soft gentle kiss but more of a claiming kiss. I let go and submit to the kiss, I've done enough thinking for the night. It's time my men take over. He lets go of my hands and grabs my thighs, getting the signal I jump and wrap my legs around his hips. 

Lord, I'd missed him when he was this possessive and aggressive. His hands all over me and his lips doing good damage to mine. Yes, it's the scratching, the biting, the growls. I suck it all in, desperate for even more. But my wishes are soon answered when I feel the second pair of hands on me and lips wrap around my neck on that one spot before teeth sink into my skin. 

I try to screen but my voice doesn't come out, too overwhelmed, and besides, I don't have permission to speak. Nial and Nollan were a bad combination when riled up like this.

''Strip and kneel, inspection position. You'll observe high protocol starting now.''

Yes Sir!

And just like that, I get off Nollan and make my way to the middle of the room after stripping I kneel, knees wide apart my palms on top of each knee facing up then bow my head. I hear them kissing but I don't pay much attention to them. One of the reasons Sir decided to do high protocol is because he knows it helps calm me down especially after going through so much stress, now all I have to do is give in to my submission and they'll take care of me.

''look at me'' as soon as I do I come face to face with Nollan's perfect cock, I feel my mouth drooling I lick my lips. ''Such a greedy girl. Show me how much you want it''

Dont tell me twice, I swallow him whole in one go and I feel his legs almost give out, never give me free rein when I'm this starved. I hear Sir laugh a little but I dont care I've got what I want at the moment. Nollan grabs my head and stops my movements before he starts fucking my mouth. No more playing games, this was serious business. I feel the drool come out of my mouth and I leave it there not because I'm not allowed to wipe it off its also because I know how much they love it when I look thoroughly used, drool and tears.

Nollan grabs the back of my head as he plugs deep inside my mouth, I can feel his dick down my throat, yes I can't breathe and I'm chocking a little bit but just as I think he's about to let me go, a pair of hands circle around my throat putting pressure there. Nollan lets out a sexy groan but me, on the other hand, feel like I'm going to pass out.

''Just hold on a little bit for me baby girl, let me see my dirty little girl struggle for me.''  my throat works itself up trying to find a way to let oxygen in ''Yesss, such a good girl, now breath for me.''

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