48. Enough is Enough

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The moment the door opened, everyone felt the energy shift and when Mano appeared in the sitting room where they were all just sitting around drinking some bourbon while making fun of each other, they knew then and then that he was in a no playing around mood.

All of them were sitting in there, fucking drinking acting as if everything was all flowers and candy, and just like every other time, they refuse to face the real problem that they are having and Mano was simply done with all these marry-go-round games. It was either they deal with this situation or he was gone. Yes out of this house and out of everyone's lives. 

''Damn, you look hot in th-''

''Dont even, Jasper'' Mano cuts off Jas before he could finish whatever he was about to say. ''I'm in no mood for games right now, we have some serious issues to discuss so if I were you, I'd get really comfortable because none of you are leaving this room until a plan is in place.''

for a second everyone was shocked until Nial broke the silence.

''If I were you, I'd watch my tongue son'' There was no way Nial was going to sit around and allow his son to talk to them with that much disrespect, he taught him better.

''I will gladly accept my punishment once this shit is over but for now, I'm the fucking son you raised, and I'm about to act like that. No bullshiting we are addressing this right here right fucking now. For a second I thought you were determined to catching Xavier, what happened to that?'' Mano questioned.

As furious as Nial was, deep down he was proud of his boy. Him being able to stand in front of all of these dominant men and talk however he wanted really showed that all the tough love he showed his boy when he was growing didn't go to waste. Was it the worst way you could possibly raise your own kid? possibly in other people's eyes but not when you belonged to this very fucked up family that had a long-existing enemy. 

''You are all sitting in here fucking getting drunk when Xavier is still out there probably planning on how to attack us. In case you've forgotten, he fucking knows where we stay.'' At some point, Mano had started pacing around. ''Ignoring a problem isn't going to solve it. you taught me this dad so why are we still having a Xavier problem that's been going on for decades now, way before I was even born but now I'm all caught up and mixed in this whole web. I do-''

''For fuck's sake Man-'' Terry started

''I swear to God if one of you interrupt me one more time I'm fucking leaving this house and I'm not coming back, and trust me you will never find me'' Mano threatens and all the other men could do was stare dumbfounded, wondering what the hell had just happened to their sweet boy. ''dont forget I had the best fucking teacher'' he finishes while looking his dad straight in the eyes.

'' 'Do not get attached to anybody, they become a weakness and if anyone could get their hands on your weakness then it's game over for all of us'  Your words dad when I was growing up. You always said we should never show our weakness but right now? this?'' Mano pointed at them and the drinking they had been doing, '' This is you showing your weakness.

''Tell me if I'm wrong, but the reason that you haven't gone after Xavier is not because you don't know where he is, but it simply fear, fear of losing one of us so you prefer not to deal with the situation at all'' No one said a thing and that was enough for Mano, he was correct. They were simply petrified at the idea of losing someone.

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