47. No More Games

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Mano's POV

If one word could describe how I was feeling it would be rage. Rage directed to each and every man that is under this roof. Acting as if nothing happened, like everything is okay and they don't have an enemy to destroy.

Yes, Ash broke my heart but what I'm failing to understand is why these men had been playing this game of hide and hide with this Xavier person. For men who liked to portray themselves as strong, rich, and powerful, it just didn't make sense why they were not serious about catching and destroying this guy.

Crazy, that's what they call him but so is everyone in my life. It was almost like they were terrified of the guy and if that's true then that wouldn't make them the most powerful people in the damn city. To be powerful, you needed to fear no one and take what you wanted without having to answer to anyone, my father's words.

Guess it is time I get out of my grieving and start planning. If no one is going to take action fuck them, I'm going to do it myself, hurt and all. It's better than living in fear for the rest of my life and most of all what if Xavier attached first then what? There's no way I'm going to sit here and lose everyone I love.

People died so what? people die every day. It's high time we fed Xavier the taste of his own medicine and strike back. To make it more fun, we are going to do it the smart way. Who said in order to earn respect and stake your claim people had to die? This time no blood is going to be spilled, well unless if those dickheads decide to do their own thing.

Days passed as I did my research, using every resource we had, the men they broke out of prison. Had to convince them not to say a damn word to anyone about what I was doing. The information I was getting only manage to prove that my men literally were not even trying to eliminate this fucker otherwise if they knew what I know, they would have blown the idiot by now.

I'm exhausted, I've gone days without sleep. Dealing with this and then school on the other hand then work because apparently my dad was busy fucking everything and everyone, don't get me started on Tan, Terry, and Jas. The only person who was showing concern over me was my mom but also she was mostly occupied by my dad that I rarely saw her too. So most of my time was spent with the guys working, tracking, hacking you name it.

I'm slowly losing myself I can feel it. I'm becoming someone, no, actually I'm becoming something. A machine set to complete one thing and one thing only, I can feel my emotions slipping away. The boy my dad tried to build when I was growing up, one who was not supposed to love or let anyone in? The one who was supposed to be cold-hearted, fierce, ruthless, and a fucking leader? yes, I can feel myself becoming him, and I'm not even going to stop it. I'm letting it all consume me, It's like I've always known I had this side but had always managed to keep him on a leash but slowly I can feel that leash loosening up and lord knows what's going to be unleashed.

That animal inside me is coming out to play and fuck if I even try and stop it. God help anyone who comes in my way.

Finally, after all the hard work and sleepless nights, I finally have everything I need and the perfect plan to take this motherfucker down. I have it all lined up from the very first step to the last and I'm impressed.

''Okay guys, I think we have done it. Everything is all planned out, now we just need to set everything in motion but first things first'' I give each one five grand ''you know what you need to do, buy what you have to and if it's not enough, give me a call, I have some unfinished business.'' with that, I leave the building.

The car ride is a slow one. I'm silent but I can feel the anger silently brewing inside my skin. That's the only feeling I've been feeling these days.

I get inside the building and head up the elevator. The hotel is a grand one and I have to make it all the way to the last floor. I'm with one of the bodyguards I'm not stupid to be moving around the city without protection even if I can hold my own.

we finally get there and as the doors open for us to go, I walk to the door, anything could happen, I could be jumped right here but no, I hold my head high not even an ounce of fear prominent. Taking a deep breath I get ready to knock on the door but it flies open before I even get the chance to. Rude.

''What Do you want?'' The voice is full of spite but I grin none the less and even I could tell just how cold the grin is.

like I said, anger is all that's going through me.

''Now is that the way to greet your Daddy my dear Ashley mmmh?''

He stands there, just staring at me and I can see every emotion playing inside his eyes, good, if he's showing emotions that's a good sign, I can play with that.

''How did you find me'' his voice is now low and breathy, like he's fighting the words to come out.

''Not gonna let me in?'' I question with a raised brow. ''Dont worry, I just wanna talk''

he looks at my guard and I order him to stay out before getting in. I must say, he was living the life. This penthouse screams luxury.

''Nice digs'' I compliment as I take everything in.

''Yeah, my dad got it for me'' he says as a matter of fact.

''So he's your dad huh?''

''Don't act like you didn't already know, if you were able to find me here then you must already know. want anything to drink?''

''Water would be great'' he hands me a bottle and I down it.

''So why are you here? I know it's not to kill me so what is it''

''I just wanna know why that's all, like did you even feel anything or it was all just a game to you''

He laughs, a loud belly laugh that actually makes me want to kill him.

''It was all genuine, I can't believe you even doubt that part of me. I wanted you, still do but family comes first, you of all people should understand that'' He winks and I want to pluck those eyes out.

But he was telling the truth, family always came first that's just how we were raised. If the tables were flipped, id have done the same thing, you never get to chose what you wanted, it was all about protecting your family. It's only that this time Ashely was on the wrong side of the coin and he was going to go down with his family. No amount of convincing would I work, I know because if it were me, I'd die for my family.

''I have a message for your dad'' I tell him, just wanting to get this over with and get the hell out of here.

I tell him everything I wanted him to pass on and then walk to the door, but before I make it there, I'm yanked back and Ashely's lips are on mine but the kiss is over as soon as it starts.

''Just wanted to taste you for the last time'' he whispers and I can almost my boy but I don't let that stop me from living.

It's time t end this for once and for all.


Just setting the mood for what's to come, hope you enjoyed.

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