25. Terrified

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"He fucked Ash last night and I don't know how to feel about that" Jas complained.

The three men where drinking coffee in the kitchen while getting ready for the gym and Tan was terrifyingly quiet, yes he was a man of few words but today he was uncharacteristically quite and it caused Terry to be on the edge.

"There's nothing wrong in two consenting adults to be together intimately Jasper" The so ever rational Tan said as he sipped his coffee before flipping a page of the newspaper he was reading.

"I know, but one side of my brain is saying I should be jealous as fuck and the other is saying I should be getting hard just from the mare thought of the two together" Jas whined.

"Jas, Mano can do whatever he wants or whoever he wants but at the end of the day he will always come back to us, now if you will excuse me I have an appointment with my gym room" Tan said as he folded his newspaper and left the kitchen.

"Sometimes I just wanna grab him by the throat and smash his face in the wall. Argg" The so annoyed Jasper stated as he sipped his coffee.

"Don't we all?" Terry asked as he put his finished cup in the washer and followed Tan to their gym room for some workout. And Jas followed while tying his dreadlocks into a high bun.

Mano woke up, thank heavens with no hangover. Thanking whoever thought of him he took the two pills that were left for him on the nightstand and drank them with the orange juice that was also there.

He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up and changed his clothes to some boxer shorts and loose T before heading for the kitchen for some coffee.

After having his coffee, his brains started functioning and he wondered where the three musketeers were. But for a second he was hesitant to go find them coz he remembered literally snitching on himself last night and he didn't know what to expect.

He knew that they could only be in one place, the gym. So he made his way over there. What he didn't expect was to see three man all sweaty get all worked up.

One was leaning on a bench while being fucked 24 ways to heaven in both holes. The image of Tan fûcking Jas in the ass while Terry fucked his mouth would remain printed in his mind for as long as he lived.

Jas let out a chocked scream that startled Mano but that was before he noticed that Tan was doing the exact same thing that Terry once did to him, he was pressing every painful pressure point on Jas and Mano was a little jealous, it should be him  receiving that pain.

Not wanting to disturb a perfect fuck, Mano made his way back to the kitchen where he started mixing his protein.

"I thought you'd join us" Mono yelped as he felt hands snake around his waist while gentle kisses were being placed all over him.

"I wanna fuck you so bad that when you go to school, everyone will know" Terry whispered in his ear "lean forward for me baby boy and hold the counter"

Terry was like a dog in heat, wrapping his right hand on Mano's throat as his left pushed down his boxers. He put pressure on Mano's neck and all air circulation was was blocked, Mano saw stars as Terry plugged into him without warning. As Terry released his throat, he sank his teeth into Mano's shoulder breaking skin as Mano let out a loud scream while trying to fill his lungs with air that was stolen from him.
"You'll be a good slut for me and take it all" Terry groaned as he moved his hips faster.
"Yes!!" Was the only word the small boy was able to let out as he felt like an animal, a hungry one was attacking his ass.

"Mano you know I care for you right?" Terry asked or maybe whispered.

The confused boy only managed to nod his head. 

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