Chapter Forty Seven

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Austins pov:

The sun rays had woken the chirping birds, causing me to awaken from slumber and feel the warm rays. I was entangled with Isaac, who was fast asleep, but still cuddled up beside me. I placed soft kisses on his head, holding his hand, and began leaving a trail of kisses. "Stop, I'm trying to sleep," I said, his voice groggy, and his brows frowned. "I'm sorry sleeping beauty, but can't help it. My boyfriend is so pretty when he sleeps," Issac turned leaving me to face his bare back. "Oh, come on, don't be like that"

My hands wandered under the sheets, feeling his naked body. "How are you feeling?" He didn't say anything; instead, I think he went to sleep. I pulled him closer, feeling his warmth. Our rest was rudely cut off when a loud and very urgent knocking was heard on our door "Austin; Isaac you need to come out here right now!" I could tell it was Iris, but I ignored her, not wanting to leave the bed. "I am not playing; you need to see this."

She wasn't joking; it sounded serious. "Issac, come on, get up, we need to go." I jumped up, putting a pair of boxers on, not caring if I had to walk our shirtless. I heard Isaac hiss in pain. We were doing it for so long last night, and I don't think his body could have taken it. "Come here," I said, helping him put a t-shirt on hiding the visible marks on his chest. "There is one on your neck, but let's hope whatever happens they won't notice." I opened the door to see Iris standing in her pajamas. "What the hell is going on?" She didn't say anything; she looked as if she had seen a ghost. "I-" She hadn't finished her sentence when I turned to see Max. He pointed at the main guest room down the hall, walking beside me. Isaac was holding his stomach, taking a while before he would catch up, pretending to have a stomach ache.

When we reached the main hall, a huge banner 'congrats faggs' was written all over with rainbows and pictures of Isaac, and I all over kissing, hugging, and anything that we did in the moment. "What the fuck did you do?" I said to Yashrio who was standing in front of it all, everyone was standing to the side whispering to themselves "Well I overheard that you wanted to come up with a way to come out so, I decided to be thoughtful and come out for you. Surprise." he said, popping a bottle of champagne, "Are you out of your fucking mind to do this? Is this what you have been up to here I thought you were actually over your shit yet, you still decided to make Isaac and my life a living hell!"

"Hey now, I am only helping if I didn't do this. You would never have come out to your friends, and here they are all looking for all the acknowledgment that you are dating Issac Mellow. Why the face? Issac not enough or should I have added PowerPoint because trust me I could of" "Shut up!" I couldn't breathe all the air in my lungs had been kicked out; all I could feel was rage growing inside me "Austin is this true?" Emma asked, and I didn't know how to respond. Their heads turned to Isaac, who was leaning against the wall. "Oh no, Issac, is your back sore from spending the night with Austin? I guess you can't help couples in love." "Enough, Yashrio. I'm calling security to take this down and retrieve you from the building," he said, almost limping to the foyer.

I looked at everyone's faces Iris had a look of sadness even though she knew about us; the situation was awful; Max had the same look on his face Emma and Trevor were frightened and shocked, and I could not imagine what they thought. Hayden was the one who came up to me. "Yashrio this, it is unacceptable that you interfered with their relationship and humiliated them not as a couple but as people. You had no right to do this, whatsoever, and if I can speak for most of us here, I don't think you should tag with us any longer. This is utterly disrespectful, and if I find you doing this shit again, I will report you to the police. Your little adventure here will end, and I will have-" "You can't-" "You sent back to Japan so you can no longer hurt my friends"

I looked at Hayden, my eyes brimming with tears. "You had no right to do this; that was there coming out, not yours. This was their secret that they wanted to tell us on their time." He stepped closer to him face-to-face "If I catch you doing shit like this again, I swear you won't have that smug face on for much longer." Yashrio looked around at everyone before smiling at me. "You're welcome." Not even Amanda stood by him. Instead, she was shocked as well. I felt weak and numb in my legs. I couldn't think of anything to do; this wasn't what I wanted. I didn't know how to face everyone, and the words Hayden said to me were muted I was stuck in a haze watching his mouth move with no sound. I apologized to everyone before making my way back to the room. I sat on the bed with my face in my hands, not knowing what to do or how to fix this.

"Austin," "Go away, pack up, so we can leave this shit show." "This is my room too." I looked up to see Issac in the doorway. "I'm sorry, I just." I wiped my teary eyes and sniffed before looking at him. "I'm so sorry, for what Yashrio did. I don't know how to fix this now, but I can assure you I will" Issac sat next to me his face focused on the side of my face, he placed his hand on my back rubbing circles around and comforting me. "Well, at last, we were out."

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