20. The Library

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Mano's POV

I woke up with something very heavy on top of me it was very hot and I couldn't move I was trapped, it wasn't only one thing they were two or maybe more I tried moving but I only made things worse.

I couldn't breathe and It was the sound of breathing that made me realize that I was between two very heavy bodies probably Terry and Tan. They were really suffocating me and not to mention the pain from them pressing into my bruises and welts.

I tried sneaking out from the death grips but only managed to make it worse, they both tightened their grips.

I'm fucked. And I really need to pee. I want to cry.


I try once more as quietly and as smoothly as I could. It wasn't easy removing two very strong men but thank heavens it was possible.

Standing at the end of the bed I couldn't help but coo at how they covered the gap that I had left and all three men cuddled, I am tempted to go back but I have to get ready for school, yes it's Sunday but I have a very pending assignment I have to finish so I can hand it in on time tomorrow.

I make my way to my room and jump into the shower. Painful yes but not unbearable. My muscles were screaming and I knew my back was probably turning purple but I liked the marks, they were a good reminder of the good time I had yesterday.

After I was done getting ready, I make my way to the kitchen to eat something before I head out.

I couldn't help but hum a song as I made a cup of coffee and that's when I felt two arms go around my waist and lips on my earlobe.

"And what do you think you're doing?" A very sleepy but seductive voice asked.

I couldn't reply as the lips at my ear licked my earlobe and made their way down to my very sensitive neck. I couldn't help but grip the table and let out a soft moan.

"I asked you a question little one"
This time he gripped my waist and turned me so I was facing a very shirtless Tan in all his sexy glory. I couldn't stop myself from staring at how delicious he looked, I could imagine running my fingers across all that muscle. I could be drooling for all I care but the man was damn hot and looked ready to eat.

"Please tell me when you're done eye fucking me. "

I snapped out of my little daze.

"I'm getting ready, I have to go to the library and finish my assignment then look at the project for work, Lord knows that it will be very impossible if I stay in this house" I reply and I know my face is as red as a tomato.

"You damn right you wouldn't get anything done. After I had a taste of you last night, trust me I want more, way more of this" he says as he gives my ass a squeeze. I gasp but I'm stopped as his lips are smashed hard against mine and the gasp turned into a whimper. He wasn't as rough as the last time he kissed me in his study but he wasn't gentle either. I got lost in the kiss, he took and I gave, his tongue demanded to be let in and I complied without any fight, he had me exactly where he wanted and I willingly let him.

Just when I thought he was about to take things a little further, he breaks off.

"I just wanted you to have a taste of what you'll be missing"
He says leaving the kitchen.

That prick.

Now I'm gonna have a serious case of blue balls, well I could spare a few minutes in the bathroom and j-

"Don't you dare touch yourself without my permission!" He yells from wherever he was.


So bossy

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