8. Did that just happen?

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Tanaka's POV

I stood at the door looking at Jas, although he could not see me I knew he felt my gaze. I admired his very attractive, powerful and very well-sculpted body that I now knew like the back of my own hand.

He may love being in charge and being in control, but right now right this second the Jasper that I was looking at with my lust-filled eyes was very vulnerable. I know he craved the pain, craved the release that it would bring him and as much as he loved receiving it, I loved giving it. 

I walked to the bed and dropped the bag that contained all the toys I was going to use on him tonight. I made sure he saw everything so that he knew exactly what I was going to use on him but he was just never going to know in what order  I going to use them.

''You know today I'm not going easy on you right?'' I whispered in his ear as I stood behind him with my hand wrapped around his waist.

''I know Sir and please don't go easy on me. I need this'' he was already breathy and I knew me taking my time was really getting to him.

I blindfolded him and tied his wrists and ankles to the bedpost spread wide apart.

I ran my hands all over his body just warming him up because I know today is not going to be an easy day, we're both on the edge and its all thanks to that kid.

I took the flogger that I had brought and without warning, I started flogging his back. first, I went easy on him looking for good rhythm and once I found it I started with his gorgeous butt. My strokes where hard very hard within a few seconds Jas was panting and I knew he loved it. I switched places making sure to stay away from dangerous places. when his whole back was filled with my red welts I switched the flogger and took a single tail whip. Now this one I knew was gonna hurt like a bitch but Jas had a very high pain tolerance so it was good.

After doing a few strikes in the air, I landed my first hit on his back and he screamed I smiled. I was gone the beast was out to play and there was no going back anymore. I wanted to hurt him like never before I could feel the rush in my blood. I was out for blood and the fact that Jas was even enjoying this brought out the flame in me. I hope I can control myself.

I whipped Jasper until he could hardly stand on his feet and his back was red all over. I dropped the whip and laid my hands on the middle of his back, he let out a pained scream I knew it would hurt that's why I did it. I ran my hands all over his back making sure to press hard where there was an open welt. His back was hot very hot and by this time tears were running down his cheeks.

I went and took one of the candles that I came with and lit it. While the candle was collecting its wax I grabbed Jas's groin in my hand and started stroking it very slowly making sure I linger too long on his most sensitive spot.

''please''  he sounded so desperate 

''what do you want doll'' I couldn't hide the smirk that was on my face, god I loved torturing him

''you want me to bend you over and fuck your little tight hole mmh?'' I licked his precum and he groaned, the most erotic sound ever if you ask me.

''please'' he begged again and I dragged my tongue up his shaft and I was awarded with a moan. 

my cock twitched at the sound and all I wanted was to do was pound into that man pussy until we blacked the fuck out.

''you are such a dirty slut ain't you?"  all he did was nod his head mostly because he was overwhelmed by all these feelings I was bringing out.

''be a good slut for me one more time and I will give you what you want'' I removed my mouth from his cock and he let out a small whimper. I could drink in all the sounds Jasper made.

I stood and went to the candle. Running my hand on his back I dropped a few drops of wax on his back and he screamed he screamed so loud that if this room was not soundproof the whole house would have heard him. I knew the pain was a bitch but I also knew he loved it.

I continued dropping wax all over his welts and the mixture of the pain from the whipping and flogging mixed with the pain from the heat from the wax was a very good combination. 

when I felt that he had had enough, I blew out the candle and united him. he fell on the bed face first and I didn't have time to put his whole body on the bed his ass was facing up and that's all I needed right now.

I grabbed some lube and when I was well lubricated, I plugged into I'm hard and fast and he growled. Wrapping my hand around his neck I fucked him, I fucked real hard until I couldn't make up the words he was screaming and I was in beast mode to care.

''you will cum with me, do you understand'' 

'' yes, please'' he was sobbing at this point

'' You like it when I fuck you like my little slutty whore don't you?'' he nodded repeatedly and I spanked his ass hard '' use your words''

''I love it! I love being your slut!'' and that was it I was done 

'' Now! cum for me baby'' I felt my cock twitch a little before I was releasing everything that had into him.

it felt like the orgasm never ended and it was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had. Jasper was shaking, his whole body was shaking. I removed the blindfold off his eyes and carried him so he would be sleeping comfortably on the bed.

I gave him some water to drink and rubbed some soothing lotion on his back after I had removed all the wax. Soon after I was holding him in my arms showering him with soothing words and letting him know how good he was and how proud of him I was.

We drifted off like that and went into a dreamless sleep but all was well because I had my Jasper with me no matter what and Terry was the only missing piece.


so this was a steamy chapter. 

y'all need to start commenting because I'm starting to feel like no one cares about this story.

just let me know your thoughts and all that or even some kinks that you'd love me to add

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