52. Holy Grail.

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You'll see that I've made some changes to Richard (the priest)'s story, first I was going to make his story heterosexual but now it's all gay.

Richard's POV

(The day Mano met the other men for the first time, chptr 30)

I walked to the benches and sat down with my bible in one hand and my rosary in the other, knowing it wouldn't take time before one of the mothers who were playing with their kids by the playground here at the church came up to me and like always, I pray for the Lord to deliver them from temptation.

''Father Richard, I was waiting for you'' I watched as the woman made her way towards me and if my eyes are not deceiving me, there's an unnatural sway to her hips. ''I wanted to talk to you about something'' Of course she did.

She sits right beside me and makes a cross before bowing, a form of respect.

''Mrs. Briggs, I hope all is well'' I say with a gentle smile. I really do love it when my parishioners come to confide in me.

''You remember my son, Nature, the one told you about who's been living with his aunt?'' I couldn't forget about him even if I wanted to, the lady speaks about him every chance she gets and I admire her for that.

''If my memory serves me well, he is a junior doctor right?'' Mrs. Briggs face lights up like a Christmas tree letting me know I was correct.

''Yes that one! he is coming for his break and he'll be with us for a while. I was hoping you'd be his counselor, you know guide him so he doesn't do what these young boys are doing these day'' she lowers her voice even though there is no one close to us ''I don't want him to end up being like that boy next door who brings in different young girls every night''

''Sometimes our eyes can deceive us, Mrs. Briggs what we see, may not be what is, it is not us who should judge but the Lord Almighty''

''Forgive me, Father,'' she says as her face goes red out of embarrassment. so to put her out of her misery, I bring us back to our topic at hand.

''When he is ready, send him to my office. We can start from there''

''Thank you, Father Richard, I'll make sure to do that''

Two weeks later.

I'm in my office and as usual, I'm standing by the window waiting for the next person to come in. Tuesday afternoons are the only time that my parishioners come and seek advice from me, could be advice on marriage or business, doesn't matter, if its something I can help with, they come and we talk about it.

''Mr. Richards?''  I don't recognize the voice and it confirms that this is not someone from my parishioners because no one refers to me as Mr. Richards, it always Father Richard. 

Turning around I plaster a smile on my face, I always love it when new people visit the church but I wasn't prepared for what greeted me. Standing by my door just barely inside my office, was a gorgeous-looking young man. He immediately reminded me of Jas but where  Jas was outspoken and confident, very bubbly, this young man was shy, he could hardly meet my eyes, and those eyes god those beautiful brown eyes that were almost like a door to the inside person. His skin, his chocolate skin just begged me to lick it.

He is temptation wrapped in a cute body, a test I'm not sure I'm going to pass, hell, if I even want to pass this particular test. 

Closing my eyes I say a short prayer, asking the Lord to help me and to forgive me for I'm about to sin and I'm not even sure if I'll be able to control all the unholy thoughts going on in my head not to mention the way he was making me feel more than a priest should. 

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