chapter Thirty Four

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Austin's POV

"Alright guys as you know this is your end-of-the-year trip before exams, we're giving you some time to blow off steam and to get all your party out before things get serious. I hope you all remember the rules of this trip and for the love of the green grass on earth stay with your partner we paired you with, this trip is about living outdoors and will consist of many trips to and back to the woods and the neighboring villages now; with that said let's have a good trip"

Cheers were heard from all over the buss even the bus driver raised his hand in a fist, I doubt he is getting paid enough for this shit. "Austin" I rubbed my tired eyes "What's up?" I turned my head to Hayden "When we reach the campsite do you want to switch with Issac perhaps?" A sudden surge of energy ran through my body. "Why would you offer that?" Hayden looked startled by my response "Well you guys are so close I would think you'd be more comfortable sharing a tent with him" Ever since everything happened with Iris and Issac my nerves have been through the roof; not knowing when the big secret would come out since more people know about us now.

"I'm comfortable sharing a tent with you Hayden, it would get us in trouble if we were to share tents" "Are you sure?" Hayden said turning his head back to look at Issac "He looks like he's about to kill Trevor" I glanced back as well to see Issac giving him a death stare "That's just his love language" "Bastard is not a love Language Austin" I glanced over to Max who sat a seat ahead of us on the opposite side of the bus he was partnered with Eric. Luckily he hasn't been bothering us like he did before I assume he had smaller fry to pester. "Alright first thing first we're going to be hiking up the mountain to get to the campsite; when we get there we will set up and you may rest and explore the area for the time being"

We were permitted to pack one top bag and our normal bag on this trip since carrying too much would lead to our items being lost; the girls struggled with this rule. "Hey" Issac came up to me a smile crept up on my lips "Hi" he smiled back "Hi there guys were you going to walk without us?" Max said placing his hand around Issac's neck "They were going to go off and smoke without us" Trevor joined in "Excuse me?"

"We're going to smoke a joint before we start this hike I can't walk so far without tripping the fuck out" I glanced to see Issac staring at Trevor in disbelief, it wasn't a secret that Trevor was the party animal of the group he drank and smoked more than any of us did "Are you suggesting we do drugs on a school trip?" Issac asked creating laughter from everyone "No Issac I'm going to feed it to the tress give nature back to its baby" Trevor moved towards Issac hitting him over the head "Loosen up Mellow you can't tell me living with someone like Yashiro did not make you loosen up"

I took a step forward ready to break this up from the veins sticking out of his forehead, Issac wouldn't take more of Tevor's bullshit; before I could Max stopped me grabbing my forearm and shaking his head "We're waiting on the girls to get here so we can start then we'll walk behind everyone" it didn't take long before their bus stopped behind ours. "Alright now that everyone is here we can begin our hike, remember please stay with your partner" It didn't take long for us to stray from the line of students that may or may not die from this trip, from our distance other students looked like ants. Trevor was the first one to light the joint the smell of weed coated our clothes and hair as well as the air hence why we strayed "Next?" Trevor coughed out.

Issac looked as if he were about to throw up, I didn't want him to be in this situation where he might be peer pressured to smoke weed but, at the same time, I didn't want him to say he never got the chance to try it or live life and when calmed down this stuff is relaxing. Iris took it holding it up to her pink lips inhaling it, the circle kept going Hayden, myself, Emma, Max then Issac.

"Don't be a pussy Issac there's barely any left just smoke the thing" I looked at Issac shaking my head if he didn't want to do it he shouldn't, but the hate he had for Trevor right now the confusion was almost like an animal instinct without a thought he took it and inhaled it. Long. "Okay Issac," I said taking it out of his hand, I handed it back to Max who disposed of it on the ground making sure to kill the flame.

We were coughing before spraying men's deodorant on ourselves and chewing mints before following behind the group "You alright? You didn't have to do it if you didn't want to" Issac continued to cough before shaking his head "No, I'm alright how long does it take to kick in" "Not long, and here" I gave him sunglasses to hide the red eyes "You'll need this" "Why?" "Trust me" I was positive I'd be fine without them but, my main concern was him

"How are you feeling with Trevor" "He's the same level as Yashiro so I'm not a fan of him, never was" The rest of them were laughing and started to trip out "Whoa sorry" Iris grabbed onto me tripping over her own two feet "No worries" I smiled she smiled as well it might be the weed talking but, she looked so beautiful out of her uniform and into outdoor clothes the; my heart felt warm seeing her.

A couple of new footsteps were heard behind us "Well well look who this is" Turning around everyone had wide eyes on Yashrio holding the stud of the joint already finished "Looks like I found myself a couple of stoners" my heart started to beat faster this bastard wouldn't tell on us would he? "Carson" I turned my head towards Issac who stopped in his tracks "I'm starting to feel it now" Fuck.

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