44. The party

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One of the warnings I gave at the beginning of this book was that anything is to be expected and I still stand by it, I can't force everyone to like what I write and I'm just gonna let you all know right now so you can decide whether you want to continue with us on this journey or not, but the thing is I'm not changing anything. 

I'm sorry but I'm just not like those other authors who write one thing on this chapter only to change it in the next one and I have major respect for them but for me if a person dies.... they die.

Tanaka's POV

''I'm so sorry buddy but It's Ashley, he's the fucking traitor'' 

Goddamnit, fucking hell, motherfucker I had hoped I was wrong all this fucking time. 

''W-What?'' Mano had gone from being bubbly and carefree to being as white as a paper, like he'd just seen a ghost.

I'm going to murder someone, cause some serious damage and I dare anyone to try and stop me. No one and I mean absolutely no one can just hurt one of mine and get away with it, even if that person is me. I will no spare that boy.

''Come here boy, we'll get the full details the day after tomorrow'' I pill him into my arms and hope it gives him as much comfort as it can. ''We cant leave tomorrow we need to finish some work''

''I'm coming with you'' Emmie's voice filled the silence and it wasn't a question and definitely left no room for argument but knowing Nial, he'd try to talk her out of it.

''The hell you are'' and there it is. ''You know it's not safe for you out there'' 

Christ on a bike, couldn't the fucker just agree for once. Now here comes the tornado.

Jumping off his lap, my sister did the thing that always yelled run, she's about to explode on your ass. She started pacing.

''You must be out of your damn mind if you think I'm going to sit around here while my baby goes through this. You know as much as I do that I fucking let your ass trap me on this island because I wanted you too, not because I was running away but because I was fucking tired of everything I'd gone through and just wanted a break. 

''I'm a badass bitch and you know that, when it comes to fighting, I can hold my own. Nial, I am probably better at hand to hand combat than any of you ask him'' she points at me and I nod, I knew damn too well what she was talking about ''He knows I can fuck up his ass with my own bare hands, yes, he's the best with weapons but still that doesn't mean I don't know how to use them'' She makes her way to the door. 

''Try stopping me from coming and I will show you just exactly how good I am'' she bangs the door on her way out and the room goes silent as we watch the closed door.

''Son of a bitch, why did no one ever tell me she could get this mad and bloody hell is it sexy''

chuckling, ''why do you think I didn't argue with her? She's the real definition of crazy''

''I better go and make right with my baby, as much I think she looks sexy when she's angry, I don't think I want her to stay like that. First thing the day after tomorrow '' I nodded and he was out.

''Let's go eat then we can go to bed'' I said as I grabbed Mano by his neck and went to the kitchen.

''Sit'' I ordered pointing on one of the high chairs by the counter and he obeyed.

I went and took our plates from the microwave and sat his in front of him and moved another chair close to his and we ate in comfortable silence and sometime later both Nial and Emmie had joined us and Nial was feeding her while she pouted the whole time.

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