Chapter: Twenty One

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Issac's Pov

Clank! "What the hell is that noise?" I took out my left air pod confused at what I heard thinking maybe my ears were playing a trick on me; I placed it on my table filled with study books and stationery; I rubbed my tired eyes and paused the music in my ears to listen to the noise that had disturbed my session.

I glanced at the time, it was past one in the morning everyone should be sleeping by now even Yashiro was fast asleep by now. I sighed standing up from my seat to investigate the noise. I opened my door quietly stepping softly to not wake anyone up. The house was still and peaceful pins falling would cause a commotion in this silence. I walked a little further down the hall trying to listen to the noise; it sounded like multiple sharp breaths. The noise got louder the more I went deeper into the house; I quietly made my way downstairs making sure to take slow steps to not make any noise.

"Stop someone might hear us we already dropped something" "Oh please no one is awake" My eyes widened at the noise. It was voices. One belonged to my father and the other was unrecognizable, I stepped down the stairs stopping when I heard the voices at their highest "You're in big trouble if anyone finds out" "Oh please like anyone would find out about us" About us? What the actual fuck?

I peeked my head around the corner trying to get a glance at what was happening "Oh my gosh" I covered my mouth; my heart stopped the minute my eyes landed on my father feeling up and kissing a woman who was not my mother; I tried to take every detail of her in my eyes but the sight was way too painful for me to handle. I turned away taking in a few breaths and calming myself down from what I had witnessed "Can't we do this in a bedroom; the kitchen is so cliché" "This is the perfect setting with the moonlight dripping on us; the sinfulness flowing in our bodies. admit it you love it" no, don't say it "I love you" don't say- "I love you too"

I gagged at those words being uttered out of my father's mouth and the women with him. Without any hesitation, I walked back the way I came slightly quicker than I did before slightly more aggressive, louder, faster. In a way I wanted them to hear me where I wanted them to know, I caught them I wanted them to know I saw them; but that wouldn't change anything because if I did do that then I would be in trouble I would be called a liar I would be the one in trouble because that's how it works in this house.

I got to my room and closed the door every fiber in my being wanted me to tell my mother so she would see them she would see but a small part of me knew she might have known this was going on and just saying anything about it for whatever reason she's keeping it to herself; hurting herself; touching herself.

I took in more breaths to calm down collecting my thoughts; I sat back down putting my ear pods back in my ears without any music, I turned to face my books and picked up my pencil but didn't write I couldn't read what was written. My father was having an affair in his house in the middle of the night without any worries about anything. Hatred started growing inside for my father the man who I called my father was not my father anymore he was now only seen as the man who gave my mother what she needed to have me nothing else. I opened my drawer to take out a notepad and started writing things he'd ever given me. money; clothes; food; the house. I turned the page to write down the description of how the women looked; I didn't stare at the sinful sight for long but I remembered some details.

Long black hair and dark skin. I came away; the first place I would go is the first place they would go looking for me at Austin's place so that was out of the question not to mention Yashiro; I wonder if he knew; my thoughts were keeping me up keeping me thinking and thinking not knowing what to do. Eventually, I had made up my mind not using he's money anymore or accept anything from him; I shall not look or speak to that man ever again.

How could he? How could he do this to Mom? How could he do this to me he's the son he's family. If I let this information get spilled to his business then it would be ruined and his life as well but, that would mean I would suffer as well with nothing as Mom and the Carson family would also be in disaster from this. I grabbed a few strands of my hair and pulled them I was angry; frustrated and upset this was happening under everyone's noses.

How long was this even going on for? Months? Years? The answers I didn't have and I had no way of finding them out. I lay my head on my table having every shed of emotion leave my body and drip dry from my soul. What do I do now? I closed my eyes for a little hoping that I would just sleep this off hoping that this was a very bad dream and that I would wake up to the sound of birds chirping and that this never happened but, it didn't. By the time I knew it, the sun had come up and it was morning. School began in a few hours and I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. I sighed as I opened my eyes staring at the window gawking at the sky turning from an azure cyan to a deep orange pigment that blended with the pigment red. Today may or may not be one of the worst days of my existence.

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