Chapter Eighteen

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Issac's POV

"That concludes our meeting, is there anything anyone else would like to add?" silence engulfed the room as no one opened their mouths to speak "Alright then you're all free to go" I sighed as I stood up from my seat, I had a throbbing headache since this morning and it hasn't gotten better not even after I took painkillers.

"Hey Issac, you doing alright?" I placed my hand on my forehead feeling if I had a fever or not "Yeah why?" I said trying to drown out any other noise that was being made around me "You've been standing there for a whole ten minutes, I need to lock the room and leave" I opened my eyes to see the time was late already "Oh wow it's that late, sorry for making you wait I've just got a bad headache" "Have you taken a painkiller?" "Any more and I'd probably pass out from them or get high" he chuckled at my response as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I've got something you can take for the pain, it's in my car so you're going to have to follow me" I nodded my head as I walked after Hayden, Hayden and I were both part of the student council frankly I was his right-hand man since he'd be so busy with being class president of all he's classes I'd take up some of his responsibilities as head student council.

"It's strange to see you without Yashiro, did he leave without you?" I nodded my head as we walked the empty halls of the school hearing nothing but the clicking of our shoes "Yes, he had some business to take care of so he left" Hayden nodded he's head understandingly "How long have you known him?" "Quite some time" We were quiet when talking to one another barely above a whisper we spoke, we both knew the responsibilities we had and how hard they were.

I was somewhat close to Hayden, he seemed to understand the difficulty of responsibilities, corrections, and perfection he knew what it felt like to always be number one in your family and school and to always have that weight on your shoulders, we understood each other in that sense.

"Here we are," he said clicking the keys of his car making the door now open and available for anyone to open, he placed the bags he had into his car and searched for something in his very neat and organized car "Here they are, take one now and one when you get home before you nap, these pills will make you sleepy" I smiled at the white pills I had in my hand, grateful I had at least some sort of coping mechanism for this unruly headache.

"Thank you, I appreciate the help" he smiled sincerely at me "No problem want a lift home?" I shook my head "I'm going to see if Austin is still here and perhaps hang out with him" "Ah I see" Hayden said before shutting his car door and starting it up. "Well I'll see you tomorrow," he said before he raised his hand and formed a fist "See you," I said before we felt pumped and he drove off out of sight. I walked along the field of our school in hopes I'd find Austin playing soccer and I was lucky to spot him doing laps around the field.

His head was down as he jogged in my direction "Hi Carson" I said once he was close enough to me, sweat was dripping down his face and on his clothes, he was drenched "I-Issac what are you doing here?" he said as he slowed down and began walking with me, I changed direction and walked backward so he wouldn't have to run back just for me "Well I finished my council meeting early and was hoping I'd catch you here" "You were looking for me? How sweet" "Oh please don't flatter yourself I was walking with Hayden" We both laughed at our remarks feeling the sunshine on us as it grew later and later during the day.

"When are you done with your run?" he huffed before he spoke inhaling as much oxygen as he possibly could before speaking again "Anytime, practice is done and this is my twenty-second lap so I can stop whenever" I nodded my head understanding he was pushing himself at this point, seeing him work hard had motivated me to work hard as well, even if he doesn't know it he's excellent motivation and inspiration to anyone.

"One more lap then we'll han–" "I got you" I grabbed onto Austin as his foot tripped and he leaned too far back, I used all my strength to pull Austin forward from his current unbalanced position but my strength was too much, I had pulled him too hard and he came forward too fast and had slipped and tumbled on me. We stayed on the ground for a few seconds before Austin realized he was now lying on top of me crushing me "S-sorry I didn't mean to" "It's okay" his face was close to mine his eyes stared at mine as his lips were parted slightly I could feel his hot breath brush against my lips, he had a very obvious red blush that formed on his cheeks and nose I'm pretty sure I had looked exactly as he did.

"I'll get up now– Agg!" Austin had tried to get up but as he moved his foot it slipped causing him to fall back down, his leg rested between mine moving every time he tried to move and get up and failed "Agh" I groaned slightly as he's movements became more harsh and rough, he moved upwards moving he's knee right against my di– "Carson please stop for five minutes" I said as he obeyed, he's faced was inches away from mine it felt as though I was melting into he's gaze "Calm down and try to get up" I said taking my hand and caressing the side of his cheek "Or else we'll be stuck like this" he didn't say anything he gulped loudly before taking a deep breath and got himself up.

He extended his hand for me to grab, and without hesitation, I took his hand and he pulled me up "That was fun" Austin said smiling at me "For who?" I asked before letting a laugh escape my lips. I stared at him as he got back to running and I followed behind, taking my own time walking along the path he had stepped on, I enjoyed the view watching Austin run and pant like an absolute dog, I'll just wait till he finishes his run to talk.

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