19. Breath

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Mano's heart was pumping really fast he thought it might burst. His adrenaline levels were high, his head was literally buzzing.

This is it he thought to himself as he stood on the middle of  Tan's bedroom, he just didn't know what to do with himself. 

He knew Tan wasn't joking when he said he was going to destroy him and Lord did he want to be destroyed.

All these weeks he had tried to deny himself the one thing that was a very much part of him and he was doing a good job at it until Tan had to use that damn dominant voice that he had
never used on him before.

The feeling that Mano was feeling at the moment could not be described as fear nor could it be described as excitement but maybe anticipation could. If he felt fear, it was probably fear of the unknown. The fact that he didn't know what Tan was planning was a bit scary considering the fact that the man literally had ice running in his blood, not even an igloo (house built of ice) could even measure to the coldness that was his uncle, the man was fierce, scary to the point were the devil himself could cower in his presence.

Dropping to his knees like instructed, Mano felt his mindset shift, he was full on submissive and not even the end of the world could stop him from letting the feeling take over his entire body. It felt like home, he felt secure and he felt safe. He closed his eyes and focused more on his breathing to calm himself up.

He heard the door open and felt a heavy presence nearing him until it was in front of him.

"Open your eyes and look at me" Tan sounded very calm but Mano
wouldn't let that fool him

"Now we are going to play a warm up game. Do you want to play a warm up game little one?"

Mano nodded.

Big mistake.

He felt the strike before he saw the movement, his face was screaming bloody murder, it stung and a tear he couldn't stop rolled down his cheek. Tan had slapped the living hell out of him.

"I told you I need verbal responses little one"
It wasn't the fact that he had just slapped him that scared Mano. No.
It was the calmness that Tan was carrying himself. He was so calm that if you would give your baby to him to hold for you, that baby would be sleeping in no time.

"Yes Sir, I would love to play a warm up game" he whimpered

"Good" Tan answered while running his hand in Mano's hair
"So I'm going to put a very heavy flogger in your mouth and I'm going to use a different flogger on you and that is lighter but it stings, if you go through all 30 trikes, you tell me what you want me to do to you and I will. But if you drop it, i get to choose. "

"Yes Sir" Mano couldn't wait
He could feel himself dripping precum just from picturing everything.

"Follow me"

They walked to a wall or at least what Mano thought was a wall until until Tan pressed what he assumed was a remote and the wall started shifting.

"Welcome to my my kingdom, in here you will not speak unless spoken to, you will stay on your knees unless instructed otherwise and most of all" he faced him " you will be naked at all times. Strip"

Mano did not waste anytime removing his clothes and when he was done he knelt at his feet.

Tan walked to a wall that held different kinds of floggers and only picked two. One looked a little heavier than the other

"This one is made with buffalo hide hence it's heavy and it thuds because it's heavy. Now this one is made of oiled leather and it's a bitch, it stings the pain is very intense I wouldn't recommend using it on a beginner"

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