Chapter Ten

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Austin's POV

"Well, aren't you going to hug me?" Issac said as he took a step forward coming closer to me, I stared at him as he closed the gap between us and embraced me. I wrapped my arms around him as I patted his back, I had so much to say, so much emotion to display but, instead, I asked "Who's that?" glaring at the white-headed boy looking at us Issac let go as he wrapped his arm around the male who was now standing next to Issac, he had snow white hair with dark magenta eyes, his skin was fair "This is Yashiro Mikoru, Shiro for short" he extended his hand out for me to take.

I didn't hesitate when I grabbed his hand "Nice to meet you Yashiro" "Please call me Shiro" his voice was light and soft, you could hear the Japanese in his tone "So you're the Austin my ears won't stop hearing" I raised my eyebrow "You know about me?" I questioned "Yeah, of course, this guy won't stop yapping about you," he said as he ruffled Issac's hair. I felt my stomach turn inside, it felt as if it were upside down or I'd eaten Grandpa's casserole he claims is the best in the world. I wanted to ask why he had gone so long, why hadn't he messaged me or gotten in touch "By the way" Issac said as he grabbed my hand and turned it to the side of my palm, he took out a pen from his pocket and began writing a number down.

"Here's my new number, add it on your phone" he smiled as Shiro stood staring at me. Before I could say anything let alone ask my questions the bell rang, I looked at Issac hoping he'd stay but, he waved his hand at me and began walking away with him. Was I replaced? I felt a strong hand harshly press down on my shoulder and I flinched, I turned my head to see the vice principal standing behind me "I hear you yelling at students Mr. Carson" I sighed as he walked with me into his office. The school day was awful, the more I tried to look for Issac the more I looked insane. Eventually, I'd given up and carried on with a normal day at school as for the vice principal he just let me off with a warning.

"Yo, Austin you going to get iced coffee with us?" Trevor asked as he slapped my shoulder "Sorry dude, maybe next time I wanna go home early" We did our handshake we made up and I hugged the girls "Tell Issac I say hi" Max said before I left, I nodded my head and headed to the bus stop. My knee was moving up and down I was biting on my nail, and questions were running through my head. I got off the bus and ran to my house, I passed all the crop fields not greeting the workers like I always do, and sprinted to the house. I slammed the door open panting as I looked around at my mom cooking and my dad setting papers and the table.

"Hey Austin honey get dressed guess who's back" "The Mellows are back I know, why wasn't I told," I said as I closed the door behind me "We wanted it to be a surprise for you" my mom chirped as she took out a pie from the oven "I'm going to go upstairs and get changed" I went upstairs to my room but before I opened the door I heard light mumbling as I pressed my ear by the door I slowly opened the door, my eyes widened as I saw Issac by my desk reading my poetry. I stared at him, admiring him as the sun's rays had shined on him, his face had matured a lot since the last time I saw him, he had become more muscular, his skin was slightly darker and his hair was more fluffy.

"How many colors does the rainbow, have, How many hours does daylight, bring, How many days will I go through, Tell me, baby, do you love me too?" Issac spoke reading my poetry so softly his tone was sweet, my bag slipped off my shoulder and landed on the ground making a loud noise, Issac jerked his head at me as he put my book down "What are you doing here?" I asked I closed my door, "Your work is excellent it's getting good although, it's sad" he said as he moved papers and books around. "Why didn't you say anything" I said as he glanced at me "Why didn't you talk to me or send me a message or anything" I said raising my voice, he sighed as he stared at me "I wasn't in touch with anyone from here because I was in a boarding school that didn't give me access to the outside world; Shiro was with me and had my back when I was in a rough time"

"So he replaced me?" "He didn't replace you," he said as he walked up to me "We became close and that's it, the only person I could talk to was my parents" I looked down not buying it "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything it's not like you were completely lonely, you have Emma, Iris and Maxine" "I just-" my word was cut off by Issac hugging me tightly, I hugged him back embracing him. He slightly let go as he still held me, he's eyes met mine as we stared at each other. We looked like a married couple holding each other like lovers, I felt my heart race faster and faster I could hear it in my ears.

I stared at his lips then at his eyes down back to his lips, I bet he could hear my heartbeat against his chest. I felt my head inching forward as Issac looked at my eyes rather than my lips, he tilted his head slightly as I held him tighter. "Austin, mom's calling!" Erica yelled as she opened the door, he released me as I let go of him "Okay, we'll be down in a sec" I said as she smiled with her missing teeth and ran downstairs. The atmosphere was awkward as Issac smiled at me and walked towards the door "I'll see you downstairs" he said as he walked out of the room closing the door and leaving me alone.

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