33. Fire

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Ashley's pov

Am I being too clingy?
No, I'm not, or at least he told me I was doing just fine.

But I still feel like I'm all over him all the time and to be honest, the thing is I can't help it, I just like him too much.
Right now it's been exactly 38 minutes since last he texted me telling me that he had to be in this huge meeting involving his dad which is kinda confusing since last time he told me that his dad was saving a really long time.

But anyway, I miss him and he's not picking up his phone or replying to any of my texts and I'm starting to get really anxious and my thoughts are messing with me. And I don't like being anxious. So I've made up my mind.

I'm going over there.

Well it's just his dad right? He doesn't need to know my relationship with his son, I can say I'm his bestie which is kinda true to some extent. If he kills me he kills  me and at least I'll make seeing Daddy my last dying wish and I'll die a happy boy.

Standing at the door, I was a nervous wrecking ball and very much indecisive, well I don't know why I'm feeling this way now that I'm here, just one knock away from him.
I even passed through those intimidating gates without any problem but now that I'm at the door, my nerves are literally everywhere. All I need to do is press a button then hopefully someone will open the door.

After pacing a couple of times, I finally gather the little courage that I could and press the button. And it takes almost every fiber in me to fight the need to run away but almost as immediately as I press the intercom, the door opens.

"Took you long enough,"  a very tall man said after opening the door. But no, it wasn't the hight or the tattoos that covered his arms that took or should i say grabbed my attention, no, it was the face.

They say the devil is the most dangerous being to ever roam the earth but they also say that he is the most beautiful thing you can ever lay your eyes on. Well I'm here to tell you that I've found him

The grey facial hair, the eyes that could command you into doing whatever he wanted without him actually uttering the words. His face is hard and masculine, each feature is perfectly sculpted just like a masterpiece. He's a masterpiece.

"You are going to get me killed by my own son if you keep ogling me like that," he said as he makes way for me to enter.

What I didn't expect was to be met by  couple more dozen eyes staring right at me when I entered. They were on the stairs looking as if they were actually heading somewhere but had stopped fr some reason.

Well this is awkward.

"This is Ashley, Mano's pet" the man who opened the door who I suspect to be Daddy's dad.....
Wait, that sounds wrong.
Not the point Ashley,
What I actually mean is, he's the one who spoke.

"Wait" I look at him " how do you know me?" I ask in a soft voice, didn't mean to but these people are starting to scare me now. A boy can only handle much pressure.

"I don't know you, I know my son," he says as he makes his way to the stairs "follow me, I'm sure you're here to see him right?"

Following all of them, we enter a room, not just any room, the room that Tan showed me but only this time we used a different door. I remember looking at all these things in here from the St Andrew's cross to the sex swings to the walls filled with every single toy you could ever think of, floggers, whips, Cannes, gags lots of gags for some reason, someone must really like them, then leather things I don't even know what they are and the huge bed that you could easily get lost in. All the drawers I can't even fathom what could be hidden inside them and the leather table I can only imagine the kind of things it has endured. Everything in here is black except for the paintings filling the walls. I'm talking about sensual paintings of nude people doing all sorts of kinky shit.

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