Chapter Sixteen

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Austin's POV

"I am so sorry" "Please forgive me" "I acted like an ass" "It will never happen again" "I am sincerely sorry for what I did" "I'm sorry" I sighed slumping down on the chair that I had desperately wanted to sit on after a long day of apologizing to everyone at the party "Good job Austin, you have successfully apologized to everyone at the party before the end of the school day" I let out a heavy sigh feeling a huge weight lift from my shoulders.

"I'm sorry–I mean thank you but, there is still one person I haven't apologized to yet" Max let out a laugh as he patted my back "Don't worry about it, at least everyone forgave you and some people didn't even care" I rubbed my chin thinking back at everyone's responses to my apologies. Sure Most of everyone just said it was fine or understood Yashiro is a jerk since he made that very clear to most people and some people just plain out were confused at why I was even sorry; but at least I made peace with everyone. All but one Iris

I've been all over the school apologizing to everyone at the party yet I couldn't seem to find Iris, I had thought she would have been with Emma but, not even Emma had seen her today. I couldn't help but think that she was perhaps avoiding me or at least trying to. I mean, we did kiss at the party and I enjoyed it; it made my heart flutter but, with how I acted I feel like I scared her away and probably ruined what we had. Ugh, I'm such an idiot.

My thoughts were cut off by the sudden ring of the bell and the teacher entering the classroom "Alright guys since this is the last period of the day I'd like to remind everyone that our school field trip is going to take place next week for that whole week, I'm going to give your information sheet that needs to be filled out as well as a permission slip your parents need to fill out"

I glanced over at Max as Miss Howard was going on about the trip, it had slipped my mind that we were going on our last field trip since, this is our last year "Please mark your information sheets correctly, if you miss out on important information then you'll have to face the consequences of knowing that if you're in a situation where you need medical aid, we can't help you without this information" In other words leaves us to die, technically but, that wouldn't happen they would just take us to the hospital if anything were to happen. "Right, I'm going to read out your partner for this field trip. Do not lose your partner" Max and I have always been partners when it came to these things so I wasn't too worried about anything in particular. "Austin Carson, you're with Hayden Hill"

Oh, well that was a surprise. I glanced over at Hayden to see him look at me, he sat behind me next to the window; the sun's rays had gently lied on his hair as he had his head on his arms laying on them as to sleep yet he's head was lifted so he was fully aware of his surroundings. His hair was glistening in the sun as his skin had lit up making his eyes sparkle with the sun's kiss. He smiled at me sweetly before standing up and walking over to Miss Howard to hand out the sheets.

Hayden Hill is Also known as the Class President or the Class Prince. Hayden wasn't a bad guy in fact, I don't think he even has a bad bone in his entire body. Hayden is a pretty boy, with beautiful emerald eyes's hair fell almost over his eyes which was a caramel shade matching his beguiling Ivory skin. He looked close to perfection. Max gave me a glance giving me a very confused look as to why we weren't partners, I shrugged my shoulders not knowing the full reason as to why we weren't partners. In all honesty, it didn't bother me, Hayden and I had a very platonic friendship.

Not long after the bell rang signaling it was the end of the day and time for us to head home, I stood up and grabbed my back slumping it over my shoulder. To my surprise yet again Hayden had come up to me, Hayden was an inch or two taller than me so I had lifted my chin ever so slightly to look at him dead in the eyes. "I guess we're partners" he spoke, his voice wasn't as deep; he had this angelic tone in his voice that made him speak symphonies to the ear "I guess we are" I replied smiling back at him.

Something was reassuring about Hayden, maybe it was his way with words but, whenever he spoke it calmed the souls and rested your mind which is no wonder he's on the First Aid team. I felt Max's hand on my shoulder, I turned my head around to him as he smiled at me "Ready to go?" I shook my head as he retreated his hand "Sorry, I have something I got to take care of first" Max nodded his head understanding that I had some things to take care of which are deemed private so he wouldn't exactly pry unless needed.

"Alright," he said as we fist-pumped before I took off. I currently had one goal Find Iris The only place I could think of was her house, I had already asked Emma for her address so I took a bus to where her neighborhood was and right now I was walking down her street. Ever since our kiss and the way I get butterflies whenever I'm near her or whenever we're together, I couldn't help but question if I liked her. The way we are is great but, the more I think about us in a relationship the more excited I get the more thrilled I become.

I guess I do like her, I've known her for so long I just wish I would have found out earlier, well then again I was dealing with Issac and Yashiro so I couldn't exactly do much in terms of thinking about how I feel about other people. I sighed thinking about how this conversation would play, what if she hated me? What if I did something I can't remember?

No. None of that had happened, maybe she was just sick and couldn't come to school. Yeah, we'll go with that. I gulped when I reached her house and pressed the doorbell, my palms were somewhat sweaty as I waited in anticipation for the door to open. Not a minute longer the door had swung open to reveal a very short and small-looking Iris. It was Mae her little sister; I was very familiar with Mae, although she was only twelve years of age she was very familiar with me too since Iris would bring her along to school festivities. "Hi Mae, is your sister home?" I smiled at her as I bent down placing both my hands on my knees giving her a closed eye smile. "Iris, your boyfriend is here!"

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