16. Sleepover

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I walked to my class like a zombie, I was tired, sleepy and very annoyed. For the past couple of days, I hadn't been able to get any proper sleep, balancing work and school was no joke. Running a whole company especially one that other organizations were finding hard to trust was really shitty. Having to convince all the other companies that I wasn't my parents was one hell of a job especially when I refused to show who I was and was going through my secretary. They all thought I was a joke but I was proving them wrong and I will sure as hell make sure they know that, I may be my father's son but I'm not my father.

''I can't believe I'm finally coming for that sleepover'' Ashley chirped.

''I was supposed to be the one coming over to your house remember?'' 

''yes I know but you see, my stepdad is around and he's hella creepy, I'm gay yes but damn he ugly af. Plus, I just wanna know how it's like living the life of the wealthy!!''

''how do you even know I live the life of the wealthy?'' I almost panic, does he know something damn if he does I'm screwed 

''Well judging by the cars you drive one can only assume''

''They are my uncle's cars''

''so you stay with your uncle?''


''will he be there tonight? I've never met a wealthy man, I heard that they are always old and have big bellies well except for Tanaka God that guy is a whole snack, not the point, but does your uncle have a big belly? is he married? no, first of all, is he gay? I heard that most of them hide it and prefer to stay in the closet.''  He kept on rumbling and I was starting to regret having this sleepover. Should I make him sign a Non Disclosure?

Ashley is a good friend but he also has a big mouth, what if he announces to the whole fucking internet that I'm Tanaka's nephew. It wouldn't take time until someone put two and two together and my identity will be reviewed.

''Ashley are you sure I can't just come to your place instead?  because you know wealthy men like their privacy and stuff?'' I tried buttering him, didn't work.

''I Swear I will not say a single thing to anyone, what happens in your house stays in your house I cross my heart and hope to die'' if only he knew.

''You need to keep that promise you can't tell anyone anything'' 

This is bad, this is really bad.


we went through every class and it was the same old boring thing as every time especially the guilt that was always bubbling in my gut knowing I was the sole reason Terry had to quit his job. He keeps telling me that being a professor was just a cover-up for his real job but he never told me what exactly it was that he did.

we passed through Ashley's place to drop his car off and to pick up his overnight bag then headed to my place. I was nervous, to say the least, yes, Tan gave me permission to bring him over but still Ash didn't know who my uncle was and lord knows how he's gonna react to that revelation. And also there's the fact that I stay with Terry, our ex lecture. Then there's bubbly Jas who can't keep his hands to himself. 

I am so screwed. This is a bad idea. can someone come to my rescue, please?

''Holly Moses mother of Marry'' Ash whispered as I drove through the huge gates. I still hadn't wrapped my head over how ridiculously huge the things were. All in the name of privacy, Tan was really extra sometimes.

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