Chapter Fifteen

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Austin's POV

"Yashiro" His eyes were glued on mine, he had a smug look on his face I was surprised he's nose wasn't bruised badly since I had punched him. Max helped me over to the couch "So" my mother spoke as Max sat me down next to her "How was the party Austin?" she said as her eyes were looking at my weak form, her cold eyes stared me down "It was pretty good until someone pissed me off" I said glancing at Yashiro.

It annoyed the hell out of me to know he had put this façade up and pretended to be the good guy when he was the reason I acted up "Okay, is that all?" I turned back to my mother and nodded my head at her as she solely sighed at my response. "Well that's a different story from what I heard" I raised my eyebrow in confusion as to what she was talking about "Yashiro said that you were drinking as if it were your last day and decided to pick a fight with him and Issac"

Okay, I don't remember everything in detail, just the basic stuff. "Max sweetheart go outside, Issac is there taking a call, keep him company" Max nodded his head as he got up walking towards the door. Once he was gone Mother stood up as well "I'll make you some tea Austin, while I do that you and Yashiro can talk and get your story straight"

This was utterly embarrassing, I glared at Yashiro as he stared at me with a smirk on his face "What the hell are you doing here" "Trust me, I didn't want to be at your lousy farm but, Issac dragged me with him to check on you unluckily he had an important call to make before he could explain anything to your mother so I unfortunately had too and trust me, I didn't leave a single thing out" My heart began to beat faster at the thought of him talking sheer nonsense to my mother "I told my mother the truth what you told her I don't want to know but I know what's the truth and what's not" Yashiro sighed as he ran a hand through his white hair.

A cacophony sound embraced our ears as Max opened the front door "Issac wants to speak with you" he said's voice was stern, and the expression on his face held no emotion "Alright" I got up completely forgetting the pain I had but, I didn't let the pain stop me from doing what I had to do. Pushing aside the pain I walked passed Max towards the door and opened it leaving Max and Yashiro to talk amongst themselves. I looked at Issac as he stood on the front porch, his back facing me as he stared into the fields; his jet-black hair was swaying in the wind.

"Issac?" I spoke as he turned his head at me, without hesitation he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "You idiot why the hell did you get so drunk?" his voice was full of concern and worry, his lips inches away from my neck as his hot breath ticked that area. I returned the embrace hugging him tightly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to act up and ruin your party" he shook his head as he moved his head so he was face to face with me "Yashiro had said something that got under my skin and I took out my frustration on him" Issac raised he's eyebrow pondering what I was talking about.

"What did he say to you" The conversation that I had with Yashiro came running through my head playing on repeat as new and old information filled my head "He was just- giving me a hard time" he sighed letting go of me. "Did you come all the way to tell me that?" he laughed as he patted my shoulder "I came to see if you're alright, you scared me last night" "No more drinking for me I ain't touching alcohol" "why did you even get so drunk?" I shrugged my shoulders as I scratched the back of my head "No idea, I just remembered drinking a lot and just being out of it" Issac raised his eyebrow "You were drinking like there was no tomorrow"

Was I drinking that much? "You don't think Yashiro has anything to do with it?" it was a possibility but, who was I to judge "To do with what?" "Me getting so drunk, surely I didn't drink that much, how many cups did I chug? "I had only seen you chug one, was there someone with you while you were drinking before you chugged that cup?" how could I possibly forget "Iris was with me, I'll have to ask her" He nodded his head at me as he pointed at the benches "Let's sit down"

Issac helped me walk over to the benches as we sat down "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you, I wanted to catch up with you but, with Shiro here, it's been hard having him get used to California" I nodded my head, I understood that Yashiro being here is hard on him, but the way he treats me is no excuse. "At least he speaks English fine and can read words properly" "Can you speak Japanese fluently?" he nodded his head "How is your hand?" he said pointing to my bruised knuckles "Worth it" I smiled.

An idea had popped into my head "How about next weekend we go out, just the two of us without Yashiro" Issac smiled at the idea but soon his lips curled downwards "That would be lovely except for the fact that he needs me, and calls for me every second of the day" "Why not we set him up on a date?" Issac was quiet, he looked deep in thought as he stared into nothing. His face turned to me as his eyes lit up with determination "Sure, we'll give it a try" he smiled at me, his eyes locked on mine they looked like pools I could dive in, my eyes wandered into his lips, so plump and pink they looked so soft. My heart started to quicken as he leaned closer to me-

"Sumimasen" I turned my head towards the foreign word, Yashiro was standing by the door "Ikimashou, kare no kao wa mitakunaidesu" No words could describe how absolutely confused I was, I had no clue as to what he was saying, I wanted to ask Issac what he had said but figured I'd just leave him be. Yashiro walked back into my house as Issac and I were left alone once again "Well I'll see you Monday" he said as got up and extended his hand for me to grab, I took his hand in mine and he pulled me up swiftly.

He looked at me longingly before he pulled me closer and embraced me once again, I returned the embrace as he let go of me, and I could feel the warmth of his body linger on me before the cold wind brushed against my skin causing my to slightly shiver "Time to go" Yashiro said leaving my house and wrapping his arm around Isaac's shoulder, Issac turned he's head to me and smiled weakly before he left my sight. I felt Max's warm hand on my shoulder as he stood next to me "You guys are so in love" he smirked as I ruffled his hair before walking back inside "You wish"

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