Chapter Twenty Two

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Issac's Pov

"Entry forty-eight. A reminder; I am an only child. I have no siblings and am close to any cousins, being an only child you have all the attention but; not me. I wake up at whatever time and sleep at whatever time my parents are aware of my well-being but just twenty percent. when Yashiro started living with us back in Tokyo he was like a little brother, I was older, taller, and smarter but over the two years he lived with us he started getting more aggressive and daring. he started talking back to teachers and giving almost no attention to things that amounted to something. my parents being the people that they are took him in as their son. My brother. and eventually, when we moved back he came with granted the certain amount of time he will be staying here this year, he will move back next year.

No amount of words can describe our relationship. Mine and Yashiro's. and I like to keep it that way, being in that boarding school with little to no communication with the outside world I learned that people change within seconds and don't stay the same, hard truths had to learn growing up there, away from my parents away from my home away from Austin. Austin was a pathetic kid with no mindset on his future, a running nose, and a thirst for fun, things I didn't admire when I was young, I disliked Austin. I truly found him annoying and a waste of time but; after being with him and his family I realized that the reason I disliked him as he had what I didn't. Carefree attitude, no stress or any of the hard work being loaded on him, he also has siblings which I lack, not knowing the care and compassion of loving someone of yourself more than yourself, a part of you that can't go away. I don't have that.

But all in all, I accepted everything, I accepted all my hardships and all the stress and hardships I had to face and regarded them as a learning process and here I am. The thing I am not proud of, there are things I did that I regret and those things stay to myself and the people who knew about them. those parts of me will be barred with the depths of my mind as they haunt me at night, not knowing how beautiful things can be if they are just too tired to be.

After last night's event, my perspective on the world had changed, family is just a word to call a group of people who have similar blood as you and share the same name. My mother, I hope she finds out soon and moves on, I truly love her dearly but I cannot tell her, I will not be the person who breaks the family. well, at least not now- "Issac come down for breakfast!"

My train of thought had stopped ruining the moment I heard my mother call me "Be there in a sec" I yelled back at her, but she didn't reply instead she walked away. I ended my journal log with that thought. I closed the mahogany-colored book and set aside the ballot pen I used. Not a wink of sleep and I already feel tired, no benefit will come out of me if I call in sick this day just has to go very quickly.

I dressed in my uniform neat and clean, washed and ready making sure to splash my face with cold water to wake me up. I walked downstairs seeing everyone at the kitchen table eating eggs, bacon, waffles, and strawberries with coffee and orange juice. "Morning Issac, have a good sleep?" Yashiro asked as he smiled at me, that smile hid many things but because of my tired stress, I took no notice of it "I slept well thank you" "That's good to hear" I took a seat at the table glaring at the food, my stomach could not digest food and I wasn't hungry.

"What's the matter son, Are you on a diet or something?" my father said as he tabbed on his iPad. Every fiber of my being wanted me to go off on him and tell Mom what he did but, then again I didn't want to "No, I guess all that studying must have taken away my apatite" I said as I packed my food into a lunch box and placed it into a paper bag "Oh please don't tell me you're still researching being both a priest and businessman"

I felt my veins throb "I am going to become a priest whether you like it or not" "Why? you know you can't balance that work-life out you do understand the morals of a businessman and priest are far apart" "Which is why I will be greater than all stereotypes and of anything you mention" my father chuckled as he glared at me "Not to mention the kids call you to church boy. How pathetic" "Richard!" my mother scoffed "What? don't tell me you didn't know that's what the kids at school say" "Actually they rarely call him that but, it's what the kids who knew him before he left call him" "See even Yashiro agrees" Of fucking course Yashiro takes my father's side

"Father read my lips," I said while opening my mouth wide and articulating each word "I don't care what you think I will live my life how I want" Father clicked his tongue at me and frowned he's eyebrows "You think I'd give over the company to you with that attitude; come back to me when you grow some fucking balls and learn a thing or two about business and respecting your father" my blood was boiling my veins were on the verge of popping "I'll never respect you" I muttered to myself loud enough for my myself to hear.

I sighed before grabbing my bag and walking to my mother "Have a good day I'll see you after school" I said to her kissing her on the cheek before walking out the door. I walked over to the driver that takes Yashiro and me to school he always waits for us to come out of the house "Good morning Desmond" I greeted as he opened the door for me to enter "Good morning Mr. Mellow" I sat down and placed my hands on my face and sighed taking in everything that happened "Schools gonna suck"

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