41. My Mother

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Mano's POV

Mano didn't know how to feel. He was finally getting to meet his real mom he wanted t be excited, really he did but he was very nervous. What if he wasn't what she expected, what if he wasn't enough or what if he had turned out to be something she didn't like. And most of all would she be capable of loving him? no that's too much to ask for but would she be able to at least like him? 

As far as he was concerned he already loved her and not to have that returned was going to break him but Niall and Tan kept on reassuring him throughout the flight that his mother loved him more than anyone could ever love him in this world but it was like trying to convince a stone that it could melt. 

''Mano, Emmie is the most lovely person you'll ever meet, she is so welcoming and very warm you'd never want to live her side. She's the complete opposite of her brother'' Niall says as he eyes a scowling Tan.

''I can be warm'' he argues and both men give him an a-you-sure-bout-that-eye ''come on, I know I'm tough but I can be warm... at times'' 

''Anyway, you'll see, we are almost there and she's going to scream and lose her mind when she sees you, just so you know, shes... what do you call them... she's one of the cool mom's you would think she's your age, she refuses to grow up and she's carefree, witty, very hilarious and she's a submissive a brat to be exact.'' just by listening to the vibrant sound of his voice I could see why he was head over hills for her, I already couldn't wait to meet her.

''How long has it been'' Tan asks my dad while eyeing his crotch and I just knew what he was talking about ''Because the way you are talking about my sis is like you are planning to feast the hell out of her''

''I'm going to do a good one on her that's for sure''

''Just for the record, I'm still in pain'' I was really starting to get tired, after all, this was a 17-hour flight and we've been in here for probably 13hrs and then when we get to Singapore we get into another one for about 5hrs to the island. ''I'm going to sleep''

After changing into some sweats, I get into bed, the perks of being surrounded by wealthy people is that they have private jets and they are hella cozy. It doesn't take me long for the dreamland take over and I'm gone. 

Kisses, everywhere on my face, and can someone shut him up and take him somewhere anywhere far far away from me and let me sleep in peace. 

''Come on baby, we are about to land you need be in you sit''

Probably bring a sledgehammer and smack the shit out of him.

More kisses, ''Mano you need to get up before I get the belt''

fuck fuck fuck fuck, ''cant I have a peaceful sleep? is it too much to ask for? I just wanna sleep and you keep disturbing me''

''Okay, okay stop crying, we'll land get into another jet then you get back to sleep okay?'' I hadn't realized I was actually crying until Tan wiped away a tear.

Everything happened in a flash for me, the landing and the switching of planes, the departure, jet leg was going to be a bitch especially when Tan and dad refused to let me sleep again saying something along the lines of worsening it, I wanted to scream.

''So here's the deal, your mom doesn't know you're coming with, she only knows it's me and Tan so when we get there you'll hide and then we greet her, I kiss her then I tell her I have a surprise for her but she'll probably think I just bought something for her but then you come out!'' I had never seen my dad so freaking excited like this it was starting t freak me out but then it was also increasing my curiosity as to what kind of a person my mom was.

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