Chapter Forty Nine

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Issac's pov:

I tried once more to pry open my door, but it wouldn't budge; they locked it shut. There was no doubt that Austin would come to my rescue, but I didn't want him to. I have been dragged too far into this, and my parents were never on my side to fight. I don't know what to do. The door opened, and I could only hear faint voices loud enough to echo into my room. It was his parents. But where is he? No. He shouldn't be here, but yet all I want is for him to be here with me. Damnit, what do I do?

A faint knocking was heard on my window, to my shock when I turned around to see Austin holding to the frame. "Austin!" running to the window, I pulled it open, allowing him to fall inside. "What the hell do you think you're doing, clinging through my window?" "Pretty romantic, isn't it?" he jokily said as I helped him up. "You lucky, I couldn't find a rock to break the window to get your attention." "That would sound the alarm, and everyone would know you're here." "Well, it's a good thing my sight isn't as bad as yours," he laughed, wiping himself off. I couldn't hold back the desperation to hold him; my emotions were scattered everywhere.

"What is the matter? I said, "I came to see you. Aren't you happy to see me?" I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around him; he returned the embrace. "Austin, I don't know what my parents will do." " Shh, It will all be okay; nothing bad will happen; we will work through it." I felt his hand run through my hair so easily as his hand circled my back. "I love you, Issac. I won't let them get in the way of that." I was holding back most of my tears. "What did your parents say?" "They said they are half okay with it, but what Yashrio did they see as a crime and would press charges" charges?" "I don't think there is a law for someone coming out." "Invasion of privacy"

We stayed like this for a few minutes in silence; we didn't need to say it. We thought that this might be the last time we saw each other, held each other, and talked face-to-face, but in the moment, it didn't matter. "We were you under the wrong stars?" I whispered, and I could feel his chest rise and fall. "We are not," he said, pulling away to look at my teary eyes. "If I leave, will you forget me?" I whispered. Austin placed his head on my heart. "Your password is my heart." His lips met mine so easily, I would break if he touched me. His hand was placed on my cheek, caressing me. "We need to go downstairs." I broke away, "Or we could stay here and pretend they aren't" there." "Austin, your parents will go looking for you" "Max will cover for" me." "No."

After ten minutes of convincing Austin to go downstairs not before I took the spare key I hid to open the door and confronted everyone. "Mother, Father," everyone jerked their heads at us; "What is that farm boy doing here? How dare you break in?" "I let him in, Father; this is a conversation about us, so let us be in the conversation." "This is an adult conversation; this does not concern children." "But we are finished with school and growing our lives, and we decided to do it together," Austin said, grabbing my hand. "That doesn't mean anything; finishing school has nothing to do with adulthood. You boys don't know a thing about life."

I glanced at him; my heart felt full, and my chest was filled with admiration for him for standing up for both of us. "You have no life experience" I looked at his parents; they looked as angry as we were, but I couldn't imagine their disapproval. I scanned the room twice, looking for Yashrio, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Excuse me if I may say a word." Austin's father stood up, raising his hand in the matter. "My son was violated and exposed; no thanks to your other son, so explain to me why the root of the problem is not here." "For the last time, Richard, he is not here; for his safety, I sent him somewhere so he could pack and get ready to leave."

"Bullshit, he is hiding in his room, unbothered to even show his face. Face" "We just want to be on terms where we can settle this and move on," his mother said. She isn't even aware of what is going on yet. "We want the video removed from the internet, and if it ever gets posted, it should be removed" "I have sent someone to track whoever it was and take it down." "Are you certain it wasn't Yashrio?" Austin spoke, taking a step closer in the room. "Hold your tongue, young boy." I squeezed his hand. I would let him run his mouth, but this situation was beyond us.

"If it were him, my people would sniff him out. Now, as we have seen, our son's  are in a forbidden relationship, and this needs to come to an end." I squeezed his hand again. Again. "Let them talk," I whispered. "Next year, Issac will be going to Harvard University; he won't be visiting, nor will he be attending visits; he is staying on campus. Everyone is already up to speed with this, so there is no say in the matter." My father stared daggers at me; I couldn't say anything about it. "I would like it if they refrain from contact until this is forgotten and over." "But that could take years; our business grew so close, and our company is well-established." "My company and, as far as I am aware, our contract is coming to an end." Austin's hand began to squeeze mine after my father cut his mother off. "That is unfair. We didn't ask for this. How can you do this?" "You boys have too much freedom to rope in these foolish things. For the sake of my family, I humbly ask that our sons no longer carry this foolish freedom."

"Fine, for the sake of everyone's and Issac's future, they will spend time apart." I watched the shock on Austin's face turn to a look of defeat  when his father agreed.

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