29. The beast

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Mano's POV

"I said no! Ash is not going to join in on what the four of us have between us. He's too innocent for this shit thing we call a relationship" I raise my voice something I never do but they were really pushing me right now.

The past two weeks have been heaven and hell for me. Ashley was really sweet and I really enjoyed all my times with him and I was starting to get the whole ddlb thing but it was these three men who were infuriating me more and more and let's not forget how things are fucked up with my identity issue.

I never signed up for this kind of thing. Having not only one but three alpha males at your neck isn't really an easy thing to deal with, and why they keep on insisting that Ash joins us is really beyond me. The kid is too pure for what we have going on. Hell, I don't even know what it is that we have going on.

"Just look at us" I say as I point at them, we were all standing in Tan's office " we are a bunch of fucked up people, Tan, you're a ruthless sadist, you can't even get hard without inflicting pain and Terry you're not ruthless but you still are a sadist, that makes you really terrifying as hell and Jasper"
I let out a humorless laugh
"The fact that you can handle both these men makes you just as fucked as they are and last, look at me, I don't even deserve the kid myself but for some reason, he wants me. I'm a hardcore fûcking masochist for crying out loud" I say throwing my hands in the air in mare surrender.

"Most of the time I'm not even sure of what I'm doing and on top of that Tan you're my fûcking unc-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence" Tanaka's voice was daring.

Tan looked very..... very empty. He was showing no Emotion at all and thats what terrified me the most, not knowing what was going on in his head.

"All I want is to keep Ash the way he is" I let out.

"You know he makes a lot of sense" it was Terry who broke the silence.
"We can't let him join in, he's too good for that."

That's all I just wanted for them to understand were I was coming from. It's his innocence that I know was tempting Tan. I know he craved destroying Ash so that he could rebuild him but if he needed destroying, hell he could destroy me all he wanted and what was good about it was we would both enjoy it.

"No touching Ash it is" Tan said as he made his way to his office chair
"Now get out"

We all stared at him without moving.

"I mean you Mano. Get out of my office, I have something important to discuss with Terry and Jasper"

Speaking of their little discussions, I've been noticing lately how they've been having more and more of them not that I've been eavesdropping or anything like that but it's not that difficult to notice how they've been talking in hashed whispers and how Tan always spoke on the phone in hushed russian, clearly pissed at whoever on the other end. I didn't even know he was that fluent in Russian.

They were getting more and more tensed up as the days passed by like they were waiting for something to happen. Tan was even more worse to deal with, always on the edge and his jaw was always ticking. I was just counting down the hours till he snapped.

"You could have said it nicely" I mumbled as I made my way out.

"Oh and don't forget to login at 5, you have that conference call to make" he said

Oh yes, more stress. Work was the worst of my problems, dealing with college students who were doing everything in their power to know my identity was one thing but dealing with old businessmen who wanted to know the face behind the company they were getting involved with was another.

I'm doing my work and I'm succeeding in everything I'm doing, it's not like something's wrong or anything, they're a bunch of nosy old men who can't handle the fact that a young competitor like myself was succeeding in business and the hotel which was not yet done but it surely was intimidating them.


I've been sitting here, brooding all day long. Even after I was done with my conference call I was still in a sour mood, I just needed something. Okay, I know what I want but I just don't know if now is a good time.

They've been in Tan's office ever since and I'm starting to get annoyed and bored on my own. I tried going to Ash, they denied me. I tried to go for a drive, they denied me. Hell, I even tried going to church and they still denied me saying I'll soon meet my own priest whatever that means.

I want to be fucked.

There, I said it. Only in my head but it still counts right? It's been damn long, since that day at the window two weeks ago with Ash and they didn't even fuck me, they used toys and I haven't found my courage to fuck Ash again. So yeah I need some action.

Putting on a pair of tight boxer briefs that hugged me in the right way after my shower, I made my way downstairs. If they were not willing to fuck me on their own, I might as well make their lives a living hell.

It's been too long since last my beast was fed and now I could feel how famished he was becoming, it is my nature, something I can't deny myself. no matter how much I run, it always catches up with me. Pain is like a pet to me that I have to constantly feed or else it will become this huge beast that will feed off of me. And right now my back was itching for some welts.

At this point I'm not only craving pain but I'm also craving the men who delivers it just the way I like it.

Walking down the stairs I hear voices and before I make a turn to go to the kitchen to join them, there's a knock at the door right in front of me.

Shit, I'm only wearing sexy boxer briefs.

"Mano get that!" Terry yells from the kitchen, they probably heard me when I was coming down.

"I can't I'm wear-"
Before I finish saying what I was saying, In all my nakedness the horror unfolded itself in front of me.

The door opened and as I saw a figure come in, I spun around trying to get my half naked ass back to my room.

"This is the first time I think I might actually like this visit" a deep Russian accent voice echoed and I froze.

"You need Jesus" a second masculine voice said and I turned around.

Big mistake.

"Shut up Richard, I mean I wouldn't mind fucking him" the Russian said as he eyed me up and down "hell, I know you would fuck him too"

My eyes widened at that, this was weird. Wasn't gay shit against the bible?

"So help me God if you're planning on raping my boy" Tan's voice echoed as he came up to meet the two men.

"Who wouldn't rape that" the Russian said pointing up at me and I was still frozen in place.

Looking at me, I saw dark lust cross Tan's face and I knew exactly what crossed his mind but only for a second.

Fuck this Russian man who was terrifying as much as he was gorgeous. The scruffy look he had going on worked pretty well for him
So fuck him for spoiling my fun and fuck this other man with a face capable of stoping you in your tracks with dark eyes that will weaken your goddamn knees and his tasseled dark hair that just made you want to run your fingers through it not even speaking of his body.

I mean, what priest looked this sexy!?


So update guys tell me what you think.

And what do you think of Ash not actually joining in but only remaining as Mano's?

New characters have entered the chat guys, let's see what happens next.

Until next time ✌🏽

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