Chapter Twelve

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Austin's POV:

"Let's party till we drop!" Trevor cheered obnoxiously as the crowd who had heard him cheered along with beer cups in their hands. "This looks like it's going to be fun," Max said "For who?" I commented. We walked up to the door I hadn't even recognized he's house anymore it's been renovated from top to bottom, and there were more people inside than outside, crowds up and down the stairs, groups sitting on the couch. Some of the couples were making out already, I wasn't sure if we were late or early but, I sure as hell could tell the party hadn't started yet.

"Hey guys" Issac and Shiro came walking down the stairs to greet us "Yo wassup man" Trevor and Issac grabbed hands as they bumped their shoulders together "Hey Austin" Issac said as he let go of Trevor, his eyes narrowed at me, he had a drink in his hand which was half filled, we had the same greeting as him and Trevor did "Iris you look beguiling," he said as he hugged her slightly lifting her off the ground "Thanks you do too" she laughed, I won't lie the sinking feeling in my heart deepened with every smile she gave him. I was jealous.

"Do you guys want a drink?" Shiro asked as he looked at me "Yeah I'll go with you uh Iris anything you want?" "Just juice thanks" I smiled at her, I followed Shiro as we pushed passed the crowd of drunks and kissing couples. He grabbed some cups and started pouring as I poured mine "So uh how's the weather?" his lips curled up "It's cold outside"

This was awkward, very awkward "So are you and Issac close?" "Very close" "Like how close?" he turned to look at me he's eyes narrowed "Why you ask?" my grip tightened on the cup as I was pouring "I'm trying to make conversation" "Issac isn't a conversation starter, especially coming from you" "What's that supposed to mean?" my eyebrows grew together as I stared at him. "Do you like her?"

My heart sank, I could feel it in my stomach "I don't like Issac" "But you're so close to him aren't you? The way he speaks of you sounds like you guys are brothers" I stayed quiet "Or is there something more?" "..." he smirked as he grabbed his cups "And I asked if you liked her" he pointed his index finger towards Iris as Trevor was talking her ear off "I-" "If you like someone tell them but" he paused as he took a step forward "Make sure that person likes you back before you confess or else you'll get in trouble" he turned to face me and leaned closer to my ear.

"You better lose the feelings you have for Issac, he has someone else" My eyes widened as I saw my cup was overflowing "Ah shit" I put the over poured cup down as I turned to Shiro but he was gone. Asshole. I walked over to Iris as she looked at me, her eyes held worry in them "Hey you alright?" she asked as she took the cup from my hand "Yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought" I felt her hand in mine, her hands were soft and gentle so delicate to the touch "Let's go sit down" we walked towards an open couch only a few people were sitting there "Where's Max?" I asked as she sat next to me, "I'm not sure but Trevor told me to give you this drink" I wondered why she had another drink in her hand, I thought perhaps Shiro had beaten me to her and given her a drink but, it looks like I was wrong.

"Thanks" I took the cup from her and took a sip, I immediately spat it back out "That's so strong" "How strong is it?" "Way too strong" I held it tight in my hands hoping I wouldn't spill it anywhere. Iris and I were talking, holding hands and getting closer by the second "This is a great time I'm having with you" She smiled sweetly at me as I leaned in, inches away from her face, and stared into her eyes. Not a moment later I pressed my lips against hers and we kissed, we smiled at each other. I jerked my head towards the party and instantly I saw Shiro looking directly at me, for a second my heart stopped as if I had just committed a crime and had been caught. He turned around walking away into the crowd "Hey um I'll be right back" I said as I got up and followed Shiro.

Before I could even reach him Issac appeared right in front of me "Austin what's the rush?" I froze the words of what Shiro had said played through my mind on repeat like a broken tape recorder "Nothing I just need a drink" Issac looked confused as to my excuse, Trevor walked towards us with girls on both ends on he's arm "You're holding your drink?" Issac questioned, "Austin you should chug that!" Trevor chirped as he's girls agreed with him. "Chug it, chug it, chug it" The chants became more and louder by the passing second as more and more people chanted, I gave in to avoid the burning tension that was created and chugged the cup. Coughing and breathing through the process, my throat burning from the strong liquor I finished the last drop and threw the cup "Ahh!" I screamed as everyone cheered and patted my back. I glanced in Isaac's direction to see him smirking at me, I tried walking over to him but, my legs were feeling numb and my head getting dizzy, my vision blurred and my mind fuzzy, my stomach began to burn and turn.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" I felt Issac put his hand on my shoulder, I shoved his hand off me as I glared at him "What do you care?" he was not fazed at all by my rudeness instead he copied my expression "Cause you seem out of it" "You're out of it!" I yelled at him. I started to make a commotion everyone went quiet as they watched us "You shouldn't worry about me, you have someone better to worry about don't you?" he looked confused by my words and frowned "What do you mean?" he asked impolitely "Hey man you should calm down" Trevor spoke but I ignored him.

"You're dating Shiro aren't you?" his face turned a shade of pale by my mention "What are you talking about?" "You are, aren't you church boy!" I yelled emphasizing the nickname I hated oh so much "Why are you so upset, do you like me or something" My heart rate accelerated "Fuck you" "Then do it" Shiro yelled. That's it. I pushed passed Issac shoving him aside as I pulled back my fist and punched him right on the nose, I felt Trevor and Max pull me back as Shiro held his hand to his nose stopping the blood from dripping out "Austin!" I turned to Issac who had yelled my name "Go home" he looked at me with an expression that made me sick, the anger and disappointment he had on his face hurt me.

I shrugged Trevor and Max off me and walked away heading right for the door. I heard voices calling my name, I couldn't make out who they were my vision completely blurred and my legs gave in, I tried to be as close to the car as possible but before I could, I the idiot drunk I am tripped over my foot and fell to the ground. My eyelids grew heavy and my strength left my body before I could even have a chance to do anything I passed out.

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