Chapter Seventeen

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Austin's POV

My heart was racing, I was standing in her house right now. I wiped the sweat from my forehead not sure if I should wait for Mae to return from her sister's room or go up there myself, although even if I wanted to I couldn't find the strength in my legs. My cheeks were burning red, and I was sweating pinballs "She said you can come up" my thoughts were interrupted by Mea as she tugged on my sleeve "O-oh alright thanks" she smiled at me before she ran off somewhere.

This was the very first time I'd stepped foot in her house, don't get me wrong her house is a beautiful double story with a glass chandler hanging in the living room, the decoration was exquisite with old antiques and marvelous paintings hanging on the wall. Kind of making me scared to touch something before I break it. I walked up the stairs, making sure I didn't slip on any of them or else I'd be tumbling down them more bruised and hurt than I already was, once I located her room I knocked on her door.

"Come in" Oh boy why am I so nervous all of a sudden? I wiped the sweat off my hands onto my pants as I took in a deep breath opening the door, my gaze immediately landed on Iris as she sat down on her bed with her dog Dasher. Dasher is a Labrador who's been around since she was born, they practically grew up together "Hey" I said softly smiling at her as I closed the door behind me "Hi"

Dasher leaped off the bed and he came running towards me lifting he's paws so I could shake them "Hey Dasher" I took his paw and shook it as he began sniffing me with his tongue that was outside his mouth. Iris let out a soft giggle as she witnessed this adorable sight "He likes you" she said as I rubbed his head "Well I like him too" She giggled once again before adjusting herself on the bed, she was still in her pajamas her hair was slightly disheveled as well.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I let go of Dash, and he immediately jumped back on the bed and lay down next to Iris "Oh I uh came to see if you're doing alright 'cause you weren't at school today" "You were looking for me?" "Of course why wouldn't I?" she shrugged her shoulders as her fingers began to fidget with her pants. "I also wanted to ask you what happened at the party" Her eyes were still on her pants not looking once at me, her pajamas consisted of a plain oversized T-shirt and black hearten pants that seemed too big for her legs.

"Well, I'm not sure what happened after you left since for some reason after we kissed you started a fight with Yashiro I think, and got really wasted so quickly and you just left" I nodded, trying to wrap my head around what she said "Oh, that's basically what everyone had told me well, except for the minor details of what happened in between and of what I said" She stayed quiet not making eye contact, the feeling of her eyes avoiding me was enough to make my insides turn, it set off a burning feeling in my chest.

"Are you avoiding me?" "No, I just felt sick; that's why I didn't go to school sorry to make you worry" Her tone was nonchalant, she held no emotion in her words not even a smile formed on her lips. She was always smiling even if she did badly on a test; she'd smile and keep a happy face making everyone feel relaxed and warm, that's just the way she is that's the way she grew up.

But, she wasn't smiling She frowned. "Did I do something?" she shook her head "Then why won't you look at me, Iris?" I walked over to her tilting her chin upwards so her eyes were on me, her Iris eyes were glossy tears were forming in them. "It's just that after our kiss I felt like there might be something between us but, I don't think you feel the same cause you're so obsessed with Issac and his friend Yashiro I just thought I was dreaming a dream that wasn't real" "That's because I've been trying to get on better terms with Issac, we weren't seeing eye to eye for a couple of weeks now and I just wanted to figure things out with him"

She nodded her head understandingly "I have another question, do you know how I got so wasted so quickly?" "Trevor gave you a really strong cup of alcohol, I guess when you left me alone you took it with you and began chugging it" Trevor? I didn't utter a word, I let her speak. I moved back away from her to give her space as she stood up standing right in front of me "Look, I know you probably don't feel the same but" she inhaled deeply closing her eyes before she continued to speak "I like you Austin Carson and I don't need a reply now I-"

She was silenced by my lips pressing on hers, my hands cupped her cheeks as her hands rested on my hands keeping them there. I felt her tear fall onto my hand as our lips moved in sync, I parted from her lips that smile I had longed to see resurfaced on her beautiful face, I brushed my thumb gently against her cheek wiping away her tears. "Iris, will you be my girlfriend?" her eyes were glued on mine as she nodded her head and closed her eyes "Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend" I pressed my lips against hers once more, my hands rested on her sides and her arms were wrapped around my neck. The feelings I had for her that were building up day by day aching to come out was released, she is mine and I am hers. And I love her.

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