11. Heaven

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So, guys, I tried to write this chapter a couple of times and it just wasn't coming out how I wanted it to come out but finally, I realized that I had to write it in 3rd person's P.O.V.  I really don't know how it works but I just did my thing.

Hope you enjoy it coz shit's about to go down;)


3rd P.O.V


As soon as the word left out of Mano's lips he wished he hadn't said it.

Both Tan and Jes stopped the conversation that they were having and looked at the boy who stood at the door looking like he had just seen a ghost.

Terry on the other hand just stood from where he was sitting and made his way to the boy like a predator stalking its prey. He just couldn't believe what was in front of him after two weeks of trying to get himself under control and failing miserably, after trying to go to his therapist thinking she might help quench his thirst for this boy and after actually coming to a conclusion of just resigning from his job so he could just avoid a certain boy, The very same boy was here standing right in front of him.

On the other side of the room, Tan was losing his shit. He knew from the very moment he first saw Mano that Terry was going to be a problem. He also knew that he wouldn't be able to resist Mano even if he tried and this was bad. The kid was literally in danger because what only he and Jasper knew was that Terry was a bloody sadist and Mano was just his type.

''see I told you Jas, I told you this would happen'' he harshly whispered to Jas who was just standing there watching in awe as Terry stalked to his prey, God he had missed him.

''soooo ...... Terry this is Manovich but he likes to be called Mano and Mano this is Terry''

Mano couldn't move even if he wanted to. Only God knew where this whole situation was heading. He knew he should be terrified, He knew he had to get away from the scene as soon as possible and he most definitely knew he was supposed to look away from the man that was coming for him but his body was telling him otherwise. He was more turned on than he was terrified, all the memories from their last encounter were just swimming around in his head. 

As a smirk appeared on Terry's lips it all clicked in Mano's head, he had lied his name the very first day they met and he could tell that besides the smirk, he wasn't really happy about it.

''So its Mano'' Terry asked as he was now circling the poor boy as if inspecting him from head to toe. And the smirk remained in place, He was going to enjoy this.

''Yes, he's Tan's nephew the one we told you about'' Jes answered.

''the way you spoke about him sounded like you were talking about a small kid probably in junior year, not someone whose this grown though he's kinda cute'' that smirk was driving Mano insane.

Tan could not believe that Terry was literally treating his nephew like one of his subs, in fact, Tan was kinda jealous about it. he wanted to be in his shoes, he wanted to be the one to inspect Mano like that, he wanted to be the one to consume every thought and every feeling he got. but he knew he had to stop whatever Terry was doing before he took it too far.

''Terry I think you need to sit down now you're scaring the boy''

At this Terry let out a chuckle and went and stood right behind the boy

''so I'm guessing they don't know'' he whispered only Mano could hear him but that got Jas's attention and he wanted to know what he was saying to the kid.

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