Chapter Two

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Austin's POV

A few years after: "Time for public humiliation" "I hate spelling tests early in the morning" Max said to me, Max has always been my best friend at school. We'd become close friends at the start of elementary school and haven't left each other's side yet. We plan on going to the same high school next year. "Oh, come on it's not that bad" "Easy for you to say, your brain doesn't turn on after lunch like mine" "You only respond to food" "Shut up.."

Max doesn't exactly eat in the morning. His mom has two jobs and doesn't have much time for her children. You see Max is the eldest and he has one younger brother and two twin sisters along with a baby brother. It's pretty hectic. "I guess we're up next," I said patting Max on the shoulder lightly reassuring him that he'll do fine. "You got this" he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye. I smiled at him and he smiled back, nothing could break our brotherly bond.

He walked up to the front of the class as the rest of us who hadn't gone had to wait outside the class and stood there. If you got the answer right you could take your seat and sit down but, if you answered incorrectly then you'd have to try again once everyone has had a chance. We called this. Public Humiliation. "Maxine would you please spell 'Oxymoron' for me please" He stood there in front of the class, I could tell his hands were sweating a bit and his breath was quicker in breathing, his heart rate flew sky-high and his body began to shake. He's nervous.

He glanced at me for a second and I nodded my head and showed a thumbs up, supporting him with everything I had, I couldn't be by his side physically but, I could emotionally. "Yes, ma'am. Oxymoron, O-X-Y-M-O-R-O-N Oxymoron" There was a pause the suspense killing "Good Job Maxine" Max sighed a huge sigh of relief as he grabbed his bag and sat down. I was cheering him on all the way. I was second to Max so, he would be first and I would be second on the class list. "Austin you're up"

Mrs. Penny called as I walked up to the front of the class. Max was showing me thumbs up as he sat in his seat all giddy. I was more than ready for this, I knew today's words she was going to ask. "Austin please spell Apo- oh hi you must be the new student we have" I waited patiently for my word and she just left me hanging. I turned my head to see who disturbed me from sitting at my seat and my eyes widened to the size of bowling balls. My heart stopped and my jaw fell, my breath vanished and my mind had completely gone blank. Issac freaking Mellow was standing right outside my classroom... "Children, this is Issac Mellow he moved schools today and will be joining us on your final year here, is not that awesome"

No, no it is not. "Issac, would you please introduce yourself?" "Ma'am we still have the spelling test to do on everyone so we all may enter" Max held his hand up to ask a question and repeated his statement to our teacher. Thanks, Max, I owe you. "Oh dear yes, sorry Austin" I waved her off and told her not to worry "Issac if you want a seat today in our classroom you'll have to earn it by completing a spelling test in which I ask you a word to spell and you spell it correctly"

I turned to Issac to see him smiling as if nothing were wrong, he stood there up straight and proper nodding his head to the teacher. Nice good boy act. "Austin, would you like to demonstrate how it's done?" No. "You are already here" No miss you're just seeing things, where had your glasses gone, I think you lost them. I turned to Max who was making cooling down hand motions to try and 'relax me' or his being an idiot. I glanced at Issac who was smirking at me.

Why is he even here? Shouldn't he be at his private school or something? "Well Austin, please spell 'accommodation'" Really? She gives me the difficult word now. I took a deep breath thinking of how to spell this word. I knew how to spell it but, why did I feel like I didn't? Is it because everyone is staring at me? No, I was fine when they did that. Could Issac be making me feel this way? "Austin?" "Oh sorry ma'am. A-Accommodation, A-C-C-O.. Uh.

Two's or one? "A-C-C-O-M-O-D-T-I-O-N, Accommodation" "What's wrong Austin, please stand over there" My heart sank, I couldn't believe I not only didn't know how to spell accommodation, but I was embarrassed myself in front of my whole class and proved to Issac I couldn't spell. Good job me. I didn't even bother looking at Max, I kept my face in my hand just staring at the floor. "Can anyone else tell me how to spell accommodation?" "Accommodation, A-C-C-O-M-M-O-D-A-T-I-O-N. Accommodation is a room, group of rooms, or a building where people may stay and live in"

"That's correct Issac good job, you may take any seat except the one that's already owned" I can not believe he just got away with my word and still had the definition added to it. I watched as he sat down near the window seat and stared dead at me. I frowned my eyebrows and bit my lip, he was seriously causing me trouble. After the whole spelling test was finished I finally was able to go sit down after spelling 'leukemia' I have no clue what that is but, I'm just glad I spelled it right. "Hey Austin, what's up with you and the new kid?"

I rolled my eyes "That's Issac Mellow, his family and mine own the farm I live on" "You're telling me that's the Issac Mellow?" "Unfortunately" "What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be at a private school?" "That's what I'm going to find out" I sat there staring at him while Mrs Penny set up the lesson, I watched as he sat there all innocently. Before I knew it he turned in my direction and winked at me. Show off.

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