Chapter: Twenty

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Issac's POV

"I'm home!" I yelled causing an echo in my voice to be heard throughout the house, I didn't stay long at the front door I grabbed a glass of water and made my way upstairs to my room "Well well well look who we have here" "Santa?" I laughed seeing Yashiro's face turn sour. He was standing at the top of the stairs glaring at me "You think you're funny?" "Indeed I do, do you think being a comedian would suit me?" Yashiro's eyes were more narrow he's eyebrows frowned and his lips straight "There was no English test that counted eighty percent tomorrow" I gulped knowing that he would get angry, very angry "I didn't say anything about there being an English test tomorrow, but there is an English test that counts eighty percent of our grade at the end of the year" I smiled at him as I was now one step away from him.

I could see the veins popping out of his forehead it looked as if he would pop; his eyes were practically burning holes in mine with his death stare. "You have some nerve to" "Yashiro!" my eyes were fixed on him, not moving away at all "You should be careful of what you do and say who knows what might happen if the footage of this gets played to my parents or have your forgotten that I have cameras everywhere around the house" I smirked at him as sweat ran down his head.

He flicked his tongue at me, his hands were in a fist holding back every fiber of his being to not punch the shit out of me "Fuck you Issac Mellow" he said under his breath before pushing me out his the way and walking away. The impact was rough and hard; Yashiro was built bigger than me so anything he did physically was thirty percent more damage than my own, which is why I chose never to fight physically and to always make ways to avoid him. "Yashiro!" I called before he left the staircase "Is there anyone you like or are interested in? I don't care if you don't like that but is there anyone you do like?" Yashiro smiled his eyes went to the ground, the wall then finally to me "That's a stupid question, the only person who I like is you"

I stayed quiet as he stared at me smiling; I feared that I would be the answer, it was foolish of me to think that he liked anyone else "Why? Have I not been giving you enough attention?" he said as he took a step closer, a reflex I took a step upwards "No, I see enough of you already" "Really? I think that's an excuse" "Yashiro" "Issac".

We stared at each other nothing but pure hate exhaled from each other "You're pathetic" He said before walking away "So are you" I muttered as I walked to my room. Living with him is becoming harder than I thought back in Japan he was more controlled and behaved now he's out of hand. I took a seat on my bed placing my hand over my eyes and closing them to have a small break. I started dozing off a bit feeling myself more and more relaxed, and suddenly my phone rang.

I groaned as I picked up my phone not bothering to see who called me "Make it quick" I said into the speaker waiting for the other person to speak "Oh jeez how much time do I have?" my eyes widened at the voice that spoke to me "Austin?" I said looking at my phone to see it was him exactly who was calling me "Um yeah? who else would it be?" I smiled at hearing his voice "Are you home safe?" "Yes, I just came through the door, how about you?" "I'm home safe I just spoke to Yashiro" I could hear Austin sigh at the mention of his name "Ugh Yashiro, I don't understand how you can deal with him all the time" "I know am amazing" we laughed at that.

"Aren't you supposed to watch a movie with your sister?" "She fell asleep before I could even get to her so no" I nodded my head as if he could see me agreeing with him "Alright then" We stayed quiet we didn't speak, and not one of us knew what to say "Hey Issac?" "Yes?" "Are you okay with me dating Iris?" his voice was low I could hear the hesitation in his tone "Why ask such a question?" "Well-" he trailed off "It's just that when we spoke about it you looked kind of sad and upset about it so I wanted to know why" Damn, and here I thought I hid it well.

I sighed collecting my thoughts before speaking again "It's not that I'm not happy you're dating someone and that I'm jealous you have someone and I don't; I just have this feeling I need to protect you because well you are emotional and tend to put others before you so hearing you like someone and having them in your life I just hope you make the right decision in doing that and you're happy; congratulations by the way I didn't say it to you earlier"

Austin was quiet on the other line, not a word of him was said "Austin?" I asked wanting to know if he was still on the line "What? sorry, can you say that again?" I flicked my tongue at his response "Austin Carson!" I heard him chuckle from the other line getting a kick out of my reaction "That's it I'm hanging up" I said before pressing the button I heard Austin speak.

"No, wait! Sorry it's just payback for earlier" he laughed at his victory as I stayed quiet "Look, I appreciate your concern and I'm really glad to have you back in my life, and seeing you every day is literately my dream come true, but; I have grown up and you have to so you don't have to worry about me so much I can take care of myself and of course I have you"
a smile tugged at my lips "I'm happy you're happy for me and I'm sorry I should have told you sooner but life gets more complicated each day, I hope you find love too and get a crush on someone; you can't wait forever you know?" "Yeah, I know. Thank you" "For what?" "For proving me wrong about you knowing how love works" "What do you think?" "I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall when I talk to you. Sometimes" I smiled hearing the groan from Austin "Yeah Whatever"

"Anyway, I have to go do some things I'll text you when I'm done okay?" "Take your time Carson I'll always be here" "Awesome, bye talk to you soon" "Goodbye Carson" the beep from the phone indicated that our call was over, I felt my heart begin to sink as I placed my phone down. I turned to my side covering my eyes with my hands; my heart was beating so fast but it felt like it was breaking. Why? Why was I so heartbroken when he told me he was dating Iris? Why do I feel like this suddenly? Before I knew it I fell asleep.

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