42. Fuck Scalpels

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Not that you need it but just a warning; bloodplay, and some sexy hetero shit is about to go down.


Mano felt the hands wrap around his waist before he saw the person and the same was happening to his mom, Nial was pulling his mom against his chest from behind while placing a soft kiss on her temple.

''I'm sorry to break the reunion this early but I need my girl and you can have all the time you want tomorrow, well that's if you can still get out of bed when I'm done with you'' Nial said as he turned a giggling Emmy in his arms, God how much he had missed the sounds that came out of this woman's mouth.

''Your ass pressed right against my cock is giving me ideas princess'' Tan's hypnotic and very aroused voice was right by Mano's ear drowning him in, he almost forgot Tan just called him princess.

''Princess?'' Mano asked in a breathy voice, for some reason he actually liked how it sounded. Mano's eyes fell shut as Tan reached out around him and rubbed his already hard dick and just as fast opened them in panic, he had forgotten his mom was standing right there but the scene that greeted his eyes just didn't sit well with him at all.

''Okay I know this family is fucked up and all, but I don't think I like seeing my dad finger my mom in front of me'' Mano said as he turned around and buried his face on Tan's chest that was vibrating from laughing.

''Okay princess, let's get you to bed'' Tan reached for Mano's hand and technically pulled him all the way up the stairs, ''Trust me you don't wanna know what's about to happen between those two.'' before Mano could say anything, Tan stopped in the hallway and pushed Mano against the wall while crowding his personal space. ''and I want that mouth'' Then he cupped the back of Mano's neck and smashed his lips against his, penetrating his mouth with his tongue taking and tasting while grinding his hips on Mano's.

Mano whimpered and grabbed Tan's biceps for balance and Tan just shoved his tongue in that sweet mouth wanting more but also in no hurry. He moved his tongue in and out of Mano's mouth at a deliciously slow pace, fucking him with his tongue as his other hand grabbed one of his ass cheeks and squeezed earning a groan from the boy.

''I fucking knew you two wouldn't get any far'' Nial's voice boomed across the hallway and Mano broke the kiss but Tan was having none of it as his mouth found Mano's ear and started nibbling, sucking and kissing all over the place, his short beard grazing over Mano's cheek creating a sensual feeling that shot straight to his dick.

''fuck off Nial'' Tan all but growled without stopping.

Nial bent down and whispered some instructions into the ears of an eager Emmy before she scurried away with a prominent blush on her face. Nial stood there while leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets as he watched the other two.

Knowing what, Nial wanted, ''the last door down the hall to your left, go and wait for me on your knees naked'' Tan whispered in Mano's ears and the boy hurried down to the room.

''Come here, Nial'' Tan ordered and received a glare

''I don't take orders from you'' Nial growled but made his way to the waiting man. This was going to be interesting.

When Nial got to Tan he didn't wait for him to say anything, he went straight and took Tan's lips in a delicious yet vicious kiss and for a second just a second Tan let him lead and take what he wanted but soon enough it was a war of dominance and that's exactly what Nial had wanted. Nial was hard as a rock but Tan wasn't, not because he wasn't enjoying everything but because no pain had been initiated but soon enough, he bit down on Nial's bottom lip hard he tasted blood and Nial cursed but that did it, he was getting hard. Tan moved his lips down to Nial's neck and right between his shoulder and neck he bit down again hard and Nial jumped a little before brutally grabbing Tan by the hair and slammed their mouths together.

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