Chapter Nineteen

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Austin's POV

"Man it's been years since I had Stardust's coffee, the taste hasn't changed one bit," Issac said as he took a small sip of his coffee savoring the taste in his mouth. "It's been a while since I came here so I thought bringing us out here, away from everyone would be a good idea" "And a good idea it is," Issac said as we both laughed at each other.

Stardust is a small café far from my farm, it's a little closer to the city; we would always come here to celebrate my soccer matches and just to relax when we were younger; the café looks different compared to when we were younger. The walls were face brick with white paint on the edges to give it color as well as an old radio that only worked on good days. Now everything was more modern and of course more expensive.

"I assume Yashiro isn't here or hasn't contacted you" Issac's lips curved into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow staring at me "Well I did trick him into staying up all night studying for a test that doesn't exist so he's all tired out; which means; I have all these free hours to myself and of course, I decided to spend it with you" I felt my cheeks heat up, a very light blush appeared on my face "What are you blushing for?" Issac said leaning in closer to my face "In your dreams I'd blush for you" I said placing my hand on his face and pushing him away, I felt the vibration of Issac's laugh against the palm of my hand "Fine whatever"

During the time we had with each other; no interruption, no one to come in between us; catching up and getting to know more about each other personally. "So who do you reckon we set Yashiro up with?" "I'm not entirely sure but we do need someone willing to get along with him and someone he won't get sick of easily" We sat and collected our thoughts before speaking again "Do you know anyone he's interested in like someone he's kissed before or has a general liking to" I watched as Issac's face turned a shade of pale upon me asking if Yashiro had kissed anyone before "No, I don't think he has; I don't know," he said before a taking a sip of his coffee.

I could tell that set off a nerve in him so I just kept my mouth shut "So about the field trip" Issac tried on "Are you going?" "Yeah, I mean it will be fun don't you think?" "I would think of better things to do but; if you're going I guess I should tag along as well" "Oh so you're saying you're going because I'm going ?" "Yes, I'm saying I'm coming to watch you make a fool out of yourself" I reached towards his nose and grabbed it, "You think you're funny don't you?" I said while pinching his nose close, I thought I would have him hit my hand away or use violence as a means to release me but instead, he just sat there unbothered "You're still so sensitive I see, always getting upset about little things" "Shut up" I released his nose.

"You have anyone in mind?" "Not that I can think of" I played with my napkin thinking of anyone I know who'd be interested in a prick like Yashiro "I'll ask the girls I know if they're interested in him so we'll at least have something to start with" "Sure and I'll do the same" We sat in silence for a few moments enjoying each other's company not saying a word to each other "So do you have anyone you're interested in?" Issac asked with his eyebrow raised very intrigued with my answer; I looked around the café avoiding eye contact feeling unnecessarily nervous and shy; I could feel my cheeks were bright pink by now "I do have someone I like" A smile appeared on Issac's face as he's eyes light up with excitement "And who is this lucky person?" I cleared my throat before speaking again. "Iris"

Issac was quiet for a second's smile faded and his eyes dropped, a few seconds later they finally came back to normal "You like Iris?" "I'm dating Iris" "Since when did you have a crush on her and how long have you been dating her?" Issac's voice cracked a little as he spoke as if he'd broken inside. I tried to keep my sentences short and simple "Ever since the beginning of the year when I started being involved in activities and it grew every day from there especially when you came back; after the party, I made up my mind I liked her and wanted to date her; she's sweet and makes me smile i-" I froze for a moment my eyes trialed back at Issac he's smile had faded completely he just stared a me "Just like her" it didn't take an idiot to tell in some way Issac was hurt by this conversation.

That's the second topic today he gets upset by. I stayed quiet waiting for a response from Issac before I would speak again "Well damn Carson I didn't know you liked Iris; how come you never told me" "Yashiro" "Oh right" we stayed silent again "Do you have anyone you like?" "No, I stopped believing in love and crushes I dedicated myself to work until I was satisfied with my achievements," Issac said not once looking at me; his eyes were fixed on something other than me "What about in the future?" "I don't know..." His eyes trailed downwards not making eye contact at all "Well whenever you have someone in mind talk to me okay I'd like to be the first person you go to when you need anything and when I say anything I mean anything" Issac let out a laugh before looking at me "Of course and same to you" "Of course"

It got dark and the café was near its closing time Issac and I finished our drinks and began walking to the bus stop; He offered to give me a ride home but I mainly preferred the bus since I'd been driving on it for years. "So what will you do when you get home?" I asked Issac as he looked straight ahead with his hands in his pocket "Get a death sentence from Yashiro for letting him study all night for a test that doesn't exist and after that, I think I will take a nap; how about you?" "I promised Erika I'd watch a movie with her and take her horse riding tomorrow so I have to prepare the horses then I'll get some well-deserved sleep" Issac smiled on hearing my schedule for the rest of the day.

"By the way, what test did Yashiro have to study so hard for he pulled an all-nighter " "Simple, English" I raised an eyebrow, "I thought you said he was good in English" "Basic English but he's kind of bad at tenses and when and where to put words" That makes much more sense "So are you good in Japanese?" "Yes" "Will you say something for me in Japanese?" "No" "Aww why not?" "Cause your bus is coming this way which means it's time to say goodbye" I looked in the distance to the bus I had always driven on coming near. Damn.

I sighed as I looked at Issac, he smiled at me as he opened his arms "Come on; give me a hug, or else you'll get depressed" I laughed at him before closing the gap between us and wrapping my arms around him, he returned the same warm embarrass. The bus came closer and we let go "Text me when you get home okay?" "I will and you too" he nodded his head at me before I walked into the bus and sat down waving to Issac who stood and waved back watching me leave. Everything that we talked about played in my head from me talking about Iris to him being defensive about having someone he likes. Maybe I was overthinking it but there is something that he's hiding and I wanna know what.

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