Chapter Three

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Issac's POV

This was excellent, not only did I get to see Austin make an utter and complete fool of himself, but their school education curriculum is surprisingly easy. Fantastic. Although I do miss my old school, not only was my old school a bit bigger, it wasn't as crowded as this one and that may be a problem. "Excuse me, Issac?" I turned my head around to see who was calling me. My eyes gazed upon a girl around the same age as me, she was slightly taller than me by an inch which was odd since generally men are taller than female, but, I guess she just is tall.

"Hello, can I help you?" "Yes actually, I'm the class captain and I just need some basic information from you" Oh? "What information may I be applying to you?" I asked as she reached out for her bag and pulled out what seemed to be a notebook, it was worn out a bit by the looks of it. Signatures were written across the whole notebook as well as stamps and pen marks. "I need your birthday and something you like" She opened her book looking for a specific page to write down the needed information she so desperately seemed to want. Why she wanted it I didn't know but, I guess it wouldn't hurt to co-operate with her.

"April 6th" I took a moment to collect my thoughts as I tried to figure out what I enjoyed getting as a gift. "I like books" "Great, thank you so much for your help" She took her notebook and shoved it back into her brightly orange and green covered bag. "Well, goodbye" "Hold on a minute" Before she turned around setting her foot in a position where she could walk away, I wanted to know... "What's your name?" "I'm Emma Peterson, I'm the class captain" she smiled "We're in the same class?" "Yes we are, you glanced at me but you shifted your gaze towards Austin. Do you know him?"

My my what an impression I've made with Austin and his classmate. "Our parents work together so, yes we do" "Alright I'll see you around I've got other work to do" I waved goodbye to her as she sprinted in the direction she came from, and out of sight she was. I continued to walk along the school hallways finding the most, best spot to take a nap. After walking for a while I had finally come across a good spot to sit.

On the first floor between rooms twenty-three and twenty-four across from the blank wall, no one put posters on, and far away from anyone walking near here. No one would walk this way unless they needed something in this hallway which is associated with classrooms twenty and up. Other than that sitting right between here was not only comfortable but, I had a blank wall to stare at.

Perfect... "Issac!" May I not find rest? I turned my head towards the sound of none other than Austin Carson. "What do you want Austin, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" "You have a lot of nerve coming to my school and making a fool out of me in front of my classmates and teacher" "I had not made you look like a fool, you did that all by yourself, I had only stumbled into your foolishness" "Stop using fancy words to sound smart and cool!" I slapped a hand over my eyes as he referred to 'foolishness' as a 'fancy word' Silence was heard throughout the hallway as we stared at each other. He standing right in front of me as I sat on the floor, knees up to my chin arms folded in a shape like a pillow so my head could rest. And yet he still hadn't said anything.

"If you'll excuse me I want to sleep" "Why are you here?" "What do you mean 'why am I here'?" "Why are you at my school" Ah yes, that bothersome question. "My mother and father had decided to put me here because, to go to the school I want I needed to be in your school which is lower than my own" The look on his face was puzzled, he looked like an average kid lost in math class. "They thought it would be good if we bonded so one day when we're older I take the company and you take the farm, we would still be able to keep the company alive and good"

"But, why my school?" "like I said, I require to be here, and not only are they killing two birds with one stone they see it as a way to make more money" "Aren't you too young to know all about your parent's plans and things like this?" "Aren't you too ignorant to not know things?" And still, the hallway was, soon after the bell had rung and it was time to leave, just as I was about to get up I saw Austin extend his hand out to me. I didn't expect him to do such a gentlemanly act out of his own but, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take his hand.

I reached out my hand and he pulled me up, his eyes were everything but looking at me, I saw the obvious blush he had on his cheeks. A very light blush of pink was painted on his cheeks, the pink hue complemented his eyes as he darted them away from me. "Thank you" I smiled at him. "Yeah, whatever, let's just get to class" After a silent walk back to class Emma walked up to us. She skipped to us so joyfully as if walking on sunshine with rainbows over her head.

"Issac, Austin!" She started running extending her arms out lifting her feet slightly off the ground and forwarding herself towards me. I grabbed her by the waist as she embraced me ever so tightly. It was strange how friendly she acted towards me even though we had only met a couple of minutes ago. "Hello Emma" I let go of her as she extended the same warm welcome to Austin who stood beside me. "Hey Emma, what's got you so hyped up?" "I'm really glad to see you guys get along" "What do you mean?" Austin questioned "It looked like you guys were about to kill each other during the spelling test, those death stares you guys gave one another were pretty cold" We both glanced at each other as a small smile tugged our lips.

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