Chapter Eleven

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Austin's POV

"So, how'd the talk with Issac go?" I sighed as I looked at Max "It went well, we uh talked and that's where things are" I said as we watched Emma and Iris do cheerleading practice "I heard he's throwing a 'I'm back home' party tonight" "A what?" I questioned turning my head to Trevor "Yeah he's inviting everyone, didn't he tell you" "No of course he did I just uh misheard him from our talk maybe it slipped my mind" Max looked at me ruffling my hair.

"Shake harder girls!" Trevor yelled as he clapped his hands "You're such a perv Trevor" We laughed and talked amongst ourselves as Emma and Iris walked up to us on the field "Hey boys!" Emma said as she and Iris sat by us "Were we good?" Iris asked as she leaned close to me, I smiled at her "You were great, really beautiful" she smiled at me as I held her hand. Her hand is so soft and small so pretty "Aww you guys look so cute together" I shook my head at Trevor as he punched my arm "Iris aren't you dating Luke from middle school" "No way we broke up years ago!" she yelled in defense "Oh but, you still have he's number"

"Anyway guys, we should get going," I said as I got up, I extended my hand to Iris and she took my hand and I swiftly lifted her "Austin, what a gentleman," Emma said as he leaned her arm on my shoulder "Important question guys" Our eyes darted towards Trevor who was now standing tall with his hands behind his head.

"Are we going yes or no?" we looked at each other as we all smiled "I'll take that as a yes, I'll pick you guys up" "Yoo-hoo party tonight!" Emma yelled as she wrapped her arms around Max, he picked her up and held her on his back supporting her by holding her legs "Come on Austin race me!" Max yelled as he began running with Emma on his back. Iris winked at me as she jumped on my back, I caught her and ran chasing Max "Hey guys wait for me, I don't got a girl to pick up!" Trevor yelled as he picked up his jacket and started sprinting towards us.

I was in the bathroom and washing my face, I stared at myself in the mirror my eyes met my reflection "Don't sweat, just enjoy the party and don't flip out on anyone" "Why are you talking to yourself?" I turned my head to see Erica standing in the doorway "I'm giving myself a pep talk" Her face was of pure confusion not fully understanding what I was doing "Maxy is here" She yelled before running away. I brushed my hair and wiped my face as Max stood in the doorway with Erica holding onto his torso "You ready to go?" he asked as he lifted Erica's arms and swung her around "Yeah I just need to change shirts" I said as they moved so I can walk pass them to my room.

Max followed still holding Erica "Erica don't bother Max so much," I said as I opened my wardrobe searching for my clothes "But Maxy is so fun, one day I'm going to marry Maxy!" she yelled Max's eyes widened as she smiled brightly "One day in a few years but, I need to dress so get going" She frowned as she let go of him and ran off "How old is she again?" "Four, so don't get any ideas" he lifted his hands as he looked around "I mean we could be brothers officially then" I shrugged my shoulders.

I undressed my shirt and grabbed my chosen shirt "You know it's a big party right?" "Yes I know" "And are you sure you'll keep it cool, I don't remember you telling me that there was a party" I stopped and paused as I looked in the mirror "He didn't tell me but, I guess Shiro knows all about it he even lives there!" "He lives there because he came over with him" I felt Max put his hands on my shoulder and look me in the eyes, I stared back at him "If you wanna go home early tell me if you need me call me, I'll be as close as I can with you okay?" "Max you don't have to do this for me" He flicked my forehead as I rubbed the now bruised area "I will always have your back, and you have mine" I smiled sweetly at him "Of course" he pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back tightly.

This sense felt very familiar, but it wasn't the same as when I hugged Issac my heart would beat fast and I couldn't stop taking in his scent. "Right, we got to go Trevor is waiting for us," he said as we walked out "I have a feeling you don't really like Trevor that much," I said as we reached the stairs "You are right, I don't" he opened the door for me as we walked out "Where are your parents I didn't see them" "They're sleeping, we had a busy day" "Oh jeez guys don't work yourself too hard" We walked to the bus stop as we saw Trevor's car waiting for us, Emma and Iris were already there "Hey guys," I said as Iris opened the door for me "Hey boy's," Emma said as she adjusted the mirror to look at us. He started the car and we drove off.

A few minutes later. "Do any of you guys know where he lives?" "Austin does" I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window "I know where he lives guys calm down Emma," Trevor said as he turned to the right neighborhood "How do you know where he lives?" I asked "I asked around where he lives so I'd know where to drive" The rest of the car drive was silent until we reached his house.

"That's his house over there right?" I looked out the window to see his house, his house was not at all like I remembered, it was bigger and more advanced in a way "Hey Austin that's his house right" "Looks like it" There were people outside his house with cups in there hand and music playing. "Well this looks like it's the place, I'll find a parking now" My heart was racing as he parked the car and we got out, I helped Iris out "You look gorgeous" She blushed as I helped her out "Thank you Austin" I wasn't kidding when I told her she looked gorgeous, her white knee high dress was beautiful as her black vans gave her a more creative look, it gave me slight butterflies for her to look at me or for me to be that close to her. Do I like her?

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