Chapter Four

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Austin's POV

"There's nothing I love more than a good run in the morning," said no one, I was running as if there was an old lady after me waving her red leather purse around yelling to me about how I disrespected her grandson. "PICK UP YOUR FEET CARSON!" Mr. Botch our gym teacher was someone who just come back from the military and no, he didn't run to kiss his wife who waited for him for five years, and hugged his son telling him 'I'm home champ' No. His wife filed a divorce while he was gone and waited for him to sign it and as for children? Oh, he had, just not with his wife.

Panting like an absolute animal I came to a stop bending my back and holding my knees to catch my breath. I wasn't a bad runner I mean, this was my eighteenth lap and we were supposed to do laps until we passed out, which is what Mr. Botch said. "Tired already?" I turned my head towards the oh-so-familiar voice. "Go away Issac," I said to him as I started jogging ignoring the presence of the person next to me. "What lap are you on?" I ignored him again, trying to concentrate on moving my burning legs, do I have legs? It doesn't feel like it. "Well since you won't say, I'm on my twentieth lap"

"You're on your what now?" Issac began laughing as he sped up and started running faster, I sprinted up to him going slightly ahead of him. I heard him let out a small laugh as he ran up ahead of me. "Is that all you got Carson?" He yelled as he looked back at me smirking. He's going to die. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me although; the pain and burn in my legs made it feel like they didn't exist anymore but, that didn't matter all I cared about was beating Issac. I managed to run past him turning back and yelling. "Eat my dust!"

His smirk hadn't gone away he kept his eyes fixed on me. I could feel my heart beating more and more out of my chest. I couldn't tell if Issac looking at me like that made my heart beat faster or the fact that I was probably going to pass out. "ONE LAST LAP!" yelled Mr. Botch as both Issac and I ran over the finishing line. I stopped to catch my breath as Issac stood next to me. "One last lap?"

Everyone had already stopped after running a whole full lap as I nodded my head getting into a running position. The sweat dripped clean off my face as I waited for someone to yell- "Go!" Some random kid yelled and off we went. This was a sprint, I wanted a sprint, I wanted to be fast I wanted to beat him. I was already far ahead of him as he tried to keep up. I could smell victory, it smelled of sweat! Oh wait that's just me...

I saw the finish line as I heard footsteps really fast footsteps coming closer. My heart rate increased while my entire body was drenched in sweat. I could hear the rest of the class cheering us on, some were chanting my name and the rest were chanting Isaac's, I'd be lying if I told you who had the most cheers. At this moment I couldn't hear them, I could barely hear anything all I heard was my breath as I came closer and closer to the finish line. So close just a few more steps but, I stepped wrong my foot got caught on a small rock... or I had put too much power in my leg and it couldn't handle it and gave up or I tripped over my own two feet... I tripped over my own two feet.

I fell. My knee came down first scraping it against the pavement track, then came my arm specifically my elbow sliding to the side as my hands were pushed to the ground to stop myself from falling further and causing more harm to myself. My body crashed down as I turned myself over to lay on my back. I looked at my knee and saw it was covered with crimson, the sweet color of blood. My arm had the same red color on it. Alright, it's not that bad I get hurt all the time I just don't bleed to death. "Hey, you alright?" Issac said as he extended his hand out to me he wanted me to grab it but, we were still racing. I want a winner in this race, I don't think I can run with this injury.

"Come on, I'll take you to the nurse's office" "No!" I yelled alerting anyone near us to stop in their tracks, he came to me bending down to pick me up. I lift my right hand and push him away from me. "Finish the race!" I put my arm over my eyes so I couldn't see him, I didn't want to see him. "Austin, stop being dumb just let me-" "Run Issac, just run!" I held my bleeding knee, the pain seeped in it felt as if I had just put my knee on a fresh hot bowl of fire. I heard him start running, from slow and small footsteps to a full sprint. He won. After the crowd of students were done congratulating him on winning the race he immediately ran back to me. "Geez Austin what did you do, try and dive into the invisible ocean?"

I laughed at his petty remark, he helped me up and I wrapped my arm around his neck for support as he held me by my waist. I started hopping away with him. Issac came running back but, came to a stop as he saw me getting taken away with Max. He sure didn't have a happy face about that. "Congrats, you won" I waved at him as he stood by the rest of the class as our gym teacher yelled at everyone to get changed and shower. "I'm serious Austin did you see a pool or something cause your leg looks kind of bad" "I just tripped" "Did you trip into the invisible ocean?" "Shut up"

It was a silent and slow walk and hop to the nurse's office, we talked about why me and Issac raced and how many laps he did. He only did eleven. "Excuse me, Miss Daisy?" Max said as he knocked on the door as our nurse opened up. "Oh my, set him down on the bed I'll seek towards his injury right away" I'm pretty sure she's a robot. Max waved goodbye to me as he ran to get changed and probably shower. "Where did you get hurt so badly?" "I tried"

"On a stone?" "No, over my own two feet. I'm so dumb" She just smiled and cleaned my wound gently as she bandaged it up neatly like a professional, soon after Issac came knocking on the door. Of course, he'd be here all dressed and holding my sports bag, it's not like he had other things to do like go back to class. "Do you need any assistance?" She turned to him but he just shook his head. "I'm here for him" My face grew warm as those words left his mouth so easily not having one bit of shame towards saying that so casually. "He's almost done, he just fell over his own two feet" See. She's a robot. "I'm so dumb"

He smiled at me as he walked towards me. The nurse took care of both my knee and elbow. "Alright, you're all fixed up I don't want to see you in my office ever again" I nodded my head and turned to my bag so I could get out of her office, but Issac had other plans. He pulled the curtain off the bed so no one could see us two. He stood very close to me practically breathing on my nose. "Should I undress you?" I could feel my face burning with embarrassment, the look on his face was worse. He wore that smirk so well. "I-I'm not changing in front of you!"

"Well you can't walk around like that" "I'm going home!" He fell silent upon hearing that, his smirk dropped as if he was disappointed. "Fine" He dropped my school bag and angrily walked out of the office, coincidentally Max returned to the nurse's office getting in Isaac's way. His face looked confused as Issac practically pushed past him without even saying 'excuse me'. "What's up with him?" I shrugged my shoulders, as Max stood in front of me opened the curtains, and helped me off the bed.

"Want me to carry you?" "I'm good" I assured him. I wrapped my arm around his neck and he held me for support as we walked outside the school gate. "Get home safe" "I'll try" He set me down on the ground as I waited for my dad to pick me up. Max ran back inside to get to class as the bell rang a few minutes ago, I didn't even notice. I kept thinking about how Issac reacted towards me when I told him I didn't want to change my clothes in front of him... Was I being too harsh?

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