Chapter Thirty Five

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Austin's Pov:

I won't lie, I'm high as fuck right now and the situation got a little heated. "What's the matter, Hiro? sad we didn't invite you?" "I am" Yashrio made his way towards Issac and I "Don't tell me you let him get high" I glared at him trying my best to not burst out laughing, I couldn't keep a straight face "And so what; you're not his guardian" Yashrio didn't say anything instead he walked away following ahead of us "The fuck just happened?" "I'm too high for this"

No one seemed worried or bothered in the least Issac on the other hand was in awe he was staring up at the trees looking at how the light rays bounced off the leaves creating a memorizing path in front of us. "Are you alright?" I asked him he was started by the sudden hand on his shoulder "Sorry" I said "No don't be" "How do you feel?" "Like I'm seeing everything for the first time" Max wrapped his arm around his shoulder "That's the spirit let's enjoy this mother-fucking trip!"

We laughed still hiking for the longest time "Hey Issac" I tapped his shoulder he slightly jumped by the sudden interaction "It's time you put the glasses on we're almost at camp" Issac was very quiet the entire hike up unlike the others who I thought would get us caught "Oh" he slid the glasses on his face upside down his face was pinched from the foreign object on his face "Wait you put it on wrong" I slid the glasses off and right back on. He looked like a celebrity who was hiding from the paparazzi "Better, just try not to talk to any teachers or anyone for that matter" "Hey you guys still alright" Trevor came wrapping his arm around our necks "Man I miss my girlfriend she would be such a highlight to this, but you know not everyone can catch a hottie that's out of school hey?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance I didn't need to glance at Issac to see the death stare he was giving Trevor, I didn't think it would be my place to tell him what happened and why Issac was so mad at him. Not my place. "Get your arm off me," Issac said walking ahead of us "Jeez the fuck is his problem" I shook my head "He likes his space" "You're constantly with him why would he need space" "Issac and I are close I am his space" "Very homo Austin" I didn't say anything after that just a laugh brushing him off my shoulder, shit did I just blow everything up?

"Give him a break Austin and fuck off" Max came up to him pushing him off me "You never know when you step over the line" I closed my eyes stepping away from them arguing I couldn't handle it "Hey" I turned to see Iris next to me "Hey how are you feeling" "Baked" I laughed looking at her, her eyes were red and puffy "How are you feeling?" "So high" "Alright campers welcome to our new home for the next three days today we will be relaxing and exploring the environment all activities will take place tomorrow so please find your tent boys are separate from girls if I dare catch a girl in a boys tent you are leaving everyone understand good"

"Party tonight in the woods everybody whoop!" "Why do they party every chance they get can we not just relax" Issac said placing his hands on his head and falling back on the grass "Can't help them, that is how they cope" "With alcohol and marijuana?" "Yeah, bet they also going through their shit" "Aren't we all" Issac and I were resting on the grass as everyone picked their tent of 'mine's bigger' I brushed Isaacs's hair as it cascaded on his forehead he looked so at peace so pretty.

How could a boy be so pretty Issac is my best friend, I don't even know if I can still call him that "I want to kiss you right now" Isaacs's eyes shot up "Carson we can't" "I know" I said still running my hands through his hair "You're so pretty" I whispered loud enough for him to hear "Thank you" he whispered back, a smile tugged at my lips as I watched his chest rise and fall.

"Come on just a small one" "No Carson everyone is around us" I rolled my eyes at him I wouldn't lie and say the fact we couldn't be all lovey-dovey in public didn't bother me "You know I want to kiss you but-" "No, you don't have to explain yourself I know" We stayed on the grass for a while relaxing from the bus drive as well as the high coming down "How was it?" "How was what?" "You know being high for the first time" Issac rolled his eyes "It was odd I felt so hyper; confused everything felt like I hadn't seen it before my eyes got tired and my mouth felt like a desert" I chuckled at his response.

"That's a high for you there would be times when I don't think your brain would even work" "Why would you do that it felt nice for a while, but then the panic came in when I walked to the campsite, I felt like everyone had their eyes on me" "That's being paranoid you were fine no one suspects anything" "They better not"

He was the one to chuckle, the sun started going down the beautiful sunset was gliding on the lake in front of us. I leaned over to Issac who was seated up watching the gorgeous scene with me; he turned his head to me. His eyes trailing down to my lips it was almost impossible not to kiss him. I leaned in quickly placing a kiss on his lips; it took every fiber of my being to not hold that kiss and capture this moment. One day. "I told you not to kiss me outside everyone is watching" "Fuck everyone if I wanna kiss my boyfriend I'll kiss him" Issac placed his head back down on the grass as the sun was no longer in sight.

"Issac" "What Carson" I could feel my palms start to sweat I was nervous to ask him "Do you um-" I couldn't hold eye contact "Wanna go out with me I know I just called you my boyfriend and you didn't say anything so um-" I was sheepish I didn't know what to do except look at the sky, I could feel his eyes on me hoping he would answer me "Yes Carson I'll go out with you" I jumped up "Really after everything you know how I feel about Iris and still feel like shit and it will be hard at first, but are you okay with-" "Carson shut up" I did, "I said Yes I thought about all those things, so yes Carson I'll be your boyfriend" I couldn't be happier.

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