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"Mom! It's too tight" I pulled my tie outwards so I could inhale fresh air instead of being choked to death by my tie. "Be, quiet and stay still" she replied as I stood up in front of her mirror, legs together standing straight she pulled my arms down and fixed my collar, and I just stood there like a doll. "And there, now I just need to brush your hair" She turned around to grab her hair products as I stared at myself in the mirror.

I wasn't going to deny it, I looked really good but, I felt as if my tie was going to tighten around my neck and choke me and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I pulled for an air hole around my neck so I wouldn't be choked to death as my mom came by again with a comb and brush. She turned me around and loosened my tie a bit "You'll get used to it in time so just be patient, alright?" I nodded my head as Mom started brushing my hair making it seem more neat.

"There we are, all done" I turned around and glanced at myself in the mirror "My handsome boy," she said and kissed my head as I smiled. "Now, off you go you're pregnant mother has to try and get dressed" I turned towards my mom as she walked to get clothes out of the bags she had packed when we moved "Would you do me a favor and call your father, please?" I smiled and nodded my head as I ran outside to find Dad.

He was outside on the porch smoking cigarettes. Mom had always told Dad to smoke outside because it would damage our lungs but, since Dad said he couldn't stop smoking he had to always stand outside and smoke. "Hey Dad, mom's looking for you," I said as I walked towards him, he was wearing the same suit as me although he was black and mine was navy blue "Hey bud, I'll be with your mom now," he said as he extinguished his cigarette and patted my head "looking good there," he said before opening the door and leaving me outside to myself.

We moved to a different farm here in California after I was born, I was about six when Mom and Dad thought about moving to a bigger farm now four years later, I'm ten and here we are. The Carson family farm, our new home. "Austin we'll leave!" I heard mom yell. I took one last glance at the farm and ran towards the truck. We arrived at the church we'd be attending from now on. We didn't go to church when I was younger or I might have forgotten...

We walked into a Catholic church which we hadn't been to before so I don't think any of us knew what to do or where to sit. When we walked in there was a bowl of water that everyone was dipping their fingers in and doing a cross sign. Mom and Dad followed what everyone else was doing and I did the same. We greeted everyone and sat down in a random seat.

I looked around at how absolutely beautiful it looked, the stained glass that had Jesus on them, the altar where the priest would stand there was even a Jesus statue. Jesus was everywhere. I was looking around at everyone at what they were doing so I could feel more comfortable and learn from them. Some of them were kneeling and praying. After the service which was a little hard to keep up with since we didn't know what to do Mom and Dad stayed and was talking to some people.

I stayed by myself still seated, I assumed they were just having a grown-up conversation, and Mom called me over to greet the people they were talking to. Slowly I walked over to them and smiled at the other male and female they were talking to "Austin this is Mr. and Mrs. Mellow, they are our business partners" she said as I extended my hand to shake theirs "Hello, it's nice to meet you" I said awkwardly smiling at them. "Nice to meet you Austin, this is our son Issac" they introduced him, he stared at me as if I were a useless calm shall "N-nice to meet you," I said extending my to greet him.

He gave me one of those up-and-down looks and shook my hand "Pleasure to meet you" he said as he shook my hand. After that whole conversation we had and me trying to be friends with Issac, he just seemed like he wanted to bite my head off. "Mom, how long do we have to go to church?" I asked as we drove home quietly "We go Sundays and Saturday nights" "But-" "No buts" And that was the end of it. I felt slightly scared of Issac and what he might do if I accidentally irritated him but, only time will tell how well we'll get along...

Heart Of A Saint, Life Of A SinnerWhere stories live. Discover now